1851 Montreal Canada Directory, Public Offices And Institutions

Last Updated on November 8, 2012 by

The City of Montreal is situated on the River St. Lawrence, in the Island and County of the same name, and is the largest and most populous City in British America. It is an electoral district, returning two members to the Provincial Parliament, and the Courts of Law for the district are held here. Montreal is distant from Quebec, ISO miles usual steamboat fare, 10s. to 12s. 6d. usual stage fare, 40s. to 50s. distant from Kingston, 200 miles, usual steamboat fare, 20s. usual stage fare, 35s. distant from Toronto, 390 miles usual steamboat fare, 40s. to 45s. and to Hamilton the same-distant from Bytown, 120 miles usual steamboat and stage fare, 50s. distant from New York. 420 miles usual steamboat and railroad fare, 30s. to 40s. Those are the rates usually charged by the mail lines of steamers, stages, &c., for first class passengers, but during the period of navigation, there are almost daily opportunities of proceeding to Canada West, by comfortable and commodious steamers, at about one third less than the above tariff of charges. The population of the City, including the troops usually in garrison, is something over 50,000.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

City Council
His Worship the Mayar Charles Wilson, Esq., Centre ward.

East Ward
Alderman, E. R. Fabre;
Councillors, A. Prevost and F. Leclaire.

St. Mary’s Ward
Alderman, P. Lynch;
Councillor, W. McDonald.

Centre Ward
Alderman, S. Benjamin;
Councillor, A. Hall.

St. Lewis Ward
Aldermen, J. Grenier and J. B. Homier.

West Ward
Alderman, A. Macfarlane;
Councillors, J. Leeming and N. S. Whitney

St. Anns Ward
Councillors, McCambridge and Larkin.

St. Antoine Ward
Councillors, E. Atwater and O. Frechette.

St. James Ward
Councillors, E. Lamarche and J. A. Montreuil.

St. Lawrence Ward
Councillors, J. Whitlaw and J. B. Bronsdon.

John P. Sexton, city clerk
Edouard Demers, city treasurer
James A. B. McGill, city surveyor
Charles Glackmeyer, assistant city clerk
Pierre Blanchet, translator
George Harding and John Higgins, assistants treasurer’s office
Antoine Dupre, clerk water works
J. Perrigo, inspector and chief engineer fire department
Thomas McGrath, chief of police
John McKercher, overseer of roads
Joseph A. Bourdon, clerk of Bonsecours market
Olivier Loranger, assistant do.
John Abbot, clerk of St. Ann’s market
Joseph Robillard, pound keeper, clerk of hay and cattle market, Viger square
A. J. Joubert, bailiff and crier mayor’s court
Thomas Somers, messenger
J F. Pelletier, attorney
William Ross, and D. E. Papineau, notaries
Maurice Eardly, clerk hay market
Antoine Schwartz, assistant clerk
George Garth, superintendent of water works
G. N. Gosselin, collector of water rates

Firemen’s Benevolent Association
Captain Moses, president;
Captains Hammond and Bertram, vice-presidents;
Captain J. Fletcher, secretary;
Lieut. Brouillet, assistant secretary;
Captain McNaughton, treasurer.

City Water Works
George Garth, overseer of the works;
G. N. Gosselin, collector.

Judges, Legislative Councillors And Members Of Parliament Usually Resident In Montreal
Aylwin, Hon. Thomas, C., judge of court of Queen’s Bench, Bellerive, Current St. Mary.
Badgley, Hon. William, M. P. P. for Missisquoi, Beaver Hall place.
Bourret, Hon. Joseph, M. L. C., commissioner of public works, Little St. James st.
Bruneau, Hon. J. C., judge of the circuit court, Dorchester, near St. Denis st.
Cartier, George E., M. P. P. for Vercheres, 16 Notre Dame st.
Day, Hon. Charles D., judge of the superior court, Cote des Neiges.
De Beaujeu, Hon. G. R. S., M. L. C., 52 Notre Dame st.
Dewitt, Jacob, M. P. P. for Beauharnois, St. Margaret st.
Drummond, Lewis T., M. P. P. for Shefford and solicitor general, C. E., Craig st.
Ferrie, Hon. Adam, M. L. C., Beaver Hall square.
Ferrier, Hon. James, M. L. C., 14 Alexander st.
Gugy, B. C. A., M. P. P. for Sherbrooke town, 131 Bleury St.
Guy, Hon. Hypolite, judge of circuit court, Dorchester st., west.
Holmes, Benjamin, M. P. P. for the City of Montreal, Cote St. Antoine.
Lafontaine, Hon. L. H., M. P. P. for the City of Montreal and attorney general, C. E., Guy st.,
Leslie, Hon. James, M. L. C., provincial secretary, Partenais, off St. Mary st.,
McCord, Hon. J. S., judge of circuit court, Cote des Neiges road.
McGill, Hon. Peter, M. L. C., 4 Great St. James st.
Mondelet, Hon. Charles, judge of superior court, Portland place.
Morin, Hon. A. N., M. P. P. for Bellechasse, speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Craig st.
Morris, Hon. William, M. L. C., 18 Alexander st.
Nelson, Wolfred, M. D. and M. P. P. for Richelieu, Little St. James st.
Papineau, Hon. Louis Joseph, M. P. P. for St. Maurice, Bonsecours st.
Quesnel, Hon. F. A., M. L. C., Dorchester st , west.
Rolland, Hon. J. R., judge of court of Queens Bench, Dorchester st., west.
Smith, Hon. James, judge of superior court, Sherbrooke st.,
Vanfelson, Hon. George, judge of superior court, Beaver Hall place.
Viger, Hon. D. B., M. L. C., .7 Notre Dame st.,

