1851 Hamilton Canada Directory – Coach Maker to Jewelers

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Coach And Carriage Makers.
HANKEY, FIXTON, Gore carriage and coach factory, corner of Main and McNab Sts. every kind Of carriage made to order on reasonable terms.
PRONGUEY, JOHN P., city coach factory, corner Park and Market Sts.
TALMAN, C. H., coach, carriage and wagon maker, McNab st.
WALKER, ROBERT, carriage, waggon and sleigh maker, Main st.every description of carriage made to order on the shortest notice.
WILLIAMS, JAMES M., coach and carriage factory, King st. See card.

Commissioner Merchants
BALL, F. A., general commission merchant, King st.
CAMERON, R. W., general commission merchant, King st. west agent for Herrings’ salamander safes.
CAMPBELL & GARRETT, produce agents and commission merchants, John st.
GATES & FREELAND, general commission merchants and importers of American dry goods, King st. west agents Salmon Falls Company’s cottons.
GREER, J. H., general commission merchant, James st.
RAE, R. H., general agent and commission merchant, King st. west.
SAMUEL & CO., importers and general commission merchants, Commercial buildings, King st. west.
WRIGHT, S., commission merchant and insurance agent, James st. and John st. wharf. Freeland, C., commission merchant, King St. Stephens, P. S., commission merchant, King st. CONFECTIONERS.
ECCLESTONE, THOMAS, confectioner, wholesale and retail, and fancy bread and biscuit baker. Ontario buildings, King St. wedding cakes in great variety.
MCKILLoP, JoHN, wholesale and retail confectioner, King and James Sts. wedding and ornamental cakes made to order country merchants supplied on liberal terms.

CHITTENDEN, C. S., surgeon dentist, King st.
FILGIANo, T. LEP., surgeon dentist, King st.
SWIFT, J. L., surgeon dentist, King st., opposite Bank of Montreal, late of Dublin and London.
VARS & THORNER, surgeon dentists, corner of King and James st.

Dry Goods Merchants, Wholesale Only.
AITKEN, S. M. & W., wholesale importers of French, British and American dry goods and small wares, London fancy goods, laces, millinery, &c., King st.
BELL, DUNCAN & Co., wholesale importers of dry goods, King st.
KENNEDY, PARkER & CO., importers and wholesale dealers in English, French and American staple and fancy dry goods, &c., &c., King st.
KERR A. & T. C., & CO., wholesale dry goods merchants, King st.
LARKIN, J. P., importer and wholesale dealer in dry goods, corner King and John ts. MCINNES, D., & Co., importers of foreign dry goods, and manufacturers’ agents, King St. American goods sold in bond, by the package, at manufacturers prices. MCKEAND, BROTHER & Co., wholesale importers of dry goods, crockery, &c.
Commercial buildings, King st. west.
MCKENZIE, GATES & CO., importers and wholesale dealers in dry goods, Commercial buildings, King st. west agents for Hoyle’s prints.
Ross, A., & SONss, wholesale importers of British and American dry goods, small wares, hosiery, &c., King st.
TITUS, H. N., & Co., wholesale importers of dry goods and commission merchants, 80,
King st.

Dry Goods Merchants.
BRETHOUR, JOSHUA, importer of dry goods and groceries, and general merchant, &c., corner of King and John ts.
CORBEY, L. R., & Co., importers of British, French, American and India dry goods, wholesale and retail, King st.
CROSSLEY, JOHN, dealer in British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, 8, James st., opposite the Market.
DIXON, W., importer of British and foreign dry goods, and manufacturer of millinery, &c., James st.
HARRIS; T. B. & J., importers of British, French and American dry goods, King st.
INMAN, J. W., dealer in British and foreign dry goods and clothing, 3, Ontario buildings, King st.
LAWSON & BRoTHER, importers of British and foreign dry goods, and manufacturers of clothing, Albert House, King St.
McRAE, DONALD, importer of staple and fancy dry goods, London, Glasgow and New York ready money warehouse, James st.
MAGILL, CHARLES, dry goods merchant, wholesale and retail, King st.
MURRAY & MACDONALD, importers of British, French and American dry goods, London and Paris millinery, &c., King st.
OSBORNE & WYLIE, dry goods merchants, corner of James and King st.
PRICE, G. W., importer of dry goods and clothing, King st.
Roy, R. & J., importers of dry goods, wholesale and retail, King st.
Crawford, L., King st.
Smith, George, John st.
Haing, P., King St east.
Warmoll, C., King St.
Robinson, J., John st.
Wright, W., King st. east.

Slugget, J. Dyer, King st.

FELL, WILLIAM, engraver, King st. west-every description of engraving and copper plate printing, notary and office seals, &c.

Fancy Store.
TISDALE, V. IL, & Co., importers of English, French, German, Bohemian and American fancy and staple goods, jewellery, gold and silver watches, King st.

