1851 Hamilton Canada Directory – Lawyers to Turners

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Lawyers And Barristers.
BURTON & SADLIER, barristers and attorneys at law, King st.
CRAGIE, WILLIAM, jun., barrister at law, notary public, &c., Victoria buildings, King st.
CRICKMORE, C. G., barrister and attorney at law, King st.
DUGGAN & HOLDEN, barristers, attorneys, solicitors, &c., King st.
FRASER, D., barrister and attorney at law, King st. west.
FREEMAN & JONES, barristers, attorneys, notaries and conveyancers, King st.
HOGAN, J. S., attorney, notary, conveyancer and solicitor, King st.
IRELAND, J. M., advocate in the division court, notary, land and general agent, conveyancer and collector, Courthouse square.
LAW, R. N., attorney, notary, &c., Courthouse square.
LEGGO, WM. A., barrister, attorney, and solicitor, corner of King and Hughson st.
MARTIN, RICHARD, barrister, attorney and solicitor, corner Hughson and Main st.
MILLS, W. H., barrister and attorney at law, Hughson st.
REID, COLIN D., barrister, attorney and notary, Hughson st.
START, JOHN E., barrister and attorney at law, Ontario buildings, King St.
TIFFANY, GEORGE S., barrister, attorney, &c., Hughson st.
VANKOUGHNET & PRINGLE, barristers and attorneys at law, Hughson st.
WILLSON, H. B., barrister and attorney, &c.
Cahill, James, King st. Proudfoot & Jones, Hughson st.
Hatt, J. O., Main st.
Springer & Crickmore, King st.
Macara, J., King st.

Leather Merchants And Tanners
BEARDMORE, GEORGE L., dealer in leather and hides, James st.
CLEMENT & MOORE, tanners, Tyburn st.
DAYFOOT, J. B., boot, shoe and leather merchant, King st. and James st.
Fairclough, R., skin dealer, Bay st.
Musgrove, R., skin dealer, York st.

Livery Stable Proprietors.
Baxter, J., McNab st.
Knox & Gillesby, West Market st.
Leonard, J., Hughson st.
Mathews, J. B., Market st.
McKay, R., James st.
Nowlan, O., James st.
O’Neil, J., King William st.

Lumber Merchants
COOK, H., & Co., oak lumber merchants, Cook’s wharf.
FLOOD, JAMES, lumber merchant and warehouseman, James st. wharf.
MoORE, E. & J. F., lumber merchants, Rebecca st.
RYCKMAN, S. W., sawed lumber merchant, Market st.

Merchant Tailors And Clothiers
BRUCE, MAGNUS, merchant tailor and clothier, Hughson St. keeps the best West of England broad cloths, cassimeres, doeskins, &c.
FOSTER, C. J., merchant tailor, 2, Clark’s buildings, James St. an excellent stock of every article in his line always on hand, at moderate prices.
MACKAY, DONALD, (late of Montreal), merchant tailor, King st. keeps constantly on hand West of England broad cloths. cassimeres, doeskins, &c.
O’BEIRNE, M. J., woollen and linen draper, and dealer in general clothing, hats, caps, &c., Waterloo house, King st.
O’HIGGINS, J., clothing warehouse, wholesale and retail, King St. all goods in this establishment are manufactured under the inspection of the proprietor country store keepers supplied on low terms.
WATKINS, F. W. & T. C., wholesale and retail clothing and dry goods merchants, sign of the golden lion; Ontario buildings, King st., opposite the Gore Bank. Clark, W. E., Main st.
Evans, D., King st.
Cozens, G. H., James st.
Dawson, W., King st.
Ewen, R., John st.
Fearnside & Son, John st.
Hamilton, A., Market st.
Herbert, E., York st.
McCurdy, H., John st.
Nash, James, King st.

NORTHEY, GEORGE, miller, city steam mills, corner Wellington and Market st.

Milliners And Dressmakers
Carnal, Miss, James st.
Depew, Miss, King st.
Sillet, R., John st.
Thompson, Misses, Main st.
Webster S., King st.
Whitney, Miss, James st.

ALLEN, I., saleratus factory, Spring st.
BRAINERD, T., corn broom manufactory, King st. west.
GILBERT, W. J., Hughson St. manufacturer of British and Foreign liqueurs, and temperance cordials, sarsaparilla, and others, for which he obtained a premium and diploma at the Niagara fair, 1850.
HAGAR & VOGT, organ builders, Cannon St. organs of every size and description made and repaired with neatness and skill all work warranted.
RICHARDSON, COOK & Co., planing mills, Cook’s wharf.
RYMAL, GEORGE, Hamilton marble works, King st. west.
WHITE, T. W., Hamilton melodeon, seraphine and musical centre table factory, King st. west, opposite the Burlington ladies’ academy.
Addison, J., pump maker, Rebecca st.
Radford, L. A., veterinary surgeon, Courthouse
Macdonald’ H., threshing machines, Vine st.
Milne, R., daguerrestypist, James st.
Smith, G. S., daguerrestypist. King st.
Strongman, G., quarryman, Tyburn st.

Newspapers And Periodicals

CANADA CHRISTIAN ADVoCATE, Rev. S. Shephard, editor, King st.
EVANGELIST, Rev. J. Davison, editor, King St.
HAMILTON GAZETTE, H. B. Bull, Courthouse square.
HAMILTON SPECTATOR, R. R. Smiley, proprietor, James st.
JOURNAL & EXPRESS, S. Brega, John St.

Nursery And Seedsmen

BEDDOME, J., importer of seeds, Farmers’ hotel, King st. west.
KELLY, CHARLES, & Co., nurserymen, King st. east.
MOORE, E. & J. F., nurserymen, lumber merchants, veneer factory and planing machine, Rebecca st.
TOVELL, SAMUEL, seedsman and market gardener, King st. east.