Public Offices And Institutions

Advocates’ Library, Courthouse.
Adjutant General of the Forces, St. Lewis st.
Agricultural Society of Lower Canada, W. Evans, secretary, 25 Notre Dame St., Bankrupt Court, Court-house.
BANK OF MONTREAL, Alexander Simpson. cashier, Place d’Armes.
BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, D. Davidson, manager, Great St. James st.
BANK OF UPPER CANADA, Joseph Wenham, agent, Great St. James st.
BANQUE DU PEUPLE, B. H. Lemoine, cashier, Great St. James st.
Barrack Master, W. H. Gray, Water st.,
BOARD OF TRADE, Alexander Clerk, secretary, 11 St. Sacrament st.
CHAMPLAIN AND ST. LAWRENCE RAILROAD, W. A. Merry. secretary, 66 Commissioners st.,
CHIEF ENGINEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, John Perrigo, City Hall, Notre Dame st.,
CHIEF OF POLICE, Thomas M’Grath, Bonsecours Market.
CITY CLERK, J. P. Sexton, City Hall, Notre Dame st.,
CITY BANK, F. Maculloch, cashier, Place d’Armes.
CITY AND DISTRICT SAVINGS BANK, John Collins, actuary, St. Francois Xavier st.,
CITY SURVEYOR, James A. B. McGill, City Hall, Notre Dame st.,
CITY TREASURER, E. Demers, City Hall, Notre Dame st.,
CLERKS OF THE PEACE AND CROWN, Delisle and Brehaut, Courthouse.
COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS, Tancrede Bouthillier, Custom house.
Collector of Canal Tolls, Alfred Gough, opposite basin No. 1 on Lachine canal.
Commander of the Forces, Dalhousie square.
Commissary General, 53 Notre Dame st.,
COMMERCIAL BANK of M. D., A. H. Campbell, cashier, 37 Great St. James t.,
Commissioner of Police, W. Ermatinger, Courthouse.
Commissioners for the Harbor of Montreal, J. T. Badgley, secretary, Commissioners st.,
CORONERS OF THE DISTRICT, Jones and Coursol, St. Vincent st., and Champ de Mars St.
Custom house, Tancrede Bouthillier, collector, St. Paul st.,
EMIGRANT OFFICE, A. Conlan, agent, near Canal basin.
GAS COMPANY, W. It. Falconer, manager, Gabriel st.,
General Hospital, Dorchester st.,
Geological Survey Office, W. E. Logan, 10 Little St. James st.
Harbour Master, P. H. Morin, 65 Commissioners st.,
High School of Montreal, H. A. Howe, rector, Belmont st., Beaver Hall.
Hotel Dieu Hospital, St. Joseph t., east of the French Cathedral.
IMPERIAL CUSTOMS, R. H. Hamilton, comptroller, Commercial Chambers, st., Paul st.,
INDIAN DEPARTMENT, COI. Napier, old Government house.
Inspector of Hospitals, Dalhousie square.
INSPECTION OF POT AND PEARL ASHES, E. M. Leprohon, John Dyde and J. E. Major, College st.,
LACHINE RAILROAD, John Farrow, superintendent, Bonaventure st.,
Ladies’ Benevolent Institution, Mrs. Ford, matron, 92 Mountain st.,
Marriage Licenses, Arthur Ross, agent, 3 Molson terrace.
MAYOR OF THE CITY, Charles Wilson, City Hall, Notre Dame st.,
Mechanics’ Institute, 46 Great St. James st.,
MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE READING ROOM, Odd Fellows’ Hall, Great St. James st.,
Military Secretary, Dalhousie square.
MONTREAL BUILDING SOCIETY, John T. Badgley, secretary, 67 Commissioners st.,
MONTREAL INSURANCE COMPANY, W. Murray, manager, Insurance Company’s buildings, Great St. James st.,
MONTREAL JAIL, Thomas M’Ginn, jailor, St. Mary st.,
MONTREAL MINING COMPANY, H. D. Cockburn, secretary, Insurance Company’s buildings, Great St. James st.,
MONTREAL MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, P. L. Letourneux, secretary, St. Francois Xavier st.,
MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY, O. S. Wood, superintendent, Great St. James st.,
Natural History Society, 10 Little St. James st.,
Notarial Board, H. Lappare, secretary, St. Lawrence hill.
Ordnance Department, Water st.,
POST OFFICE, James Porteous, post-master, 15 Great St. James st.,
Protestant Orphan Asylum,. E. Cribb, St. Catherine st.,
PROTHONOTARY, Monk, Coffin and Papineau, Courthouse.
Quarter Master General, Durham Place, St. Louis st.
REGISTRAR OF THE COUNTY, G. H. Rhyland; Deputy Registrar,. Leon Doutre, old Government house.
REVENUE INSPECTORS, for Division No. 1, D. S. Stuart, for No. 2, Philip Durnford, 74 Notre Dame st.
RICHELIEU NAVIGATION COMPANY, J. F. Sincennes, secretary, 37 Commissioners st.
Roman Catholic College, College st., near M’Gill St.
Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, west Notre Dame st., next Recollet Church.
Royal Engineers, Dalhousie square and St. Louis st.,
SHERIFF, John Boston, Courthouse.
Little St. James st.
SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION, J. B. Meilleur M. D., Government-house.
Town Major, Colin McDonald, St. Lewis st.,
TRINITY HOUSE, James Holmes, registrar, 65. Commissioners st.,
Turnpike Trustees, James Holmes, secretary, 65 Commissioners st.
University of M’Gill College, Rev. W. T. Leach, D. C. L., acting principal, off Sherbrooke st.
University Lying in Hospital, St. Charles Borromee St.
Water Police, Major Johnson, King st.
Water Works, 28 Notre Dame st.
WHARFINGER, W. M. Browne, 67 Commissioners st.

