1851 Quebec Canada Directory, Machinists to Opticians

Last Updated on November 7, 2012 by

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Machinists And Nail Factories
METHOT, CHINIC, SIMARD &. CO., nail factory, St. Paul st., L. T.
Lee, J. R., corner St. Paul and Ramsay Sts., L. T.

Merchant Tailors And Clothiers
BRENT, JAMES, 24 St. John st., U. T. executes all orders in the line promptly and
with despatch, in the best style of the London, Paris or New York fashions.
SMEATON, ALEXANDER, 20 St. John st., U. T. executes all orders in the best style and at moderate prices. See card.
SHEE, PATRICK & CO., 13 Notre Dame st., L. T. keep constantly on hand a large stock of ready-made clothing at very moderate prices.
VALLEAU, WILLIAM B. & Co., 10 Buade st., U. T., merchant tailors, drapers, and clothiers. See card, next page. Bedard, J. B., Desfossés st., St. Rochs.
Boutin, Louis, Craig st., St. RochS.
Byrne, John, Nouvelle St., St. Johns.
Callagher, M., Artillery st., St. Louis.
Cairns, Robert, 2 St. Louis st., U. T.
Cooper, A., & Co., 15 Mountain st., L. T.
Desloriers, Thomas, Desfossés st., St. Rochs.
Dixon, E., St. Croix st., St. Louis.
Duggan, Edward, 340 Champlain st., L. T.
Dussault, J. B., St. John st., without.
Fraser, U., St. Joachim st., St. Johns.
Fuchs, J., 64 St. John st., U. T.
Galbraith & McGuire, 341 Champlain st., L. T.
Gingras, P., St. Gabriel st., St. Johns.
Hamel, Francis, Burton st., St. Louis.
Hillman, J., Fleury st., St. Rochs.
Joyce, D., St, Croix st., St. Louis.
Kerr, J., St. Eustache st., St. Louis.
Knight, Henry, Palace st., U. T.
Lane, James, St. Genevieve st., St.
Louis. Leith, William, St. Joseph st., St. Rochs.
Leith, G., Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Lilly, J., 13 St. Ann st., U. T.
Miller, Francis, Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Miller, F. & Co., Mountain st., L. T.
Mountain, Joseph, 19 St. John st., U. T.
Murray, M., St. Nicholas st., L. T.
O’Flaherty, P., 28 Sault-au-Matelot st., L. T.
O’Leary, M., Mountain st., L. T.
O’Shea, J., 336 Champlain st., L. T.
Paquet, E., Mountain st., L. T.,
Petitclerc, Joseph, Prevost st., St.
LouiS. Powell, Charles. St. Augustin st., St. Louis.
Powell, Charles, 5 Champlain st., L. T.
Quigley, Edward, Artillery st., St. Louis.
Quinn, John, 4 Mountain st., L. T.
Quinn, Edward, St. Dominique st., St. Rochs.
Richmond. T., St. Eustache st., St. LouiS.
Robinson, William, Craig st., St. Rochs.
Rodgers, William, St. Julie st., St. Louis.
Swallwell, William, Nouvelle st., St. JohnS.
Thivierge, Edward, Desfossés st., St. Rochs.
Wallace P.. St. Croix st., St. Louis.
Wood, J. B., Sous-le-fort st., L. T.

Notaries Public
AUSTIN, HENRY C., Nuns’ buildings, St. Peter st., L. T.
BIRCH, JOHN, 57 St. Peter st., L. T.
BOWEN, NOEL H., Commercial chambers, St. Peter st. L. T.
CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD, (Queen’s notary) 26 St. Peter St., L. T.
CANNON, E. G., Donacona st., U. T.
CHARTIER & LABRANCHE, Nuns’ buildings, St. Peter st., L. T.
CHILDS, JOHN, St. George st., St. Johns.
CLAPHAM, J. GREAVES, corner Sault-au-matelot and St. Antoine sts., L. T.
GAUVIN, THOMAS, 24 St. Peter st., L. T.
GLACKEMEYER, E., 42 St. Peter st., L. T.
GLACKEMEYER, E. C., 29 St. Peter st., L. T., opposite the Bank of British North America.
HOSSACK, J. S., 39 St. Peter st., L. T.
HUOT, PHILIP, 3 St. Louis st., U. T.
LINDSAY & LEMOINE, Trinity house, 46 St. Peter st., L. T.
MACPHERSON, L. T., late B. N. A. Bank buildings, corner St. Peter and Arthur sts., L. T., 3rd story.
MACPHERSON, DANIEL, Bell’s lane, opposite the Exchange, L. T.
MARTINEAU, F., 57 St. Peter st., corner of Place st., L. T.
PREVOST, Louis, St. Peter st., opposite the Bank of British North America, manager of the Quebec Fire Loan office, and notary to the Quebec Turnpike Trust.
PANET, HoN. Louts, 3 St. Louis st., U. T.
TRUDELLE, J. B., 62 St. Louis st., U. T.
Non Members
Belanger. A., St. Peter st., L. T.
Belleau, R. G., 11 St. Anne st., U. T.
Bignell, W., corner Arthur and St. Peter Sts., L. T.
Blumhart, L. A., St. Peter st., L. T.
Bolduc, H., St. John St., without.
Campeau, O. F., Couillard st., U. T.
Cinqmars, Charles, St. Joseph St.. U. T.
Cremazie, J. C.. Fabrique st., U. T.
DeFoy, C. M., St. JoSeph St., U. T.
Dugal, Charles, & F. V., St. Joseph St., Rochs.
Falardeau, Louis, St. Peter St., L. T.
Garneau, F. X., City Hall.
Gauvreau, F. L., DesfoSses st., St. Rochs.
Guay, Germain, Bridge st., St. Rochs.
Hunt, Josiah, St. Peter st., L. T.
Huot, Francis, Bridge st., St. Rochs.
Huot, P. G., Bridge St., St. Rochs.
Lavoie, LouiS, Bridge st., St. Rochs.
Laurin, Joseph, Palace st., U. T.
Legaré, Etienne, St. Vallier St., St. Rochs.
Lefebvre, J., St, JoSeph St., St. Rochs.
Ouellet, F., Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Parent, A. A., St. Joseph st., U. T.
Parent, A. B., St. Joseph St., U. T.
Parent, Charles, St. Joseph St., U. T.
Pelchat, Joseph, Bridge st., St. Rochs.
Petitclerc, JoSeph, St. Joseph st., U. T.
Pruneau, J. B., DesfosséS st., St. RochS.
Sauvaugeau, M., St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Sirois, A. B., 2 Couillard st., U. T.
Tessier, Edward, Cote d’Abraham, St. Johns.
Tessier, M., D’Aiguillon st., St. Johns.
Vocelle; A., D’Aiguillon st., St. Johns.

Opticians, Mathematical And Surgical Instrument Makers.
HINTON, BIRT, 20 St. Peter st., L. T optical, nautical, philosophical, and surveying
instruments, cleaned, repaired, and accurately adjusted.
Cantin, L., St. John st., without.
Vohl, B., 7 St. John st., U. T.
Thompson, S., St. John st., without.
Whitham, P., 36 St. Anne St., U. T.

Quebec Canada,

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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