1851 Hamilton Canada Directory

The City of Hamilton is situated on Burlington Bay, at the head of Lake Ontario, and of the river St. Lawrence and Lake Ontario navigation, in the Township of Barton, County of Wentworth, C.W. Hamilton is the County Town of the united Counties of Wentworth and Halton, and is also an electoral district, returning one member to the Provincial Parliament. The City has been greatly improved within the last few years, and is most favorably situated for trade, being in the centre of one of the finest agricultural districts of Canada, and when the Great Western Railroad, now in process of constrnction, is completed, it must necessarily conduce to the still greater prosperity of the City. Hamilton is distant from Kingston, 226 miles usual steamboat fare, 25s. distant from Toronto, 50 miles usual steamboat fare, 7s. 6d. usual stage fare, 12s. 6d. distant from London, 84 miles usual stage fare, 17s. 6d. Population by the census of 1850, 10,312.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

City Council
Mayor John R. Holden
St. Andrew’s Ward-Alderman, M. Davis
Councillors, J. Lister and G. H. Cozens. St

George’s Ward-Aldermen, H. C. Baker and W. L. Distin
Councillors, J. Osborne and J. Simpson

St. Patrick’s Ward-Aldermen, J. S. Clement and J. Trilles
Councillors, T. Collingwood and D. Stuart

St. Lawrence Ward-Aldermen, M. Magill and D. Kelly
Councillors, H. Weeks and J. Moore

St. Mary’s Ward-Aldermen J. M. Williams and R. McElroy
Councillors, S. Kirkendall and J. Stuart.

Public Officers
BRAY, JOSIAS, coroner.
Brown, John, city chamberlain.
Bull, H. B., coroner.
Clarke, W. C., coroner.
Counsell, C. O., county clerk and superintendent of schools.
Cragie, William, M. D., coroner.
Davidson, John, collector of customs.
Distin, W. L., chairman board of school trustees.
Freeman, S. B., clerk of the peace.
Gillesby, Thomas, jun., clerk of the market.
Hopkins, Caleb, M. P. P. for Halton.
Hunter, Dr., city physician.
Kerby, John, coroner.
Kerr, R. W., city engineer.
KIRKPATRIcK, JAMES, county treasurer, District Buildings, Main st.
Macdonald, W. R., clerk of No. 1 division court and deputy registrar of surrogate court
Macdougall, Duncan, revenue inspector, north division.
McMillan, W., inspector of firewood.
McNab, Sir Allan Napier, M. P. P. for city of Hamilton.
Mills, John, custom house appraiser.
Munro, George, chief constable.
Nicholson, R., police inspector.
O’Reilly, Miles, judge of the county court.
Pring, William, surveyor of customs.
Proudfoot, William, master and deputy registrar in chancery for Wentworth and Halton.
Ritchie, Edmund, postmaster.
Ryckman, S., high bailiff.
Smith, Hermanus, M. P. P. for Wentworth.
STEWART, ALEXANDER, registrar, deputy crown clerk and agent for the issue of marriage licenses, County Buildings, Main st.
Stokoe, C. H., city clerk.
Stuart, Andrew, clerk of the county court and insolvent court.
Thomas, E. C., sheriff.
Willson, J. L., revenue inspector, south division.
Willson, J., superintendent house of industry.