Clergy Resident In The City
Roman Catholic
Residing at the Bishop’s Palace, St Denis Street.
THE RIGHT REV. IG. BOURGET, Roman Catholic Bishop of Montreal.
The Right Rev. J. C. Prince, Roman Catholic Bishop of Martyropolis, and Coadjutor of Montreal.
Revds. A. F. Truteau, G.V. and C.T., J. O. Pare, G.V. and C.T., secretary;
Revds. J. LaRocque, G.V. and CT., T. Plamondon, Pr., A. Pinsonnault, V. Pilon, Ghuberdeau; Rev. L. Z. Moreau, assistant secretary;
Et. Hicks, E. C. Fabre, P. Leblanc.

Vicars General and Canons.
Revds. F. Demers, A. Manseau, P. Archambault, J. B. Kelly, P. Billaudelle, A. F. Truteau.

Residing at the Seminary, Notre Dame Street.
Revds. P. Billaudelle sup. J. B. Roupe, J. B. St. Pierre, R. Larre, J. Arraud, L. Regourd, L. Villeneuve, A. Granjon, E. Picard, M. C. L. Bonnissant, A. Mercier, J. Aoustin, L. Pelissier, J. Connolly, C. J. Bartley, J. F. Chanial, F. Daniel, H. Prevost, P. Dowd, P. McCullough, M. O’Brien, J. Palatin, P. Murphy, vicars Messrs. A. Teillard and H. Lenoir, Messrs. N. Dufresne, D. M. L., J. A. Cuoq; D. Tambareau, missionary of lake of Two Mountains.

St Peter’s Church.
Rev. Fathers C. Leonard, J. B. Honorat, T. Fitzhenry, O. M. I.

Infirmary of St. Joseph’s.
Revds. J. B. Kelly, J. M. Bellanger, F. X. Marcoux, A. T. Lagarde, P. Lefebvre.

Infirmary of St. Jerome.
Rev. T Fitzhenry, chaplain

Ecclesiatical Seminary
Revds. J. A. Boyle, D. Granet, A. L. Barbarin

Montreal College
Revds. A. Nercam, principal, J. Toupin, Superintendent, P. P. Denis, L. L> Billion, J. J. Purrault, professors.

St. Mary’s Cllege
Revds. Father F. Martin, superior, A. Havequez, G. Scheider, A. Larcher, T. Ouellet, C. Scheansky, J. Durshaller, P. Luiset.

Protestant Clergy
Abbott, Rev. Joseph, Church of England, McGill College
Adamson, Rev. W. A., D. C. L. Church of England, St. Antoine st.
Bethune, Rev. John, D. D. Church of England, Beaver Hall Terrace.
Bond, Rev. William, Church of England, Muir’s building’s, Ste. Monique st.,
Campbell, Rev. A. D., Church of England, Ste. Elizabeth, near Craig st.
Cordner, Rev. John, Unitarian, Beaver Hall Place.
Davies, Rev. Dr. Baptist, 3, Sydenham Place, St. Antoine t.,
De Sola, Rev. A., Jewish, Pres de Ville Place.
Ellegood, Rev. Jacob, Church of England, Ste. Margaret st.,
Fraser, Rev. Donald, Free Church.
Fulford, Right Rev. Francis, D. D. Churc of England, Bishop of of Monteral, Belleviue Terrace
Hutchinson, Rev.Church of England, west end of Craig st.
Irwin, Rev. John, Church of England, Lagauchetiere, near Amherst st.
Jenkins, Rev. John, Wesleyan, 47 St Antoine st.
Leach, Rev. W. T., D. C. L., Church of England, M’Gill College.
M’Gill, Rev. R., Church of Scotland, Pres de Ville Place.
M’Loud, Rev. J., American Presbyterian, M’Gill St.
Marling, Rev. F. H., Congregationalist, 3, St. Gabriel st.
Mathieson, Rev. Dr., Church of Scotland, City Councillors st.,
Rintoul, Rev. W., Free Church, Hanover Terrace, Bleury st.
Robertson, Rev. D., Church of England, Lagauchetiere, near St. Denis st.
Squire, Rev. William, Wesleyan, College st.,
Taylor, Rev. William, D. D., United Presbyterian, Lagauchetiere, near St. George t.,
Wilkes, Rev. Henry, D. D., Congregationalist, head of Bleury st.

