Biography of Henry W. Day, M.D.

Henry Wright Day, son of Calvin W. Day, a farmer, and Elizabeth Wright, his wife, was born in the township and near the city of Kingston, Ontario, September 6,1831. His ancestors were United Empire Loyalists, his great-grandfather, Barnabas Day, once living on the present site of the city of New York. Near the close of the American revolution, this ancestor came to Upper Canada, selected Government lands four miles west of the present site of Kingston, on the Lake shore; then returned to New York State and brought his family in a canoe from Sackett’s Harbor. Barnabas Day, junior, grandfather of our subject, was then only nine years old. The original Day homestead, selected and settled about 100 years ago, is still in the hands of the family, the present occupant being Sidney W. Day, a younger brother of our subject. His mother was of Scotch descent, her mother being of a U. E. Loyalist family.

Dr. Day received a thorough academic education at the old Newburgh academy, including mathematics and classics, and his medical education at Queen’s University, Kingston, receiving his degree of M.D., in 1859, settling immediately in Trenton, and now being the oldest physician in the place. He has always been in general practice, and has had a good run of business, both in medicine and surgery. His acquaintance is quite extensive, stretching back from the Bay of Quinte twenty or thirty miles, and the people have great confidence in his skill, and great respect for him as a man. In 1869 he was elected a member of the Council of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, for the Quinte and Cataraqui Districts, holding that position three years.

Many years ago the Doctor was surgeon of a battalion of militia, and in 1866, when the first Fenian raid occurred, organized a company a garrison battery of artillery was made its captain, and still commands it.

He was a member of the school board of Trenton for fourteen or fifteen consecutive years, and assisted in building up the excellent system of graded and grammar schools here; and was also in the town council four or five years, striving to promote the best interests of the place, being a public spirited man. In 1860 he was appointed coroner for Hastings, and in the united counties of Northumberland and Durham, still holding that office.

Dr. Day is a Knight Templar in the order of Free Masons; has been Master of the Blue Lodge, the Chapter, and the Encampment, and is a Past District Deputy Grand Master, and Past District Superintendent.
December 31,1857, Miss Eliza Ann Purdy, daughter of Samuel D. Purdy, of Ernestown, became the wife of Dr. Day. Her father was a native of Canada, her mother of the State of New York.

The successful and remunerative practice of the Doctor placed him in comfortable circumstances years ago; yet his old patrons insisting upon employing him, his ride is still extensive.


Ontario Canada,

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