Agencies Of Assurance Companies, Banks, &E.
BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, Alexander Campbell, manager, King st.
BANK OF MoNTREAL, James Stevenson, jun., cashier, King St.
BANK OF UPPER CANADA, Alfred Stow, cashier, King st.
COMMERCIAL BANK MIDLAND DISTRICT, Henry McKinstry, cashier, James st.
GORE BANK OF HAMILTON, Colin C. Ferrie, president; Andrew Steven, cashier, King St.
Directors Hon.
Adam Fergusson, Richard Martin, Thomas Clark Street, John Davidson, James Gage, E. S. Kennedy, George Notman, D. Thorburn, John Weir.
H. C. Baker, President;
John Young, vice-president ,
T. M. Simons, secretary, office, 32 King St.
Miles O’Reilly, James Hamilton, R. P. Street, John Young, E. C. Thomas, James B. Ewart, Archibald Kerr, James Osborne, P. Wallace, Hon. M. Cameron, Hon. A. Fergusson, J.O. Hatt, D. MacNab, Nehemiah Merritt, G. S. Tiffany, H. C. Baker, R. O. Duggan, D. C. Gunn, W. P. Maclaren, YE. S. Kennedy.
NATIONAL LOAN FUND LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, J. S. Garratt, agent, King st. William Bellhouse. agent, King st.
British America Fire Insurance Company, A. Steven, agent, King st.
Equitable Fire Insurance Company, J. S. Garratt, agent, King st.
Globe Fire Insurance Company, P. S. Stevenson, agent, King st.
Gore District Mutual Insurance Company, R. H. Rae, agent, King st.
Home District Mutual Insurance Company, Wright & Green, agents, King st. Montreal Insurance Company, C. C. Ferrie, agent, Hughson st.
Provincial Mutual and General Insurance Company, Josias Bray, agent, James st. St. Lawrence Inland Marine Insurance Company, E. Ritchie, agent, James st.
Mutual Life Assurance Company of New York, S. Wright, agent, James st. Savings Bank, Gore and Hamilton District, Gore Bank, King st.
SAVINGS BANK, Thomas Stinson’s, Hughson St.
Toronto, Hamilton, St. Catherine’s and Niagara River, Telegraph Company, J. C. Ryan, agent, King st.
Western Telegraph, J. C. Ryan, superintendent, King st.
Gas Works, E. Glackmeyer, manager.
Mechanics Institute, King st., C. C. Ferrie, president; William Leggo, secretary.
Hamilton Mercantile Library Association, T. M. Simons, president; John Clark, vice-president; F. A. Skinner, secretary; John McNab, treasurer; J. D. Milne, superintendent. Members 260 Library contains 850 volumes Subscription, Merchants 25s., Clerks 15s.
GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY, King st., Hamilton, Robert W. Harris, president; W. P. McLaren, vice-president; J. T. Gilkison, secretary; J. Hatt, solicitor; Bank of Upper Canada, bankers; Charles B. Stuart, chief engineer; R. G. Benedict, division engineer. Directors Robert W. Harris, Hamilton; Sir Allan N. McNab, Henry McKinstry, Richard Juson, Jno. Young, George S: Tiffany, Hamilton; W. H. Dickson, M. P. P., Niagara; Wm. P. McLaren, Hamilton; Erastus Corning, Albany; John M. Forbes, Boston; J. W. Brooks, Detroit.

Hamilton Building Society, Hugh C. Baker, president; John Mackelcan, vice-president; R. P. Street, secretary and treasurer.
Gore District Building Society, Hugh C. Baker, president; It. P. Street, vice-president; Josias Bray, secretary and treasurer.
Western Building Society, Jas. Mathieson, president; Milton Davis vice-president; Hugh C. Baker, secretary and treasurer.
Hamilton Horticultural Society, Daniel McNab, president; Dr. Craigie, vice-president; Wm. G. Kerr, treasurer; J. E. Sabine, secretary. Managing Committee Messrs. Mundie, Pring, Hamilton, H. B. Bull, John Young, McLaren and Murray.

Professions, Trades, &C., Arranged Under Their Respective Heads.

Academies, Schools, “&C.
Burlington Ladies’ Academy, King st.
Catholic Benevolent Society’s Schools.
Devlin, Miss, academy, Hughson st.
Mcllroy, Mrs., academy, King st.
Meredith, Miss, academy, McNab st.
Murton, Miss, academy, James st.
Orphan School, James st.
Rainerd, Miss, academy, York st.
Wallis. William, academy, Bay st.
Wilkins, Miss, academy, James street.

Architects, Surveyors And Civil Engineers.
Blyth, T. A., land surveyor, King st. west.
COLLINGWOOD, T. C., architect and surveyor, John st.
LYONS, JAMES, civil engineer, architect, &c., Provincial district buildings, Main St. Contractors estimates, topographical plans and drawings of new inventions accurately prepared.
Thomas, William, architect, King st.

Auctioneers And Commission Agents, &C.
BEST, THOMAS NOAKES, auctioneer and general commission merchant, James St. Established, 1844.
BOOKER, A., general commission merchant and auctioneer, King st.
GOLDIE, A., produce merchant, auctioneer and general commission merchant, Victoria buildings, King St. Sells to the trade only.
Bates, William, auctioneer, King William st.
Devany, L., auctioneer, King William st.
Oliver, S., auctioneer, John st.
Workman, Thomas, auctioneer, James st.

BRANIGAN, TERENCE, bread and biscuit baker, James st.
Boggs, W. J.. baker. King st.,
Coombe. B., baker, Walnut st.
Knox, W., baker, York st.
Lee, J., baker, Main st.
Thompson, J., baker, Hughson st.
West. O’Grady, J., baker, Peel st.

Booksellers, Stationers And Binders.
BARNES, GEORGE, wholesale and retail dealer in British and American magazines, standard and scientific works, reprints, cheap publications, newspapers, stationery, music, &c., King st.
BUNTIN, A., & Co., wholesale dealers in printing, writing and wrapping paper, school books, stationery, &c., King st.
HELLIWELL, C. L., bookseller, binder, stationer and paper maker, wholesale and retail, King st.
HERVEY, S., bookseller, (old and new), King st.
HEWSON, STEPHEN, bookbinder, James st.
MACKENDRICK, MATTHEW, stationer and general dealer in school books, binding materials, engravings, maps, paper hangings, music and musical instruments, James St. Printing and binding executed to order.
PHINNEY & CO., wholesale and retail booksellers, King st. School and miscellaneous books constantly on hand, at New York prices J. Frisbee, agent.
McLellan, D., bookseller, King st.

