Biography of Elcome Folwer

Last Updated on August 22, 2012 by

Elcome Fowler proprietor of the Palmyra Hotel, Orange, is one of the pioneers of 1849, and a history of his life since that time is full of interesting Vincidents. He was born in Jackson County, Tennessee, in 1818. His father, John Fowler, was born in July, 1767, in Virginia, and died in December, 1867, being therefore in his 101st year. He had married Lucinda Usury and had ten children. May 25, 1849, the subject of this sketch left Atchison County, Missouri, with an ox team for California and arrived in Sacramento October 25. He immediately took a load of goods to Grass valley, built the first log house in that place and followed merchandising and mining for a year. In 1854, having returned to Missouri by way of the Isthmus, he came again to California overland, with an ox team, starting April 25 and arriving in Butte County August 1, bringing also a drove of cattle with him. He spent one winter herding them at Woodland. From 1855 to 1867 he was engaged in the cattle and dairy business, and in farming at Vallejo. After this he raised sheep and followed agriculture for six years in Merced County. In 1872 he moved to Tulare County, where he was engaged in the live-stock business and in farming until 1883, and he pursued the same callings for five years in Ventura County. In 1888 he came to Southern California, and the next year purchased the Palmyra Hotel, which he is now successfully conducting.
Politically he was always a Democrat, until seven years ago, when he became an enthusiastic Prohibitionist. For many years he has held the office of deacon in the Christian Church.
February 13, 1850, in Atchison County, Missouri, he married Matilda Jane Jamison, from Kentucky, and they have had nine children, named Frances, Maria, Lucinda, Mary, Henry, James, Newton, Martha and Clara. All of these are married except three.



Orange County CA,

The Lewis Publishing Company. An Illustrated History of Southern California embracing the counties of San Diego San Bernardino Los Angeles and Orange and the peninsula of lower California. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1890.

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