1851 Napanee Canada Directory

A thriving Village situated on the Napanee River, in the Township of Richmond, County of Lennox, C. W., on the main road from Kingston to Toronto distant from Kingston, 25 miles usual stage fare, 5s. distant from Belleville, 25 miles usual stage fare, 5s. Population about 1000.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Agencies Of Assurance Companies, Banks, &C.
Britannia Life Assurance Co., James F. Bartels, agent.
Columbus Fire Assurance Co., James F. Bartels, agent.
National Loan Fund Life and Equitable Fire Assurance Companies, R. Easton, agent.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
BARTELS, JAMES F., conveyancer and commissioner of court of Queen’s Bench.
DETLOR & PERRY, dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware crockery, &c.
GEORGE, F. J., general store, chemist and druggist.
GEORGEN, T. W., general store, chemist and druggist drugs, oil, groceries, books, hardware, &c.
GREENLEAF, G. D., general printing office, and wood and seal engraver.
JAMES & PETERSON, dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, &c.
MACKAY, ARCHIBALD, farmer, 2 miles from the village.
MACPHERSON, DONALD, miller, distiller and dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, country produce, &c.
NAPANEE BEE, THE, weekly paper, G. D. Greenleaf, publisher.
PRINGLE, DANIEL, hotel, stage house keeper and auctioneer, travellers will find a good house and reasonable charges, auctioneering business attended to on moderate terms.
SHOREY, MILES, jun., Lennox hotel travellers will find good accommodations and reasonable charges at this house.
STEVENSON, ANDREW, dealer in groceries, and provisions and saloon keeper.
TEMPLETON, WILLIAM, tanner and shoe manufacturer cash paid for hides.
WILSON & Co., dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware, clothing, crockery and country produce.
WRIGHT, WILLIAM, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery and country produce.
Non Members
Allan, David, chemist and druggist.
Bartels, George, carriagemaker.
Beeman, T., saddler.
Benn, James, blacksmith.
Black, Rev. J., Wesleyan.
Blewett, John, grocer.
Briggs, Noel, shoemaker,
Brown, Rev. M., Episcopal Methodist,
Bruton, Charles, grocer.
Carey, Dr. Francis V.
Chamberlain, Dr. Thomas.
Chatterson, John, grocer.
Chrysdall, John, lath factory.
CIose, Thomas. carriagemaker
Clapp, G. S., land surveyor.
Clark, Andrew L., saw mill.
Clark, Leonard, blacksmith.
Cooper, John, tailor.
Cornell, George, innkeeper.
Davey, George H., general store.
Dickens, Edmond, baker.
Doney, Solomon, shoemakeing mills.
Easton, Robert, general store.
Edgar, John, carriagemaker.
Fink, Hiram, blacksmith.
Foot, Benjamin, tailor.
Forward, Henry T., general store.
Foster, Robert, grocer.
Fraser, Davis, tailor.
George, Frederick, general store.
Halfpenny, Joseph, shoemaker.
Hamilton, H., carriagemaker.
Herring, John, foundry and tin shop.
Hill, lath factory.
Huff, Eliakem, cooper.
Huff, Thomas, blacksmith.
Huff, William, cooper.
King, John, innkeeper.
Lamb, Thomas, general store.
Lanphier, John, shoemaker.
Lanphier, William, shoemaker.
Lauder, Rev. W. B., Church of England.
Mackay, A. B., clerk of division court.
Madden, S. S., tanner and shoemaker.
Martin, James, general store.
McCulloch. James, tailor.
McLaughlin, James, tailor.
Mills, George, saddler.
Moray, Joseph, blacksmith.
Parish, William, tinsmith.
Perry, John W., cloth factory, fulling and card
Reynolds, Rev. Mr., Wesleyan.
Rust, -, carding mill.
Schermerhorn, Asa, grocer.
Shirley, Dr. Thomas.
Storr, Edward, shoemaker.
Towers, W. M., carriagemaker.
Trom, James, saddler.
Vine, David, grocer. Gunn, William, general store.

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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