Flour And Feed Stores
Applegarth, J., John st.
Atkinson, R., John st.
Bentley, R., King st.
Gillesby, A., John st.
SPENCER, B., & Co., flour, feed and corn merchants, James St.-also, planing and flour mills, carding and fulling mills.

Forwarding Merchants
BLACK, JAMES, wharfinger and forwarder, Cook’s wharf.
BROWNE, M. W. & E., wharfingers and forwarders, City wharf.
LAND & ROUTH, forwarders and wharfingers, Commercial wharf.
MACPHERSON & CRANE, wharfingers and forwarders, James st. wharf.

Foundries And Machinists
CAMPBELL & PICKARD, machinists, McNab st.
DALLYN, JOSEPH, & SoN, manufacturers of bellows, forge bellows and Fussell’s patent round bellows, James st.
GURNEY & CARPENTER, iron founders and manufacturers of threshing machines, castings, machinery, hollow, copper and tinware, pipe boxes, potash kettles, &c., John st.
HARRIS, C. T., chain pump manufacturer, King st.
MACQUESTEN & CO., general iron founders and stove manufacturers, James st.
NORTHEY, T., machinist, engineer and millwright, corner Market and Wellington st.
STEWART, JAMES, & Co., iron founders and machinists, McNab st.

General Merchants
BUCHANAN, HARRIS & CO., general merchants, King st.
FERRIE, C. J., & Co., general merchants, Hughson st.

Glass And Crockery Merchants
BIGELOW, A., importer and wholesale dealer in earthenware, china and glass, King st.
CUMMINGS, JAMES, & Co., importers of china, glass, crockery, paints, oils, turpentine, varnish, brushes, window glass, &c., wholesale and retail, King st.

Grocers, Wine And Spirit Merchants
BEASLEY, R. S., dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, provisions, fruits, &c., York st.
BENNER, R., & Co., importers of groceries, wines and liquors, five doors east of the Gore Bank, King st.
FOSTER, THOMAS, coffee and spice merchant factory, between Main and King ts.
GALBRAITH, D. B., wholesale and retail dealer in groceries, Iiquors and provisions, crockery and wooden ware, &c., King st.
GIBBS, J. P., grocer and provision dealer, York st.
GRANT, ALEx., dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, &c., John St. cash paid for wheat.
GRAY, THOMAS As, dealer in groceries, liquors, &c., sign of the black and green teas, York st. HARDIKER, RICHARD, wholesale grocer, King st.
IRVINE, H. & W., wholesale grocers, &c., King st.
KERR, W. G., wholesale grocer, King st. west.
MACDONALD, F. W., & Co., grocers., chequered store, Market square, York st. MACKAY, BROTHER & Co., wholesale grocers and wine merchants, King St.
MATHIESON, J., & Co., importers of groceries, corner King and John st.
MCKILLOP, A. & A., grocers and provision dealers, James st.
McLAREN, W. P., wholesale grocer, King st.
MURPHY, T., importer and wholesale dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, &c. chequered store, King st.
MURTON & DUFFIELD, grocers and provision dealers, York st
OSBORNE, J., grocer and provision dealer, Victoria buildings, Jane st.
STEELE, T., wholesale and retail grocer, corner King and McNab st.
STUART, D., grocer and provision dealer, corner John and Main st.
THOMPSON, O., grocer and provision dealer, King st.
TURNER, JOHN & JAMES, wholesale and retail dealers in groceries, liquors, oils, &c., King st., two doors from John st.
WILSON, T., grocer and provision dealer, and lumber merchant, King St. west.
YOUNG, J., jun., wholesale and retail grocer, and importer of wines and brandies, King st.
Alexander, A., grocer, John st.
Campbell, R., grocer, John st.
Egan, F., grocer’ James st.
Footner, W., & Co’, grocers, King st. Grant, J., grocer, Tyburn st.
Harper, R., grocer, John st. Harvey, J., grocer, York st. McDowell, S., grocer, King st.
Morrison, T., grocer, John st.

Harris, Benjamin, Courthouse square.
O’Brien, H., John st.

Hardware Merchants
BELLHOUSE, IRELAND & Co., iron merchants and importers of British and American hardware and manufacturers of cut nails, King st.
CARPENTER & BLOORE, wholesale and retail dealers in Sheffield, Birmingham and American shelf and heavy hardware, sign of the mammoth axe, King st.
EVANS, BROTHERS & Co., importers of American and English hardware, wrought and cut nails, King st.
JUSON, RICHARD, & Co., wholesale hardware merchants, the Hamilton Nail Works, King St.
M’GIVERN, EDwARD, wholesale and retail manufacturer and dealer in British and American saddlery hardware, carriage trimmings, leather skirtings, &c, King st.
MACNAB & Co., general hardware merchants, King st.
MYLES, J. & W., hardware merchants, King st.
RYAN, J. S., importer of hardware, bar iron, &c., &c., from the best markets of England and the United States country merchants are invited to call at 7, James st.
SULLIVAN, E. R., dealer in British and American saddlery hardware, and coach trimmings, 3, Clark’s buildings, James st.
YOUNG & HARVEY, hardware merchants, south side King st.

