E- California Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

Last Updated on October 14, 2013 by Dennis

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Echantac. A village, presumably Costanoan, formerly connected with San Juan Bautista mission, Cal. Engelhardt, Franciscans in Cal., 398, 1897.

Ecbilat. A former village of the Rumsen division of the Costanoan family situated 12 in. s. E. of San Carlos mission, Cal.

Echiulit. A Tolowa village at a lagoon on the coast about 5 m. N. of Crescent, Cal. (P. E. G).

Eguianna-cahel (water-hole of the mountain). A rancheria, probably Cochimi, connected with Purisima (Cadegomo) mission, Lower California, in the 18th century. Doc. Hist. Mex., 4th s., v, 189, 1857.

Ehutewa. A Luiseno village formerly in the neighborhood of San Luis Key mission, s. Gal. (Taylor in Cal. Farmer, May 11, 1860). Possibly the same as Hatawa.

Ekgiagan. A village of the Chalone division of the Costanoan family, formerly near Soledad mission, Cal. Taylor in Cal. Farmer, Apr. 20, 1860.

Ekquall. A former rancheria, possibly of the Diegueño, under San Miguel de la Frontera mission, in the mountains of w. Lower California, about 30 m. s. of San Diego, Cal. Taylor in Cal. Farmer, May 18, 1860.

Elarroyde. A former village, presumably Costanoan, connected with Dolores mission, San Francisco, Cal. Taylor in Cal. Farmer, Oct. 18, 1861.

Eleunaxciay. A Chumashan village formerly near Santa Barbara, Cal. Bancroft, Nat. Races, i, 459, 1874.

Eljman. A former Chumashan village described as situated near the windmill of La Patera, near Santa Barbara, Cal.

Elquis. A Chumashan village w. of Pueblo de las Canoas (San Buenaventura), Ventura co., Cal., in 1542. Cabrillo, Nar. (1542) in Smith, Colec. Doc. Fla., 181, 1857.

Eluaxcu. A former Chumashan village near Santa Barbara, Cal. Bancroft, Nat. Races, i, 459, 1874.

Enekelkawa. A former Luiseño village near the site of San Luis Rev mission, s. Cal. Taylor in Cal. Farmer, May 11, 1860.

Enipeu. A Yurok village on Klamath r., Cal., 15 in. above the mouth.

Erio (E-rī′-o). A name given by the Spaniards to the Porno living at the mouth of Russian r., Sonoma co., Cal. Powers in Cont. N. A. Ethnol., in, 194, 1877.

Erner. A Yurok village on Klamath r., at the mouth of Blue cr., in Del Norte co., N. w. Cal. (A. L. K.)

Ertlerger. A Yurok village on lower Klamath r., at the mouth of the Trinity, opposite Pekwuteu and Weitspus, in Humboldt co., Cal. (A. L. K.)

Erusi (E-rus′-si). A name said by Powers (Cont. N. A. Ethnol., in, 194, 1877) to have been applied to the Porno formerly living near Et Ross, Sonoma co , Cal., by the Pomo living N. of them. The people referred to now live near Stewart’s Point and on the Haupt ranch a few miles E. of that place. Powers suggests that the name is a relic of the Russian occupancy, which is probably correct, as it is not an Indian name. (S. A. B.)

Escumawash. A former Chumashan village at San Jose, about 6 m. from Santa Barbara mission, Cal. Timeno (1856) quoted by Taylor in Cal. Farmer, May 4, 1860.

Eshhulup. The name of “the rancheria of the mission of San Buenaventura,” Cal. (Taylor in Cal. Farmer, May 4, 1860). The native name usually given to San Buenaventura was Mishkanakan, or Mitskanakan (see Miscanaka).

Eshpeu. A Yurok village on the coast between the mouths of Klamath r. and Bed wood cr., at Gold bluff, Cal. The dialect differed slightly from that of the Klamath River Yurok. (A. L. K.)

Eskini. A Maidu village formerly situated on the site of Durham, Butte co., Cal., the people of which are extinct except for a few survivors at Chico. The Maidu creation myth centers about this spot. (R. B. D.)

Eslanagan. A village, supposed to be of the Chalone division of the Costanoan family, but possibly Esselenian, formerly connected with Soledad mission, Monterey co., Cal. Taylor in Cal. Farmer, Apr. 20, 1860.

Esmischue. A former Chumashan village near Purisima mission, Santa Barbara co., Cal. Taylor in Cal. Farmer, Oct. 18, 1861.

Esnispele. A former Chumashan village near Purisima mission, Santa Barbara co., Cal. Taylor in Cal. Farmer, Oct. 18, 1861.

Espiiluima. A former Chumashan village near Purisima mission, Santa Barbara co., Cal. Taylor in Cal. Farmer, Oct. 18, 1861.

Estait. A former Chumashan village near Purisima mission, Santa Barbara co., Cal. Taylor in Cal. Farmer, Oct. 18, 1861.

Estero. An unidentified tribe mentioned by Langsdorff (Voy., n, 163, 1814) as inhabiting the coast of California.

Estocoloco. A Chumashan village on one of the northern Santa Barbara ids., Cal., in 1542. Cabrillo, Narr. (1542) in Smith, Colec. Doc. Fla., 186, 1857.

Estuc. A former Chumashan village near San Marcos, in the vicinity of Santa Barbara, Cal. Taylor in Cal. Farmer, Apr. 24, 1863.

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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