As the Lumber Trade of the River Ottawa and its Tributaries is one of the first importance to Canada, the subjoined lit of the principal houses which are engaged in it, (for which the editor is indebted to the politeness of Mr. McVicar of the crown timber office at Bytown) is herewith given.
In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.
Principal Lumber Merchants On The River Ottawa And Its Tributaries
Adams, Samuel,
Allumette Island, C. E.
Aumond, Joseph, Bytown, C. W.
Bell, J. & D., Pembroke, C. W.
Bellows, C. G., township of Westmeath, C. W.
Bryson, George, Fort Coulonge, C. E.
Brossard, Louis, township of Litchfield, C. E.
Browne, John, township of Packenham, C. W.
Byers, William, Richmond, C. W.
Carmichael, Hugh, Gatineau Mills, C. E.
Coutlee, L. M. Hull, C. E.
Coghlan, Michael, Aylmer, C. E.
Coghlan, John, Aylmer, C. E.
Colton, Hiram, township of Waltham, C. E.
Conroy, Robert, Aylmer, C. E.
Cullen, Anthony, Templeton, C. E.
Curry, Abraham, township of Stafford, C. W.
Dickson, Samuel, township of Packenham, C. W.
Donnelly, John, township of Blithefield, C. W.
Dunlop, John, township of Westmeath, C. E.
Dunlop, A. H., township of Pembroke, C. W.
Egan, John, Aylmer, C. E.
Forbes, William, township of Packenham, C. W.
Gilmour & Co., Bytown, C. W.
Grierson, James, township of Tarbolton, C. W.
Grimes, Samuel, Hull, C. E.
Hall, John, Lanark, C. W.
Hamilton Brothers, Hawkesbury Mills, C. E.
Hamilton, Hugh, township of Wetmeath, C. W.
Hawley, Andrew, township of Tarbolton, C. W.
Hyde, Thomas B., River Madawaska, C. W.
Inglee, D. A., Aylmer, C. E.
McArthur, Arthur, township of Packenham, C. W.
McAuley, Alexander.
McConnell, Benjamin, Hull, C. E.
McConnell. Richard, Hull, C. E.
McConnell & Co., Hull, C. E.
McConnell, Rinaldo, Hull, C. E.
McCrea, Gerrard, township of Blithefield, C. W.
McDonell, Alexander, Sand Point.
McDonell, Duncan, Sand Point.
McDonell, Samuel, Snows, C. E.
McGillivray, Edward, Bytown, C. W.
McGoey, Thomas, Gatineau, C. E.
McFarlane, Duncan, township of Bagot, C. W.
McKay, Hon. Thomas, Bytown, C. W.
McLaren, Alexander, township of Stafford, C. E.
McLean, J. W., township of Eardly, C. E.
McLauchlin, Daniel, Bytown, C. W.
Moffat, Alexander, Pembroke, C. W.
Moffat, William, Pembroke, C. W.
Moore, David, jun.
Morris & Co., Peter, township of McNabb, C. W.
Morris, William, township of McNabb, C. W.
O’Meara, Daniel, Pembroke, C. W.
Poupore, J. B., Allumette Island, C. E.
Patterson, Peter, Gatineau, Quebec.
Richey, Alexander, Perth, C. W.
Robertson, Peter, township of McNabb, C. W.
Ryan, Roderick, Aylmer, C. E.
Skead, James, Bytown, C. W.
Smith, Joseph, Bytown, C. W.
Snedden, Alexander, Packenham, C. W.
Supple, John, Pembroke, C. W.
Stubbs, George, Allumette Island, C. E.
Thomson, John, Bytown, C. W.
Wadsworth, James, Aylmer, C. E.
Wright, Alonzo, Gatineau, C. E.
Wright, Ruggles, jun., Hull, C.. E.