Church Of England
Rev. J. Bethune, D. D. rector, Rev. W. Agar Adamson, D. C. L., assistant minister. Christ Church, Notre Dame street
Rev. A. Digby Campbell, minister. Trinity Church, St. Paul street
Rev. John Irwin, minister, Saint Thomas’ Chapel, Quebec suburbs .
Rev. Doctor Leach and Rev. W. Bond. St. George’s Chapel, St. Joseph street.
Rev. J. Ellegood, minister. St. Ann’s Chapel, Ann street, Griffintown

Scotch Presbyterian
St. Andrew’s Beaver Hall Rev. Alexander Mathieson, D. D.
St. Paul’s, St. Helen street Rev. R. M’Gill.
Free Church Rev. Donald Fraser, head of Cote street.

United Secession
Rev. W. Taylor, D. D.

American Presbyterian
Haymarket. Rev. J. McLoud.

Wesleyan Methodist
Rev. William Squire, (chairman of the district), Rev. John Jenkins, and Rev. Mr. Dixon. St. James’ Chapel, Great St. James street.

Radegonde street. Rev. H. Wilkes, D. D.

St. Helen street Rev. Dr. Davies.

Lagauchetiere street, near the Haymarket. Rev. John Cordner.

Jews’ Synagogue.
Chenneville, near Lagauchetiere street Rev. A. DeSola.

National Societies
St. George’s Society.
John Jones, president;
John Dyde, 1st vice president;
A. C. Webster, 2nd vice-president;
H H. Whitney, treasurer;
James Holmes, secretary;
A. K. Lavicount, assistant secretary;
Rev. Dr. Leach, Rev. W. Bond, chaplains;
W. E. Scott. M. D., physician.

St. Andrew’s Society
W. Edmonstone, president;
J. Gilmour, 1st vice-president;
W. G. Mack, 2nd vice-president;
John Armour, secretary;
Alex. Morris, assistant secretary;
Rev. Dr. Mathieson and Rev. R. McGill, chaplains;
M. McCulloch M. D. and G. W. Campbell M. D., physicians.

Young Men’s St. Patrick’s Association.
James Hayes, president;
Daniel Lanigan, 1st vice-president;
Thomas Redmond, 2nd vice-president;
John O’Meara, treasurer;
Daniel Carey, secretary-;
John Redmond, assistant secretary.

Montreal German Society
PATRON, His R H. Prince Albert.
Henry Meyer, president;
J. P. Seybold, vice-president;
Ernest Idler, treasurer;
H. D. Crummenauer, recording and german secretary and auditor of accounts;
Dr. F. C. T. Arnoldi, physician and corresponding secretary;
T. G. Seebold, corresponding secretary and auditor of accounts.

St. Jean Baptiste Society
L. Duvernay, president;
J. L. Beaudry, J. Boulanget, A. Larocque, V. Hudon, vice-presidents;
H. L. Langevin, A. G. Lajoie, R. Bellemare, N. G. Bourbonniere, secretaries;
R. Roy, recording secretary;
J. Berthelot, corresponding secretary;
R. Trudeau, treasurer;
Dr. Trudel, physician;
Rev. St. Pierre, Chaplain;
M. Desnoyers, marshall;
C. E. Belle, N. Duvernay, assistant marshalls.

Medical, Surgical, And Renevolent St. Lawrence School Of Medicine, Montreal
F. C. T. Arnoldi, M. D., lecturer on midwifery and the diseases of women and children;
R. L. Macdonnell, M. D., lecturer on surgery;
A. H. David, M. D., lecturer on practice of physic;
T. W. Jones, M.D., lecturer on anatomy;
G. D. Gibb, M. D., lecturer on institutes of medicine;
G. E. Fenwick, M. D., lecturer on materia medica;
R. P. Howard, M. D., lecturer on chemistry;
H. Howard, M. R. C. S. L., lecturer on ophthalmia and aural surgery.
Dr. Arnoldi, lectures on clinical surgery;
Dr. David, lectures on clinical medicine.

The winter course of lectures at this school commences on the 1st Monday of November, and terminates in the last week of April each year, and. a summer course is given during the months of May, June and July.
Situate on Lagauchetiere t., near St. Charles Borromee st.

Montreal School Of Medicine And Surgery
Dr. Munro, lecturer on surgery;
Dr. Beaubien, lecturer on practice of medicine;
Dr. Bibaud, lecturer on anatomy;
Dr. Peltier, lecturer on institutes of medicine;
Dr. Trudel, lecturer on midwifery and diseases of children;
Dr. D’Orsonnens, lecturer on chemistry;
Dr. Boyer, lecturer on medical jurisprudence;
Dr. Coderre, lecturer on materia medica. Situate St. Urbain near Craig street.

College Of Physicians And Surgeons, L. C.
Officers Of The College Elected, July 1850
Joseph Morrin, M. D., President;
Wolfred Nelson, M. D., and Jean Blanchet, M. D., vice presidents;
A. H. David, M. D., and P. M. Bardy, M. D., secretaries;
F. C. T. Arnoldi, M. D., registrar and treasurer.

