Biography of Lieut-Col. James Moffat

Last Updated on August 7, 2012 by

James Moffat, Lieutenant Colonel and Brigade Major No. 1 Military District, Ontario, dates his birth at Lanark, Scotland, December 16, 1820, his parents being James and Rachel (Harrower) Moffat. He received a fair business education, farmed in his early youth, learned a trade, and, in 1841, immigrated to the New World, working at his trade nearly two years, in New York City, and a short time in Lockport, same State. In 1844, he found his way into Canada, tarrying a little time in Toronto, and, in 1845, settling in London, which has been his home since that date.

He early had a taste for military matters, and, after being in London a few years, went to Montreal, and received instruction in military drill, in connection with the 47th regiment. In 1856 he raised a Highland Company, which he took great pride in drilling; in 1862 was appointed Brigade Major, and, in 1872, was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel, which offices he still holds, being engaged, as already intimated, in superintending and inspecting the military in the first district.

Colonel Moffat was a member of the Town Council of London at an early day, and was Mayor in 1860, when the Prince of Wales visited Canada; the Colonel having the honor of presenting His Royal Highness with the address on that memorable occasion.

Colonel Moffat is much interested in educational matters, was in the Board of School Trustees, years ago, and is now Chairman of that Board. In many ways he has made, and is making, himself an eminently useful citizen. He is a director of the Agricultural Savings and Loan Society, and has always taken much interest in the progress of London. The Colonel has taken the 32nd degree in Masonry, and has held many offices in the gift of the Order, and is at present Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada; has always been a Liberal, but for many years has taken no active part in politics, his military duties absorbing all his time and attention.

In 1843, the Colonel married, in New York, Miss Susannah Cox, a native of England; they have six children living, and lost two.



Ontario Canada,

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