Biographical Sketch of Robert R. Loscombe

Last Updated on August 7, 2012 by

Robert Russell Loscombe, a leading barrister in the county of Durham, is a son of Charles and Jane (Gamble) Loscombe, who emigrated from Andover, Hampshire, England, and were living at Niagara, Upper Canada, when he was born, August 9, 1835. Charles Loscombe was a school teacher part of his life, dying in 1874.

Robert was educated at Toronto, attending the Normal School, Upper Canada College, and Knox College; studied law with the Hon. G. W. Gwynne, now of the Supreme Bench of the Dominion, and W. Vynne Bacon, and Hon John Hillyard Cameron, Toronto; was admitted as an attorney and solicitor in 1857, and called to the Bar in 1862. He has always practiced at Bowmanville, and attended very closely to his business, constantly growing in favor at the Bar with the public. He prepares his cases with great care, and is a fair pleader and a first-class court lawyer. His practice is quite remunerative.

Mr. Loscombe was a town councilor fourteen or fifteen years, and a trustee of public schools nearly as long. He takes very little part in politics, giving the whole of his attention to his profession.
He is an Orangeman, and was one time deputy-master of the county lodge.

Mr. Loscombe has a second wife, the first being Miss Eliza Hinds, daughter of Alphonso Hinds, of Bowmanville, married in 1856. She died in 1871, leaving six children. His present wife was Miss Catherine Wilmot, daughter of Allan Wilmot, of the township of Clarke, county of Durham, chosen in 1873. She has one child.



Ontario Canada,

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