Board Of Governors
For the City of Quebec
Dr. Morrin, Dr. Sewell
Dr. Jackson, Dr. Nault
Dr. Marsden
Dr. Russell
Dr. Blanehet
Dr. Bardy

For the District of Quebec.
Dr. Laterriere
Dr. Michaud
Dr. Von Iffland
Dr. Marquis
Dr. Fortier
Dr. Tetu
Dr. Marmette

For the District of Three Rivers.
Dr. Badeau
Dr. Gilmor
Dr. Dubord

For the District of St. Francis.
Dr. Fowler
Dr. Johnson
Dr. Glines

For the City of Montreal
Dr. Nelson
Dr. Arnoldi
Dr. David
Dr. Holmes
Dr. Campbell
Dr. Sutherland
Dr. Hall
Dr. Peltier

For the District of Montreal
Dr. Chamberlin
Dr. Valois
Dr. Kimber
Dr. Weilbrenner
Dr. Boutillier
Dr. Fosterter
Dr. Brigham

Montreal General Hospital
S. Gerrard, president;
John Molson, vice-president;
Alexander Simpson, treasurer;
F. A. Larocque, secretary.

Committee Of Management
John Redpath, chairman
John, Try, Thomas Molson, John Fisher, J. T. Barrett; F. Longpre, apothecary
Mrs. Malcolm, matron
W. G. Malcolm, steward

Consulting Physicians
Dr. Holmes, Dr. Hall, Dr. Bruneau.

Attending Physicians
G. W. Campbell, M. D.
James Crawford, M. D.
W. E. Scott, M. D., S. C.
Sewell, M. D.
W. Sutherland, M. D.
W. Fraser, M: D.
F. C. T. Arnoldi, M. D.
A. H. David, M. D.

Asylum For Aged And Infirm Women
Mrs. Emeline Gamelin, directress
Mrs. Nowlan, treasurer
Mrs. Tavernier, secretary

Medico Chirurgical Society
Dr. Sutherland, president
Dr. Arnoldi, first vice-president
Dr. Macdonnell, second vice-president
Dr. Gibb, secretary; Dr. David, treasurer

Pathological Society
Dr. Scott, president
Dr. Peltier, vice-president
Dr. Gibb, secretary

Commissioners For Insane, Foundlings, And Sick
Jean Baptiste C. Trestler, Hon. Joseph Bourret, and C. S. Rodier.

Montreal Dispensary
Attending Physicians
Dr. Peltier
Dr. Gibb
Dr. Wright
Dr. Howard
Dr. Fenwick
Dr. Boyer

University Lying In Hospital
Mrs. Lunn, directress
Mrs. Durnford, secretary
Dr. M’Culloch, physician
Mrs. Smith, resident midwife

Institution For The Treatment Of Diseases Of The Eye And Ear
Conducted by surgeon Howard, M. R. C. S. L.
Rev. W. Agar Adamson, secretary and treasurer

Roman Catholic Magdalene Asylum
Situated in Sherbrooke St., Cote a Barron, under the charge of the Religious Ladies of the Bon Pasteur.

Montreal Protestant Magdalene Asylum
Rev. J. Irwin, president
D. Davidson, treasurer
F. F. Blackader, secretary

Ladies’ Benevolent Society
Mrs. Willoughby and Mrs. Renaud, directresses
Mrs. Barber, treasurer
Miss Ross, secretary
Mrs. Ford, matron

Protestant Orphan Asylum
Mrs. Ross, treasurer
Mrs. McCord, secretary
Mrs. Cribb, matron
E. Cribb, superintendent

Roman Catholic Asylum
Mrs. D. B. Viger directress
Mrs. J. Quesnel, treasurer
Mrs. Chalifoux, superintendent

Mercantile And Literary Associations
Board Of Trade, Commercial Chambers, St. Sacrament Street.
Council Hugh Allan, president
Allan Gilmour, vice-president
D. L. MacDougal, treasurer
L. H. Holton
John Glass
Charles Bockus
W. B. Cumming
William Muir
Henry Starnes
R. S. Tylee
Walter Colquhoun

Board Of Arbitration
Thomas B. Anderson, Thomas Ryan, Hugh Allan, David Torrance, D. L. Macpherson, John Glass, D. L. MacDougal, Andrew Shaw, Hew Ramsay, John Leeming, Joseph Knapp, Walter Colquhoun. Alex. Clerk, secretary.

Foreign Consuls
Jesse Joseph, St. Helen st., Belgian; J. M. Tobin, St. Francois Xavier st., Prussian.

Merchant’s Exchange And Reading Room
Odd Fellows’ Hall, Great St. James Street, Established, April, 1847. Incorporated by Act of Parliament.
W. B. Cumming, chairman; William Muir, secretary; Archibald Macfarlane, treasurer; T. S. Hayward, superintendent.

Mercantile Library Association, Office-Bearers.
John Lewis, president
Samuel Burland, vice-president
John McPherson, corresponding secretary
William P. Cantwell, secretary
W. Cumming, treasurer
Directors: T. W. Ritchie, Robert Morris, M. Baxter, T. Galbraith, Richard Thomas, W. W. Stuart, J. C. Baker, A. W. Atwater, S. Lester Taylor, E. G. Smith.
Honorary Directors: John, Young, John Leeming, Hon. George Moffatt, L. H. Holton. H. Kollmeyer, superintendent.

