The County Town of the United Counties of Lincoln and Welland, is situated on the Niagara River, in the Township of Niagara, C. W. distant from Toronto by water, 36 miles usual steamboat tare, 7s. 6d. distant by land from Hamilton, 50 miles usual stage fare, 11s. 3d. Population about 3,000. Niagara is an electoral district, returning one member to the Provincial Parliament.
In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.
Public Officers
Campbell, E. C., judge of county court.
Claus, W., judge of surrogate court.
Dickson, Walter H., M. P. P. for Niagara.
Clench, J. B., clerk of county court.
Merritt, Hon. W. H., M. P. P. for Lincoln, St. Catharines.
McKenzie, W. L., M. P. P. for Haldimand, Toronto.
McFarland, Duncan, M. P. P. for Welland, Port Robinson.
Millar, W. D., revenue inspector.
Millar, W. D., deputy clerk of the crown.
Kingsmill, William, sheriff.
Secord, C. B., registrar of surrogate court.
Smith, Henry, crown lands agent.
Powell, John, registrar for Lincoln and Welland.
Woodruff, Joseph, clerk of the peace.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C
BATE & HUNTER, importers of and dealers in British, French, German and American, staple and fancy dry goods, Queen st.
CREEN, REV. THOMAS, Church of England, rector, and chaplain to the forces.
DAVIDSON ALEXANDER, postmaster, mayor of Niagara, agent for the Britannia Life Assurance Co. and agent for the Albion newspaper, Queen st.
DAVIDSON & MCMULLIN, printers and publishers of” Niagara Mail,” Queen St.
DAVIDSON, JAMES A., editor of the ” Mail,” Queen st.
LAWDER, JOHN, barrister and attorney at law, Queen st.
MARTIN, ANDREW & Co., general dry goods and tailoring establishment, Queen st. a large stock of ready made clothing, constantly on hand, at very moderate prices.
MCGIVERN, THOMAS, & CO., importers of and dealers in groceries, wines, liquors, and hardware a good assortment of paper hangings always on hand.
MILLER & BOOMER, barristers and attorneys at law, Queen st.
MILLER, JAMES, British American hotel, Queen st. superior accomodations for travelers horses and carriages furnished to pleasure parties or travelers, on the shortest notice. J. M. would respectfully intimate that he has carried on business in Niagara for the last 22 years.
MOFFAT, RICHARD, Moffat’s hotel, Queen st. stages for Hamilton, St. Catharines, and Feat Erie, daily-a livery table connected with the house.
PRINGLE, ROBERT, watchmaker and jeweler, Queen st. a good stock of watches, clocks and jewelry at moderate prices repairs executed in the best manner and with dispatch.
WHITELAW, FRANCIS M., bookseller and stationary, constantly on hand, at stationer, Queen st. a good stock of hooks reasonable prices.
Non Members
Ailes, Robert, gunsmith, Queen st.
Alma, John L., hardware and groceries, Queen st.
Barr, William, dealer in dry goods, ready made clothing, and fancy goods, Queen st.
Burns, James, boot and shoemaker Queen st.
Campbell, Dr. Duncan, Queen st.
Chisholm, Alexander, innkeeper, King st.
Christie, Alex. R., groceries, wines and liquors, Queen st.
Connor, R., boot and shoe store, Queen st.
Cousins, J. F., school teacher, Queen st.
Dodds, David, saddler harness maker, Queen st,
Harvey, James, chemist and druggist, Queen st.
Harvey, Rev. George Y., Wesleyan.
Howard, Richard, hotelkeeper, Queen st.
Lockhart, David, hardware, groceries, Queen st.
Lynch, Rev. Mr., Roman Catholic, Queen st.
McDougall, Dr. Alexander, physician to the jail , Queen st.
Miller, Gage, centre house, Queen st.
Mowat, Rev. J. B., Church of Scotland,
Rogers, John, groceries, wines and liquors, Queen st.
Simpson, John, publisher of Niagara Chronicle, bookseller and stationer, Queen st.
Warren, Robert, dry goods, Queen st.