1851 Montreal Canada Directory, Veterinary to Wooden Ware

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Veterinary Surgeons
TURNER & MASON, veterinary surgeons, &c., St. Urbain St., corner Lagauchetiere St. Maybell, J., Dorchester, near St. Denis St.

Weighing Machine Makers
LADD, C. P., general iron founder and machinist, William t. See card, page 206.
MCWATTERS, JOHN, Lemoine St., manufactures patent balances, scale, beams, &c.,
capable of weighing from 1 lb. to 6 tons old machines repaired, and all kinds of
jobbing promptly attended to.
WARREN, G. P. & D. H., 8 McGill st., weighing machine, pail, and paper box manufacturers a large stock constantly on hand at very low prices.

Wine And Spirit Merchants
LAMONTAGNE, EDWARD, importer of Champagne and other wines and cigars, Commercial Chambers, St. Sacrament st.
MAITLAND, (EDWARD,) TYLEE & CO., importers of wines, liquors, teas and groceries of every description, and general commission merchants, corner St. Francois Xavier and Hospital Sts.
PANTON, T. C., & Co., importers of wines, liquors, teas and groceries, 7 St. Sacrament st.
PAYNE, E., & Co., 184 Notre Dame st., importers of wines, liquors, brandy, ale, porter, ‘&c., and depot for “PENNER’S CIDER.”
STUART, C. D., 49 Notre Dame st., wine and spirit merchant and rectifier.
TORRY, CLARKE & CO., importers of wines, liquors, teas, and groceries, St. Eloi, near St. Paul t.
WATSON, GEORGE D., importer of wines, liquors, teas and groceries, 8 St. Sacrament st. Bonacina, Joseph & Co., 4 Nun’s buildings, St. Joseph st.

Wire Worker
RICE, W. H., 23 Notre Dame st. sieves, meat safes, riddles, fenders, &c., and wire cloth of the best quality always on hand; bell hanging promptly attended to.

Wooden Ware And Clock Store
NELSON & BUTTERS, dealers in wooden ware, clocks, brooms, and general house furnishing articles, 22 McGill st.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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