Painters, Plumbers, Glaziers, Gasfitters And Paperhangers
Bowers, J., house painter, James st.
Coates, H. M., paiuter and glazier, Walnut st.
Cook, J., house painter, Hughson st.
Ford, N., painter and glazier, Catherine st.
GARTH, CHARLES, plumber and gasfitter, James st.
Gooderham, J., house painter, Catherine st.
HARDING, G., plumber, water closet manufacturer, and City Baths, James st.
Holcomb, J., house painter. James st.
Johnson, J., house painter, Hughson st.
MILLER, J., painter, glazier, paperhanger and imitator of woods and marble, &c., James st.
ROBINSON, JAMES, painter, glazier and paperhanger, James st.
Ross, A., painter, York st.
Way, Hayden & Barrow, King st.

Physicians, &C.
Bates, James, surgeon Gore st.
CASE, W. I. A., M. D., corner of King and Walnut st.
Cragie, William, M. D., Hughson st.
Dickenson, _______, M. D. John st.
DUGGAN, THOMAS, M. D., physician, corner of Hughson and Rebecca st.
HUNTER, J., M. D., physician, corner of Main and McNab st.
Kerr, William, M. D., York st.
Long, ______, M. D., Main st.
MacKelcan, J. M. D. Gore st.
McCartney, W. H., M. D.. James st.
Park, G. H., M. D., King st. west.
Reilly. Dr.. King st. east.
ROSS & Co. German physicians, Kinst.west st
Ryall. J., M. D., Hughson st.
WOOLVERTON, A. N., homeopathic physician, Ontario buildings, King st.

Printing Offices
BREGA, S., general printing office, John st.
BULL, H. B., general printing office, Courthouse square.
NICHOLSON, WM, & Co., printers, King St.general hook and job printing office.
RUTHVEN, P., printer, bookbinder and account book manufacturer, James st.
SMILEY, R. R., general printing office; James st.

Resident Clergy
Rev. J. G. Geddes, James st , Church of England, rector.
Rev. Joseph Ede, Church of England, curate.
Rev. J. Gordon, Park st., Roman Catholic.
Rev. D. Macnee, MeNab St , Church. of Scotland.
Rev. C. Carrol, Main st., Wesleyan Methodist.
Rev. S. Belton, Augusta st., Wesleyan Methodist.
Rev. G. Washington, King st., Wesleyan Methodist.
Rev. Thomas Webster, King st., Episcopal Methodist.
Rev. G. Shephard, Catherine st., Episcopal Methodist.
Rev. William Newton, Hughson st., Primitive Methodist.
Rev. J. Davison, Hughson st., Primitive Methodist.
Rev. T. Goldsmith, Main St., New Connection Methodist.
Rev. W. Robinson, Cannon St., Congregationalist.
Rev. A. BoOker, Park st., Baptist.

Saddlers And Harnessmakers
FIELD & DAVIDSoN, Hamilton saddlery establishment, James St.saddlery of every description warranted to be of the best materials and workmanship.
JOLLEY, JAMES, saddler and harness maker, Courthouse square.
SUNLEY, W. T., saddler and harness maker, King st.
Davidson, J., saddler, King st.
Philp, J., saddler, York st.

Smiths, &C.
Boyle, D., Market st.
Campbell, George, King st.
HAYMAN, JoHN, blacksmith, machinist and wagon maker, West Market st.
McArdle, James, Tyburn st.
McCardle, P., Rebecca st.
Minnes, J. & T., Courthouse square.
Pettinger, W., Courthouse square. SOAP

JUDD, JOHN, soap and candle manufacturer, Bay st.

Stage Offices, &C
Mail and general stage coaches leave the general stage office, City hotel daily for
Brantford. usual fare, 5s; Woodstock, 11s 3d; London, 17s 6d at 8, a. m., 2, p. m., and 7, p. m. Galt, usual fare, 5s; Preston, 5s; Guelph, 7s 6d-at 8, a. m., and 7, p. m.
Caledonia, usual fare, 2s 6d; Port Dover, 7s 6d; Simcoe, 10s-at 8, a’ m, and 4, p. m. Grimsby, St. Catharines and Niagara Falls, 31/2. p. m.
Hannahsville, usual fare, 2s 6d; Trafalgar, 3s 9d; Springfield, 5s; Cooksville, 5s; Toronto, 7s 6d-at 3, p. m.
Milton Davis, George Babcock, M. Seger, and J. B. Mathews, proprietors.

Tin And Coppersmiths, Bellhangers,&C.
BLOOD, GEORGE H., copper, tin and sheet ironworker, John st.
COPP, BROTHERS, tin and coppersmiths, York st.
DISTIN, A. T , tin, copper and sheet iron manufactory, corner of King and McNab st. a general assortment of all articles in the above line.
HARRIS, ABRAHAM, copper and tinsmith, manufacturer of stoves, wholesale and retail, John st.
Moore, D., & Co., plain and japanned tinware factory and stove warehouse, King St. rags, old copper, &c., taken in exchange, and cash paid for shipping furs, wool and sheep skins.
RING, E. J., & Co’, manufacturers and wholesale dealers in stamped and japanned tinware, King St. merchants and country dealers supplied on liberal terms with stoves and copper ware.
Gamble, J., tinsmith, King st.
Smith, J., locksmith, King st.
Harwood, W., tinsmith, King William st.
Sylvester, T., tinsmith, James st.

Tobacco And Snuff Manufacturers
PATTISON & PHILLIPS, cigar and tobacco factory, and cracker manufacturers, Cannon A. Rose, David, cigar factory, King st.

LAZARUS, G. J., round and oval turner, corner James and Vine st.
Lonmire, S., turner, King st.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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