1851 Cornwall Canada Directory

The County Town of the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, is situated at the foot of the Cornwall Canal, in the Township of Cornwall, Canada West distant from Montreal, 82 miles, from Kingston, 120 miles usual steamboat fare to Montreal, 12s. 6d., to Kingston, 17s. 6d. usual stage fare to Montreal, 20s., to Kingston, 25s. Population about 1500.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Agencies Of Assurance Companies, Banks, &C.
Bank of Montreal, Wm. Mattice, agent.
Bank of Upper Canada, Jacob F. Pringle, agent.
Canada Life Assurance Company, W. M. Park, agent. Colonial Life Assurance Company, Jacob F. Pringle, agent. National Loan Fund Life Assurance Co., A. S. McDonald, agent.

Public Officers
Cameron, Hon. J. H., M. P. P. for Cornwall.
Crysler, J. P., M. P. P. for Dundas.
Daly, Daniel, high constable.
Hart, Samuel, crown lands agent.
Jarvis, George S., judge of the united county court.
Mattice, Wm., mayor of Cornwall, and warden of the united counties. Bethune, Angus, deputy sheriff of united counties.
McDonald, Angus S., clerk of county court.
McDonald, J. S., M. P. P. for Glengarry.
McDonald, Roderick, county treasurer.
McDonell, Angus, landing waiter.
McDonell, Duncan, canal superintendent.
McDonell, George, judge of the surrogate court.
McDonell, Peter J., clerk of county council of united counties. Poole, Charles, town clerk.
McIntyre, Daniel E., sheriff of united counties.
McLean, Alexander, M. P. P. for Stormont.
McLean, Alexander, registrar of the surrogate court.
McLean, John, registrar, county Stormont.
McLennan, Duncan, jailor.
Phelan, D., collector of canal tolls.
Poole, Charles, clerk of division court.
Pringle, James, clerk of the peace.
Wood, Guy C., collector of customs and postmaster.
Wood, Guy C., deputy clerk of the crown.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
ADAMS, P. E., grocer, baker, and dealer in provisions, hardware, crockery, drugs, medicines, &c., &c.
ALLEN, DR. W. C., physician and surgeon, chemist, druggist, &c., Medical Hall.
attention paid to work from a distance.
BURTON, BENJAMIN, St. Lawrence house travellers will find a good house, charges moderate, and conveyances are furnished when required.
CADWELL, A. E., iron founder, manufactures all kinds of machinery, threshing mills, ploughs, brass castings, &c., upon moderate terms, and equal to any in the Province.
CONSTITUTIONAL, THE, weekly paper, Little & Mitchell, publishers.
COOMBs & HICKEY, Steamboat hotel comfortable accommodations and reasonable charges ; a livery stable is attached, and conveyances are furnished when required.
DALY, DANIEL, saddler and harness maker a good stock of every article in the line constantly on hand, or made to order, at moderate prices.
ELLIOT, ANDREW, contractor and mill proprietor.
FREEHOLDER, THE, weekly paper, H. Patterson, publisher.
FULTON, A., baker and dealer in groceries, crockery, provisions, drugs and medicines.
MATTICE, W., importer of and dealer in dry goods, hardware, groceries, china, glass, &c.
MCDONALD, J. S., M. P. P., barrister at law, solicitor general, Canada West
MCDONALD, RODERICK, M. D., county treasurer.
MCDONELL, GEORGE, barrister at law, judge of surrogate court.
MCDONELL, PETER J., barrister at law, agent for marriage licenses.
MCDONELL, RONALD, carriage maker and contractor.
MCDOUGALL & ROBERTSON, saddlers, harness makers, and dealers in boots, shoes, and leather.
MCDOUGALL, ALEX., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, &c.
MCINTYRE, DANIEL E., M. D., sheriff of the united counties.
MCLEAN, A., M. P. P., registrar surrogate court.
MCMILLAN, DONALD, dealer in groceries, liquors, provisions, crockery, &c., &c.
PARK, WM: M., watchmaker, and dealer in watches, jewellery, &c. N. B. particular
PATTON, REV. HENRY, Church of England.
PRINGLE, JACOB F., barrister at law.
PRINGLE, JAMES, clerk of the Peace.
STUART, ROBERT, bookkeeper and accountant.
TANNER, JOSEPH, tailor and clothier every description of clothing made to order in the best style, and at very moderate prices.
WALKER, JOHN, barrister at law.
WOOD, Guy C., collector of customs, postmaster and deputy clerk of the Crown.

Non Subscribers
Annable, Vincent, carriage maker.
Bell, John, distiller.
Bergin, D., M. D.
Bethune, Angus, deputy sheriff:
Campbell, Francis, bricklayer.
Campbell, Robert, blacksmith.
Cannon, Rev. J. F., Roman Catholic.
Carr, John, boot and shoemaker,
Cline, Samuel, general store.
Cline, William, general store.
Clough, John, carpenter and builder.
Cook, George, blacksmith.
Craig, Robert, tannery.
Farlinger, ______, tannery.
Forsyth, William, innkeeper. clerk.
Hart, Samuel, crown lands agent.
Hawkins, ______, saw mills.
Hitchcock, Myron, flour mills.
Hunter, James, tailor. Shirkey,
Hunter, John, tin and coppersmith.
Irving, James, carriage maker.
Jarvis, Geo. S., judge of the county court.
Johnson, Joseph, blacksmith.
Little &Mitchel, printers.
Lonney, Wellington, blacksmith.
Mason, Archibald, bricklayer.
McDonald, Angus S., clerk county court.
McDonell, A. W., innkeeper.
McDonell, John, (Greenfield,) attorney a law.
McDonell. D. W., & Co., general store.
McPhaul, Angus, general store.
Montreal Telegraph Company, G. S. Hickey, operator.
O’Cailaghan, Thomas, grocer.
Patterson, Henry ,printer.
Percy, William, tin and coppersmith.
Perkins, David, bricklayer.
Perkins. Henry, tannery,
Pitts, W. J., hotel keeper.
Poole, Chas., clerk of division court and town
Quin, Rev. J., Free Church.
Rattray, Dr. C., physician and surgeon, and chemist and druggist.
Ross, William, attorney at law.
Say, Wm., teacher of the grammar school.
Shirkey, John, cabinet and chair maker.
Smout, Michael .L, tailor.
Stafford, Charles, bricklayer.
Urquhart, Rev. Hugh, Church of Scotland.
Vankoughnet, P., general store.
Wagner, Benjamin, hotel keeper.
Wagner, William, hotel keeper.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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