1851 St. Hyacinthe Canada Directory

The County Town of the County of St. Hyacinthe, in the District of Montreal. C. E., is situated on the River Yamaska distant, by Railway, 30 miles from Montreal. Fare. 1st class 5s., second class 3s. 9d. By the Highway the Town is 42 miles distant from Montreal. Population about 3000.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

The Public Buildings and Institutions are, the Parish Church, the College. the Hospital of the Sisters of Charity, the Congregational Nunnery, and School for young ladies. the Railway Station, the Court house and Jail, and the Theatre.

Public Officers
Cartier, Lieutenant Colonel Eusebe, mayor of the county council.
Dessaulles, L. A., mayor of St. Hyacinthe.
Despres, G. L. R., postmaster, and clerk to town council, and school commissioners, St. Hyacinthe st.
Letourneux, Louis O., clerk of the circuit court, Courthouse.
Tache, Louis, clerk of the Peace, Cascade st.
St. Germain, Horace, county registrar, Bourdages et.
Robitaille, Hyacinthe, town and police inspector, Bord de I’eau st,
Blanchard, H. R., clerk of commissioners’ court, Cascade st.
Renaud, Godefroi, messenger of the council, Court-house.
Richer, Jean B., clerk of the market, Cascade st.

College Of St. Hyacinthe
Raymond, Rev. Joseph S., superior, professor of church history.
Desaulniers, Rev. James, M. A., professor of divinity, law and chemistry.
Millier, Rev. H., professor of moral philosophy.
Berthelet, Rev. Frs., professor of mathematics and natural philosophy.
Tetreau, Rev. Frs., professor of rhetoric.
Levesque, Rev. Joseph, professor of belles lettres and rector.
Marchessault, Rev. Gad, treasurer.
Allaire, Rev. P. O., professor of music and geometrical drawing.
Prince, Rey. Joel, professor of English language.
Dufresne, Rev. P., professor of first humanity.
Reyerends Dufresne, Alfred, Gaboury, P., Chevrefils, Geo., LeBlanc, J., Michon, Js., and Gariepy, Lucien, professors of the first, second, and third humanities. Number of students in the college, over 200.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
BOIVIN, LEONARD, importer Of hardware,cutlery,and American dry goods and groceries St. Antoine st.
BOUTILLIER & TURCOT, DRS., physicians and surgeons, Girouard st.
CADORET, FRANCOIS, wholesale & retail dry goods, Cascade st., and at Melbourne,
C.E. CARTIER, LIEUTENANT COLONEL EUSEBE, mayor Of the county municipal council.
CREVIER, REV. EDOUARD, parish priest, at the Presbytere.
DELORME, JAMES, advocate, St. Hyacinthe st.
DESPRES, G. L. It., postmaster, and secretary to the town council and school commissioners, St.
DESNOYERS, REV. ISAIE, yicar, at the Presbytere.
GEMMEL, ANDREW, dealer in dry goods, hardware, and groceries, Cascade at., and at Melbourne, C. E.
LECLERE, LIEUTENANT COLONEL P. E., J. P., and notary public, St. Hyacinthe st.
McCOy, JOHN, bookseller and stationer, Cascade st.
MORRISON, G. A., notary public, Mondor st.
ST. GERMAIN, HORACE, notary public, Bourdages st.
Barnes, Geo. F., iron founder, Cascade st.
Desilets, Ovide, notary public, Girouard st.
Sicotte & Leclere, advocates, St. Hyacinthe st.
Non Members
Archambault, Anthony, general store, Cascade st.
Archambault, Luceyn, notary, Concord st.
Audet, Augustin, baker. Bord de l’eau st.
Benoit, Edouard, general store, St. Francois st.
Berthiaume, Louis, watchmaker, St. Siméon st.
Blanchard, H. R., notary, Cascade st.
Blanchard, P. R., surveyor, Girouard st.
Bonin, Clément, tailor, Cascade st.
Boutillier, T., M. P. P. for the county of St. Hyacinthe.
Breen, Mrs., general store, Cascade st.
Buckley, Maurice, general store, Cascade st.
Cadorette, J., agricultural warehouse, St. Hyacinthe st.
Calin, Frs., artist. Cascade st.
Casavant. F., innkeeper, St. Antonie st.
Chadsey, N. G., innkeeper, Cascade st.
Chalifoux, Olivier, blacksmith, Bord de l’eau st.
Clapin, Louis, blacksmith.
Commeau, J. B., tanner, St. Siméon at.
Crevier, Dr., physician & surgeon, St.
De la Bruere, Boucher, M. D.,
Deseve, F. X., general store, St. Antoine st.
Dessureau, F. L., notary, St. Antoine st.
Dion, Abraham, carriagemaker, William st.
Dougherty, Peter, general store, St. Simeon st.
Duclos & Dessault, axe factory, St. Simeon st.
Farquhar, G., temperance hotel, Cascade st.
Fichette, Joseph, woolcarder, St. Joseph st.
Flynn, Bartley, general store, Cascade st.
Francois st. Cote, A., innkeeper, and leather dealer, St. Francois st.
Frejeau, Joseph, carriagemaker, Concord st.
French, Dr., junior, Cascade st.
French, Dr., senior, Cascade st.
Gagnon, J. B., carriagemaker, St. Siméon st.
Gentesse, Antoine, confectioner, Cascade st.
Germain, Venant L., general store, Cascade st.
Girouard st. Delphos, A. A., bailiff, St. Antoine st.
Lamarche, A., innkeeper, Girouard st.
Langelier, I., hatter and furrier, St. Francois st.
Lemay, Frs., general store, Cascade st.
Livernois, E., baker, St. Antoine. st.
Macauley, J., watchmaker, Cascade st.
Marchessault, Siméon, bailiff, St. Antoine st.
Martel, Cyprien, hatter and furrier, St. Francois st.
Maurice, Octave, baker, Piète st.
McCormick, Wm., general store, St. Siméon st.
Monaghan, J., tanner, Concord st.
Morson. M., innkeeper, St. Antoine st.
O’Donnell. A., general store, St. Antoine st.
O’Leary, Dr., physician and surgeon, Girouard st.
Oudet, A., baker, Bord de l’eau st.
Pajeau, Eloi. innkeeper, Cascade st.
Pallardy, J. B., blacksmith, Cascade st.
Pallardy, J., blacksmith. St. Hyacinthe st.
Papineau, A. A., notary, Girouard st.
Paul, Frs., baker, Cascade st.
Picard, Chas., general store, Cascade st.
Poulin, L. L., general store, St. Siméon st.
Raymond, Remi, general store, near the Church.
Richer, Alexis, tailor, Cascade st.
Robitaille, Félix, tailor, St. Antoine st.
Robitaille, Léon, tailor, St. Marguerite st.
Rodier, A., innkeeper, St. Francois st.
Sarazin, Lambert, baker, St. Antoine st.
Savage, T. H., innkeeper, Cascade st.
Senecal, Ambroise, general store, Cascade st.
Soly, Pierre, iron foundry, Mondor st.
St. Denis, J. Baptiste, general store, Cascade st. St.
Sutherland, P., & Co., general store, St. Marie st.
Tache, Louis, notary, Cascade st.
Tent, Charles, notary, Girouard st.
Tetreau, Joseph, woolcarder, St. Joseph st.
Vidal, Edouard, confectioner, Cascade st.
Walsh, R., temperance inn, Cascade st.
Woodhouse, Joshua, watchmaker, Cascade st.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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