1851 St. Thomas Canada Directory

A Town situated in the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwold, and County of Middlesex, C. W. distant from Toronto, 149 miles, and from London, 17 miles usual stage fare to London, 2s. 6d. to Port Stanley, 2s. 6d., and to Hamilton, 20s. Population about 1050.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Agencies Of Assurance Companies, Banks, &C.
Gore Bank Agency, Thomas Hodge, agent.
Montreal Bank Agency, E. Ermatinger, agent.
National Loan Fund Life Assurance Company, E. Ermatinger, agent.
Provincial Insurance Company, Toronto, Asa Howard, agent.
Orleans Insurance Company, Asa Howard, agent.
Washington Insurance Company, Asa Howard, agent.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
BATE, N., book and job printer proprietor of the St. Thomas Watchman office, foundry buildings.
BEGG, JAMES H. L., general merchant and storekeeper, Talbot st.
ERWIN, GEORGE, hotel and stage house, Talbot st.
FARREN & Co., general merchants dealers in groceries, patent medicines, fancy goods and provisions, Talbot st.
FRAZER, JOHN, wholesale and retail dealer in flour, oatmeal, barley, teas, groceries, &c., opposite the store of J. & W. Coyne, Talbot st.
HOWARD, Ass, general agent, Talbot st.
LAING, JOSEPH, auctioneer and commission merchant, Opposite the Talbot Mansion house, Talbot st.
LUKE, RICHARD, brewer, St. Thomas brewery, Talbot st.
MCKENZIE, M., J. P., general merchant dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c., and issuer of marriage licenses, Talbot st.
MONTFORD, J. G., St. Thomas hotel and general stagehouse, Talbot st.
STANTON, JAMES, barrister, attorney at law, and notary office, Talbot st.
WARREN & HAMILTON, barristers, attorneys at law, conveyancers, &c.
WHITE & MITCHELL, general merchants dealers in staple and fancy goods, nearly opposite the Town Hall, Talbot st.
Non Members
Atkins & Mitchell, cabinetmakers, Talbot st.
Barbridge, Henry, saddler and harnessmaker, Talbot st.
Black; Henry, general merchant, Talbot st.
Blackwoods, Roe & Co., millers, merchants, distillers, and woollen manufactures, Talbot st. Burnham, Rev. Mr., Church of England.
Butler, James, saddler and harnessmaker, Talbot st.
Campbell & Love, Misses, school teachers.
Conniff, Jacob, watchmaker and jeweller, Talbot st.
Claris & Allworth, general merchants.
Claris, G. T., secretary and treasurer of St. Thomas building society.
Clunes, A. C.. farrier.
Colquhoun, Charles, boot and shoemaker, Talbot st.
Coyne, J. & W., general merchants, Talbot st.
Crane. Thomas, teacher of common school.
Day, W., shoemaker, Talbot st.
Davy, R. B., boot and shoemaker, Talbot st.
Dibley, Henry, butcher, Talbot st.
Drake, Daniel, inspector of licenses for Southwold.
Drake, Dr. James, teacher of common school.
Duncombe, Dr. E. E., chemist and druggist, Talbot st.
Dolton, W., tallowchandler.
Ermatinger. E., postmaster, Talbot st.
Fitzgerald, Henry, shoemaker, Talbot st.
Frazer, Rev. Mr., Free Church.
Fells & Leonard, iron founders.
Ferrier. -, grocer.
Grant, James, general merchant, Talbot st.
Going, F., M. D.
Hall, Dr.. physician and surgeon.
Harvey, Daniel, attorney at law.
Howard, Asa, commission agent, and inspector of licenses for Yarmouth.
Hunt. H. H.. tinsmith, Talbot st.
Hutcheson, W., innkeeper. Talbot st.
Jacobs, O. B., general merchant, Talbot st.
Johnston & Curtis, tailors. Talbot st.
Kent, John, bookseller and stationer, Talbot st.
Rains, W. N., & Co., general merchants, Talbot st.
Lindop, Thomas P., boat and shoemaker, Talbot st.
Love, Alexander, cabinetmaker.
Luke, Joseph, tanner, Talbot st.
Mclntyre & Ross, boot and shoemakers, Talbot st.
McKay, John, general merchant.
McKenzie,________, carriagemaker.
McNeal, Hugh, saddler and harnessmaker, Talbot st.
McWhinney, William, provision merchant and general dealer, Talbot st.
Mitchell,_________, grocer.
Mitchell, Jeremiah, cabinetmaker.
Nelson, Robert, watchmaker, Talbot st.
Neil, Robert, tailor and draper, Talbot st.
Paul, E., merchant, Talbot st.
Parish, __________, butcher.
Pollard, Rev. Mr., New Connexion Methodist.
Rhycard, S., distiller.
Ridgway, Robert, house and sign painter, Talbot st.
Ross & McIntyre, saddlers and harnessmakers,. Talbot st.
Rose, P., wagonmaker.
Rowland, David W., watchmaker, Talbot st.
Rowland, Rev. Mr., Baptist.
Sells, John, tinsmith and foundry, Talbot st.
Slater, Jonathan, saddler and harnessmaker, Talbot st.
Smith, William C., hotelkeeper, Talbot st.
Smith, John S., hotelkeeper, Talbot st.
Smith, C., woollen factory.
Southwick, Dr. John, chemist and druggist.
Thompson, D., & Co., hotelkeepers, Talbot st.
Thompson, James, teacher of grammar school,.
and superintendent of schools.
Wade, Dr. Hugh. chemist and druggist, Talbot st.
Walthew, John, house and sign painter, Talbot st.
Warren, T. D., notary.
White, Rev. W., Wesleyan.
White, John, livery stables.
Woodman, _______, shoemaker.

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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