1851 Montreal Canada Directory, Agencies Of Assurance Companies

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Agencies Of Assurance Companies, &C.
Aetna (Fire,) Of Hartford, 8 St. Francois Xavier st.
Robert Wood, agent

Alliance, (Life And Fire,) Of London corner St. Therese and St. Gabriel sts.
Richard Gerrard, general agent

Britannia, (Life,) Of London
J. H. Maitland, agent

British America, (Fire, Life And Inland Marine,) 33 Great St. James st.
William Steward, manager,

British Commercial Life Assurance Co., 3 St. Sacrament t.
Thos. Procter, agent,

Canada Life Assurance, 27 St. Francois Xavier st.
Thomas Ramsay, agent

Colonial Life Assurance, 49 Great St. James st.
A. D. Parker, manager,

Connecticut Mutual Life Assurance Co., 8 St. Francois Xavier st.
Robert Wood, agent,

Equitable Fire Assurance Co., Great St. James st.
F. R. Starr, agent,

Empire State Health Association, Odd Fellows’ Hall.
M. H. Gault, agent,

Globe, (Fire And Life) Of London,
Ryan, Chapman & Co., agents

Hudson River Fire Insurance Co., Odd Fellows’ Hall, Great St. James st.
M. H. Gault, agent

Hartford, (Fire,) Of Hartford, 8 St. Francois Xavier st.
Robert Wood, agent

Inland Marine Insurance Co., corner St. Helen and Lemoine sts.
C. T. Palsgrave, agent

Lloyd’s Agents,
Ryan, Chapman & Co.

Lafayette Marine Insurance Co., 17 Great St. James st.
J. B. M. Chipman, agent for Canada,

Liverpool And London Life And Fire Insurance Company,
J. H. Maitland, agent, Place D’Armes.

Montreal Assurance Company, Great St. James st.
William Murray, manager,

Mutual Life Assurance Company Of New York, Odd Fellows’ Hall, Great St. James st.
M. H. Gault, agent

Mutual Fire Insurance Company Of Montreal
B. Brewster, president;
E. R. Fabre, Jean Bruneau, P. Jodoin, Joseph Grenier, A. LaRocque, Wm. Spiers, Hubert Pare, N. Valois

P. L. Letourneux, Secretary And treasurer;
T. Cherrier, assistant treasurer;
A. Richer, inspector.

National Loan Fund, (Life And Annuity Of London,) Great St. James st.
F. R. Starr, General Agent,

National Life Assurance Co., Montpelier, Vermont, 196 St. Paul st.
Wm. Lyman, general agent for Canada,

New York Protection, Fire And Marine Insurance Co., Odd Fellows Hall, Great St. James st.
M. H. Gault, agent

New England Live Stock Insurance Co., Odd Fellows’ Hall.
M. H. Gault, Agent,

North Western, Fire And Marine, Of Oswego, 183 St. Paul st.
George Bent, agent,

Protection, (Fire) Of Hartford, S St. Francois Xavier st.
Robert Wood, agent

Provincial Mutual And General Insurance Co., Of U. C., Côte St. Paul.
Wm. Evans, jun., agent

Provincial Marine And Fire Insurance Co., 216 St. Paul st.
C. Bockus, agent,

Royal Fire And Life Assurance Co., Water st.
H. L. Routh, agent

Union Mutual Life Insurance Co., Of Boston, 17 St Francois Xavier st.
A. F. Sabine, agent

United States Life Insurance Co., Of New York,Place d’Armes hill.
G. B. Muir, agent

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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