Mechanics’ Institute
Office-Bearers, 1851 Rooms, 46 Great St. James street.
Dr. Bernard, president
Hector Munro, 1st vice-president
Henry Bulmer, 2nd vice-president
C. W. Meakins, 3rd vice-president
A. Ramsay, 4th vice-president
J. Fletcher, corresponding secretary
James Hayes, recording secretary
J. A. B. McGill, treasurer
Daniel Cary, librarian and cabinet keeper
J. H. Richardson, superintendent

Natural History Society
John Ostell, president
T. J. Hunt, 1st vice-president
J. H. Joseph, 2nd vice-president
Rev. A. de Sola, 3rd vice-president
Dr. Peltier, recording secretary
Romeo Stephens corresponding secretary
A. La Rocque, treasurer
Dr.. George D. Gibb, librarian

Canadian Institute
J . B. E. Dorion, president
A. Tellier, 1st vice-president
M. Desnoyers, 2d, vice-president
W. Marchand, recording secretary
M. Emery, assistant secretary
G. Papineau, corresponding secretary
P. Blanchet, treasurer
G. B. Berube, librarian
J. E. Ferte, assistant librarian.

University Of Mcgill College
Officers Of The University And College
E. A. Meredith, L. L. B., principal
Rev. W. T. Leach, D. C. L., vice-principal and professor of divinity
Rev. W. T. Leach, D. C. L., professor of classical literature
W. Andrew, M. A., professor of mathematics and natural philosophy
Hon. W. Badgley, law lecturer
Rev. J. Abbott, A. M., lecturer on history and geography
T. Guerin, lecturer on mathematics, &c
L. DeMontier, lecturer on French literature and language
A, F. Holmes, M D., professor of medicine
G. W. Campbell, M. D., lecturer on surgery
A. Hall, M. D., lecturer on materia medica
M. M’Culloch, M. D., lecturer on midwifery and diseases of women and children
J. Crawford M. D., lecturer on clinical medicine and surgery
S. C. Sewell, M. D., lecturer on clinical medicine and surgery
W. E. Scott, M. D., lecturer on forensic medicine
W. Fraser, M. D., lecturer on institutes of medicine
W. Wright, M. D. demonstrator of anatomy
O.T. Bruneau, M, D. lecturer on anatomy
W. Sutherland, M. D., lecturer on chemistry
Rev. J. Abbott, M. A., bursar and secretary

High School Of Montreal
Belmont street
D. Davidson, treasurer
H. Ramsay, honorary secretary
H. A. Howe, rector
T. A. Gibson, second master
M. DeMontier, French master
Mr. Rodger, writing master
Mr. Follenus, music master
Rev. Mr. Hutchinson, preparatory and drawing master.

President R. N. Watts
Vice-presidents, the Hon. P. DeBoucherville, Hon. G. R. S. DeBeaujeu
Hon. Adam Ferrie
Alfred Turgeon
G. P. Chagnon
P. L. Letourneux

Hon’s A. N. Morin, Adam Ferrie, G. R. S. DeBeaujeu, P. DeBoucherville, Rev. F. Pilote, Rev. M. Desaulniers, Major Campbell, Alfred Pinsonneault, John Yule, John Fraser, Alfred Turgeon, P. E. Leclere, F. A. La Rocque, R. N. Watts, M. P. P., A. Vandandaigue, C. Tache, M. P. P., F. Armand, H. L. Langevin, A. Morris, J. L. De Bellefeuille, Dr. Valois, J. Vincent, H. Hurteau, H. Latour, J. E. Guilbault, William Evans, G. P. Chagnon, A. E. Montmarquet, E. Cartier, E. A. Kierskowski, M. Leprohon, P. L. Letourneux, David Laurent.

Executive Committee
The Hon. A. N. Morin, Major Campbell, John Yule and Alfred Pinsonneault.

Finance Committee
The Hon. G. R. S. DeBeaujeu, Major Campbell, and P. L. Letourneux.

Journal Committee
The Hon. Adam Ferrie, Alfred Pinsonneault, John Yule and G. P. Chagnon.
William Evans, secretary and treasurer.

Post Office
James Porteous, postmaster
Patrick Wm. Cooper, 1st clerk
George E. Laughlin, 2nd clerk
Robert Oliver, 3rd clerk
B. M’Evenue, 4th clerk
Charles R. Huddell, 5th clerk
J. C. Lilly, 6th clerk
R. Terroux, 7th clerk
J. Stevenson, 8th clerk
J. Simpson, 1st letter-carrier
M. Murphy, 2nd letter carrier
W. A. R. Huddell, 3rd letter-carrier
C. Loofs, messenger

Customs Department
Imperial Branch
Robert H. Hamilton, comptroller
Thomas Thain, 1st assistant
H. Kavanagh, 2nd do.

Provincial Branch
Tancrcde Bouthillier, collector
Isidore Mallon, surveyor
John Lewis, 1st clerk
J. N. Travers, 2nd clerk
H. W. King, 3rd clerk
F. Campion, 1st clerk to surveyor
R. Hampson, 2nd clerk to surveyor
J. Jordan, 1st landing waiter
L. Globensky, 2nd landing waiter
John Gray, 4th landing waiter
H. Fletcher, acting tidewaiter;
J. B. Routier, locker
Wm. Scholes, messenger and housekeeper.

Trinity House
Robert Armour, master
William Bristow, deputy master
William Edmonstone, warden
John Try, warden
Andrew Shaw, warden
J. L. Beaudry, warden
Henry Starnes, warden
James Holmes, registrar and treasurer
P. H. Morin, harbour master
H. G. Thompson, water bailiff.