Hairdressers And Perfumers
DALLYN, JAMES, hairdresser and perfumer, and fancy store, City hotel buildings, James st.
Lopez, William, King st.
McAllister, J., James st.

Hatters And Furriers
Bastedo, J. M., Main st.
GLASSCO, WM., wholesale and retail hatter and furrier, sign of the golden hat, King st. cash paid for all kinds of furs orders promptly attended to.
MASON, THOMAS, hatter and furrier, King st., two doors west of John St. buffalo robes and ladies furs cash paid for shipping furs.
Mills, Joseph, King st.

Hotels And Principal Inns
CITY HOTEL and general stage house, Thomas Davidson, James st., opposite post office. See card, next page.
COMMERCIAL HOTEL and general stage house, J. Y. Young, corner Main and James Sts. an omnibus meets the steamboats daily.
FARMERS’ HOTEL, John Austin, King st. west.
FARMERS’ INN, James Mullins, John st. stages to and from the steamboats free of charge.
MOUNTAIN VIEW HOTEL, Henry J. Lawry this house affords travellers a truly magnificent view of the city, bay and surrounding country, camera obscura and dissolving views.
TEMPERANCE HOUSE HOTEL, A. Belnap, King st. east.
VICTORIA HOUSE HOTEL, William Mackay, King St. travellers will find every accommodation at this house an omnibus meets the steamboats daily.
WEEKS HOTEL, and general stage house, Hiram Weeks, King st.

Inns, Taverns, Saloons, &C.
PETTINGER, WM., blacksmith, Blacksmiths Arms inn, Courthouse square travellers will find good accommodation at reasonable terms.
ROACH, GEORGE, billiard and bowling saloon, King st.
Allatt, H., innkeeper, Courthouse square.
Lavis, J., innkeeper, Courthouse square.
Armstrong, J., recess, York st.
Learmond, A., innkeeper, James st.
Atkins, R., billiard and bowling saloon, James st.
McDonald, J., innkeeper, James st.
Awty, J., billiard and bowling saloon, York st.
McKay, J., innkeeper, McNab st.
Beaty, T., innkeeper, Courthouse square.
McKay, R., innkeeper, James st.
Burns, John, western saloon, King st. west.
McKay, J., innkeeper, King st.
Campbell, J., innkeeper, James st.
Nelligan, D., innkeeper, Courthouse square.
Dewey, D., city recess, King st. west.
Nixon, J., innkeeper, James st.
Dickson, W., innkeeper, James st.
Nowlan, O., innkeeper, James st.
Fish, R., innkeeper, James st.
Pritchard, J., innkeeper, King st.
Ford, W., innkeeper, James st.
Robinson, J., innkeeper, John st.
Foster, R. innkeeper, Burlington st.
Savage, A., temperance recess, York st.
Gillesby, Thomas, innkeeper, James st.
Stell, V., innkeeper, Main st.
Gordon, S’, innkeeper, Burlingtou st.
Stone, E., shades, Courthouse square.
Grant, A., innkeeper, John st.
Tyson, William, innkeeper, James st.
Harris, M. L., innkeeper, King st.
Wilson, J., recess, John st.
Kent, J., temperance house, King William st.
Wilson, T., innkeeper, McNab st.
Kenney, H. L., innkeeper, James st.
Yaldon, W., innkeeper, James st.

Jewellers And Watchmakers
BEEMER & NEWBURY, dealers in clocks, gold and silver watches, jewellery, fancy articles, &c., King st., second door from Hughson St. watches, clocks and jewellery repaired on the shortest notice and warranted.
Carter, J. F., jeweller, King st.
French, J., watchmaker, John st.
MAGILL, EDWARD, clock and watchmaker and looking glass manufacturer, King st.
MARTYN, J. N., jeweller, clock and watchmaker, King st.
Nickerson, J., watchmaker, James st.
Osborne, R., watchmaker, James st.
RUSSELL, R., working jeweller and silversmith, King st. every description of gold and silver mounting, &c.
Taylor, W., watchmaker, James St.
WARE, T. P., & Co., dealers in clocks, watches, jewellery, fancy goods, temperance regalia and emblems, sign of the large watch, King st.

Land And General Agents, &C.
Blyth, T. A., land surveyor. King st. west.
BRAY, JOSIAS, land, insurance and general agent, notary and conveyancer, James st.
Ebbs, John Edward, custom house broker, Custom house
KEILLER, ANDREW, accountant, land, house and general agent, Victoria buildings, James st., next door to the Commercial Bank.
Kerlie, J., general agent, Hughson st.
MACDONALD, W. R., notary, exchange broker and general fire, marine and life agent, King st.

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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