A Village of the Island of Montreal, situated in the Parish of St. Ann’s, Bout de L’Isle distant from Montreal, 24 miles usual stage fare, 7s. 6d. Population about 250.
In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
SAUVE, THOMAS, stage house and hotel travelers or permanent boarders will find good accommodations and reasonable charges at this place.
Barret, ________, lock-keeper on canal and collector of tolls.
Caron, Antoine, carpenter and builder.
Chantal, John, carpenter and builder.
Dubrule, Andre, general store and carpenter and builder.
Grenier, Joseph, shoemaker.
Jones, Edward, grist and carding mills.
Larivée, Joseph, shoemaker.
McNaughton, Edward, general store and post-master.
Mason, Dr., physician and surgeon.
Neyron, Rev. R., Roman Catholic.
Normandeau, Joseph, sen., blacksmith.
Normandeau, Joseph, jun., blacksmith.
Petit dit Lamarche, Leon, shoemaker.
Pilon, Joseph, general store.
Poirier, Frs., blacksmith.
Sauve, Louis, tannery.
Trottier, Rene, carpenter and builder.
Trottier, Frs., blacksmith.
Vinet dit Larant, Jacques, general store.