Pilots For The River St. Lawrence Above Quebec
Pierre Page, Montreal
Ambroise Paquet, Grondines
Joseph Paquet, Grondines
Olivier Boudreau, Three Rivers
Zephirin Boudreau, Three Rivers
Olivier Raymond, Montreal
Edward Boudreau, Three Rivers
Narcisse Boyer, Deschambault
Joseph Boyer, Montreal
Onésime Neau, William Henry
Augustin Mathon, Quebec
Zephirin Mayrand, Contrecoeur
Joseph Mathieu, Yamaska
Francois Dolbec, Ste. Anne Laperade
Olivier Labelle, Montreal
Amable Hamelin, Three Rivers
Alexander Trottier, Grondines
Alexis Toutant,
Thomas Dubord, Montreal
Chas. Ed. Hamelin, Champlain
Felix Hamelin, Montreal
Marcel Mathieu, Grondines
Fr. Ant. Mayrand, Ste. Anne Laperade
Severe Belisle, Deschambault
Joseph Leveille, Batiscan
Hector Hamelin, Montreal
David Hubert., Berthier
Caleb Paquet, Grondines
Jos. L. Dessureau, Sorel
Leandre Mayrand, Ste. Anne Laperade
Hubert Lemai, Montreal

Courts Of Justice
Court Of Queen’s Bench.
Hon. Sir James Stuart, Bart., chief justice;
Hons. J. R. Rolland, Philippe Panet, Thos. C. Aylwin, judges.

Criminal Court at Montreal, commences 14th March and 14th October.
Court of Appeals at Montreal, 1st to 12th March, and 1st to 12th October. J. U. Beaudry, clerk of court of appeals ; J. Von Exter, deputy clerk of do.

Superior Court, Montreal
Judges Circuit Courts.
Hons. Charles D. Day
James Smith
Charles Mondelet
George Vanfelson

Judges District of Montreal
Hons. Hypolite Guy
J. S. M’Cord
J. C. Bruneau

Officers Of The Law Courts
John Boston, Sheriff
George L. Kurezyn, Deputy Sheriff
S. W. Monk, W. C. H. Coffin, L. J. A. Papineau, prothonotary superior court and clerk of circuit court, Montreal.
John Honey; deputy prothonotary
George Pyke, deputy clerk circuit court
Joseph Jones, Charles J. Coursol, coroner
A. M. Delisle, clerk of the crown
Charles E. Schiller, deputy clerk of the crown
A. M. Delisle, W. H. Brehaut, clerk of the peace
Charles E. Schiller, deputy clerk of the peace
R. Dillon, French and English translator and interpreter
George Stanley, crier
Peter Devins, assistant crier
Thomas McGinn, gaoler
Benjamin Delisle, high constable

Montreal Bar
Toussaint Peltier, batonnier
Frederick Griffin, syndic
Joseph A. BertheIot, treasurer
P. Richard LaFrenaye, secretary
Come S. Cherrier, Q. C.
George E. Cartier
T. J. J. Loranger
S. Cornwallis Monk
J. J. Day
Alexander Buchanan, Q. C.
Henry Stuart
A. Aim& Dorion.

Montreal Board Of Notaries
Louis Lacoste, president;
H. Lappare, secretary;
D. E. Papineau, treasurer;
C. E, Belle, syndic.
L. Lacoste, J. Belle, G. Chagnon, 0. Leblanc, J. J. Gibb, L. S. Martin, J. B. Varin, P. E. Leclere, Paul Bertrand, J. N. A. Archambault, D. E. Papineau, J. 0. Bastien. Office, corner of Little St. James street and St. Lawrence hill.

County Registrar’s Office
George H. Ryland, registrar;
Leon Doutre, deputy do.;
Edward Meyer, 1st clerk
S. C. Genand, 2nd do. Office, Government House, west wing.

Montreal Police
William Ermatinger, superintendent, inspector, and magistrate;
Thomas M’Grath, chief of police;
E. Flynn, deputy do. Magistrate’s office, Court-house; chief’s office, Bonsecours. Market.

Water Police
Major Johnston, superintendent and magistrate Office, King st.,

Military Departments
Lieut. General William Rowan, C. B., commander of the forces in Canada
Captain F. A. Wetherall, rifle brigade, A. D. C.
Captain Sir James Alexander,. 14th regiment, A. D. C.
Captain J. A. V. Kirkland, 20th regiment, military secretary
Lieut. Colonel W.J. D’Urban, deputy quarter master general
Captain F.L. Ingall, deputy assistant quarter master general
Captain F. J. Griffin, deputy assistant adjutant general
Ensign C. Macdonald, town major.

Clerks In The Military Secretary’s Office
Captain A. Bulger, 1st clerk
P. Lawlor, J. R. Spong
R. G. Greig, E. Roe, clerks. Office, Dalhousie square.

Clerks In The Adjutant General’s Office
William Wright, 1st clerk
George. C. E. Colthurst, 2nd clerk
William F. Grasett, 3rd clerk. Office, St. Louis st.,

Clerks In The Quarter Master General’s Office
William Rogers, 1st clerk
N. H. Hughes, 2nd clerk
Robert Berry, 3rd clerk.