Boot And Shoemakers.
GORDON, A., boot and shoe manufacturer, King st. west.
MONTREAL BOOT AND SHOE STORE, King st. east, Robert Hopkins.
NISBET, ROBERT, jun., Penitentiary boot and shoe store, King St.a large stock always on hand at low prices.
STERLING, G., boot and shoe manufacturer, Victoria buildings, King st: particular attention paid to orders, &c.
TRACY, C. J., boot and shoe manufacturer and importer, King St. every description of ladies’ and gentlemen’s boots and shoes made to order.

Non Subscribers
Boyle, W., King st.
Crocker, J., King st.
Edgar, J., York st.
Gardner, James’ James st.
Gardner, John, King st.
Gordon, D’, McNab st.
Holbrook, R., King st.
Mooney & Fletcher. James st.
Motashed. J., Hughson st.
Ruse. R.. King st.
Simpson, J., McNab st.
Stanley, G.. James st.
Warren. H.. King st.
Wills, J., King st.

Brewers And Distillers.
SNOWDEN, GRANT & CO., Springs brewery, Main st.
Hunt & Co., Peel st.

Cabinet And Chair Makers.
Bain & Hastings, cabinetmakers King st.
Balfour, P., cabinetmaker, John st.
BLACHFORD, J., cabinetmaker and undertaker, James St. every description of cabinet work of the latest fashion, funerals furnished, and coffins constantly on hand.
Coates, T’ A., upholsterer, Walnut st.
Dodsworth, J., cabinetmaker, James st.
Drysdale, A, upholsterer, King st.
Hiesdrodt, J., cabinetmaker. Main st.
Hilton, T. cabinetmaker’ York st.
Kerr. R., cabinetmaker, McNab st.
MEADOWS, S., cabinet and chairmaker, King st. east.
MUNROE, WILLIAMSON & MORTON, cabinet and chair makers, carvers, upholsterers and
PORTER & HOODLESS, chair and beadstead factory, Hughson st. every description of rocking, Windsor, cane seat and rush bottom chairs, and patent and other bedsteads.
REID, JAMES, cabinet and chair steam factory, and upholstry warehouse, corner King and Bond st.
undertakers, Courthouse square-every article in the line made in the newest and most fashionable style.
Whitney. T., cabinetmaker, King st.

Carpenters, Joiners And Builders.
Balfour. P., carpenter, Market st.
Clark, H., builder, Hughson st.
Collingwood, T., builder,
Dodds, W., carpenter, Hughson st.
Dunn, J., builder, West Market st.
HILLS, A. H., builder, machinist and agricultural implement manufacturer, James st.
John t. Dalton, J., carpenter, Rebecca st.
Johnson, W., carpenter.
Kinread, T, carpenter, Catherine st.
Powell, T. S. carpenter, Mountain brow.
Robinson, G., carpenter, West Market st.
Shipman, G., carpenter, John st.
Simpson, J’, builder, Main st.
Smith, T., carpenter, Cannon st.
Taylor, 0., carpenter, McNab st.
Taylor, J., carpenter, Park st.
Taylor, Thomas, carpenter, Park st.
Thompson, W., carpenter, Market St.
Waugh, J., carpenter, Bay st.

Carver, Gilder And Looking Glassmaker.
STEIN, L., gilder and frame maker, King st. west every description of looking glass and picture frames gilt and repolished.

Chemists, Druggists And Apothecaries.
CARTWRIGHT, GEoRGE E., apothecary and chemist, corner King and Hughson Sts. prescriptions and family receipts carefully prepared.
HAMILTON & KNEESHAW, importers and dealers in drugs and chemicals, patent medicines, English and French perfumery, spices, oils, paints and dye stuffs, corner King and James st.
Hitchcock & Bostock, chemists, King st.
MEDICAL HALL, King St. established, 1835 T. Bickle & Son, wholesale and retail dealers in drugs, chemicals, patent medicines, perfumery, paints, oils, varnishes, dye stuffs, brushes, artists colors and tools, druggists glass ware, &c., King st. See card.
WINER & SIMS, licentiate chemists and druggists, King st. established, 1830 importers and dealers in drugs, chemicals, British and Foreign perfumery, paints, colors, oils, varnishes, dye stuffs, seeds, &c., King st.
WOODWRTH, B. H., chemist and druggist, Upper John St. prescriptions and family medicines and receipts carefully prepared.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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