Royal Engineers.
Lieutenant Colonel Whinyates, commanding
Captain Stehelin, assistant commanding
Captain H. Grain, Captain F. W. King, Captain T. A. L. Murray, acting adjutant to R. E.
Captain F. G. Dawson, Lieutenant W. F. Lambert, Lieutenant Savage, Lieutenant Honorable J. J. Bury.

Head Quarters, Civil Branch
George Houghton, clerk of works
J. R. Pilkington, surveyor and draftsman
Charles Walkem, surveyor and draftsman
N. Walker, surveyor and draftsman
J. Collard, foreman of works
James Kerr, John Stevens, F. W. Lancaster, John Gardiner, M. Shaw, Clerks
James Robertson, James Doran, office keepers.

Montreal District, Civil Branch
R. Bean, P. Hanlon, clerks of works
William Jago, William J. Fennell, William Hadden, R. Ogden, foremen of works
W. P. Peter, H. J. Sediey, John Lathbury, clerks
J. Fraser, office keeper. Head Quarters office, Dalhousie square; District office, St. Louis street.

Royal Ordnance Department
James Sutton Elliot, storekeeper
W. H. Blenkarne, deputy storekeeper
Ed. Fayrer, J. Greig, Edward Wilgress, G. Wilgress, and G. F. Stephens, clerks
R. L. Penn, assistant clerk
William H. Gray, barrack master.

Commissariat Department
W. H. Robinson, deputy commissary general, in charge of the department in Canada
L. Routh, assistant commissary general, in charge of commissary general’s office
G. J. Webb, deputy assistant commissary general.

Account Branch
T. Rae, A. C. G.; W. H. Dalrymple, A. C. G., treasury clerk
D. C. Napier, cash department
W. H. Ussher D. A. C. G., provincial department.

Local Office
H. B. Morse, A. C. G., in charge of district
J. S. Davenport, A.C.G., in charge of local magazines
J. M. Gaudet, and M. B. Irvine, treasury clerks. Office, 53 Notre Dame street.

Incorporated Companies
Montreal Mining Company.
Incorporated by Act of Parliament.-Capital, £300,000 in shares of £5 each.
Hon. James Ferrier, president;
Charles S. Ross, vice-president;
Hon. George Moffat, Hon. A. N. Morin, Luther H. Holton, Thomas Ryan, D. L. Macpherson,
John Smith. H. D. Cockburn, secretary and treasurer.

Montreal Assurance Company
Hon. James Ferrier, president;
William Dow, vice-president.
Directors–Hon. Adam Ferrie, Stanley Bagg, Thomas Kay, Alexander Cross, John Torrance; William Murray, manager. Office, No. 9 Great St. James street.

The St. Lawrence And Atlantic RailRoad Company
Board Op Directors
A. T. Galt, president
John Young, vice-president
Hon. A. N. Morin, T. A. Stayner, William Molson, Robert Mackay, Alfred La Rocque, Hon. George Moffatt, John Torrance, William Dow, George Desbarats, T. E. Campbell, Charles Wilson.
A. C. Webster, treasurer
C. S. Gzowski, chief engineer. Office, 18 Little St. James street.

Montreal And Lachine Railroad Company
W. F. Coffin, president
W. Molson, vice-president.
W. Murray, D. L. Macpherson, st. Anderson, John Torrance, T. A.. Stayner, D. Finlayson, Thomas Ryan, Hon. James Ferrier, Alexander Simpson, Dr. McCulloch.
John Farrow, superintendent and treasurer;
James Unsworth freight clerk;
J. Cauthers, ticket clerk,
Alexander Rough, clerk at Lachine. Office, at the Depot, Bonaventure street.

Champlain And St. Lawrence Railroad Company
Office 66 Commissioners street.
Hon. John Molson, chairman;
B. Brewster, deputy chairman;
John Carter, A. M. Delisle, Judge Gale, W. Lyman, Charles Philips, H. Russel,
W. Workman; W. A. Merry, clerk and secretary;
R. Mills, accountant;
A. H. Brainerd, superintendent.

Richelieu Navigation Company
P. E. Leclere, president;
Louis Marchand, vice-president;
J. F. Sincennes, secretary and treasurer;
Janvier H. Terroux, bookkeeper. Office, 37 Commissioners st.,

Montreal Building Society
J. T. Badgley, secretary and treasurer. Office, 67 Commissioners street.

City And District Building Society
J. C. Abbott, secretary and treasurer. Office, Little St. James street.

New City Gas Company
Board Of Directors
Hugh Allan, president
Thomas Molson, vice-president
Hon. Joseph Bourret, Hon. James Ferrier, J. W. A. R. Masson, Robert Anderson, Henry Mulholland, John Ostell, William Dow, Alexander Urquhart, Donald Stewart, Archibald Macfarlane, John Rose
W. R. Falconer, manager
Thomas Hunter, secretary
E. Hausselman, collector. Office, Gabriel street, Griffintown.

Montreal And Troy Telegraph Company
Odd Fellows’ Hall, Great St. Tames street.
Hector Russell, president
N. W. Bethune, superintendent

Montreal Telegraph Company
Odd Fellows’ Hall, Great St. James Street.
Andrew Shaw, president
Hugh Allan, John Redpath, James Logan, H. H. Whitney.
O. S. Wood, superintendent;
James Dakers, secretary.

Montreal Canada,

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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