Biography of Asher R. Robinson

ASHER R. ROBINSON. – One of Union county’s prosperous and substantial business men and agriculturists is found in the person of the subject of this sketch, who has wrought faithfully, here in the industrial world for forty years, during which time he has manifested wisdom and integrity that have given him the confidence of his fellows, and added to his enterprising spirit have enabled him to become one of the well-to-do men who have materially assisted in promoting the welfare of the county in these years of its formative existence, molding its institutions and assisting in its government.

On July 27, 1829, Asher R. was born to Asher and Betsy (Worden) Robinson, in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, whence seven years later he was removed by his parents to Michigan, where the father pre-empted eighty acres and builded a home. The son assisted in tilling the farm and attended school until 1849; then his spirit was ready to take part in life’s battle on his own account and he went to the famous pineriers of the Peninsular state, operating there until he was twenty-seven years of age. In 1856 he started on the long and dangerous trip via panama to the Pacific coast, landing in Sierra county, California, in due time, where he at once commenced to mine. Rather poor success attended his efforts in this line, and he turned toward the north, going to the Okanogan and Similikameen rivers, where he prospected for a time and then repaired to Walla Walla and operated a pack train to the mining camps of northern Idaho in partnership with Ed Payne. In October, 1862, he came to the Grande Ronde valley with his train, and at once took a government claim of one hundred and sixty acres, two miles from the present site of Cove. In stock raising and farming until 1885 he was occupied on this farm, adding more by purchase and going into partnership with Ed Payne. In 1885 he sold out and went into a livery stable in Cove, which he ran successfully for a time, and then retired from active business to enjoy the competence that his faithful and wise labor had provided for him.

Mr. Robinson married Mrs. Sarah A. Burge, daughter of Dan and Anna Weaver, and a native of Kentucky, on July 9, 1865, and to them were born two children: Edward A., born June 5, 1866, now operating a drug store in Idaho; Rosetta, born April 12, 1869, and now the wife of David H. Layne, a merchant in Cove. Mrs. Robinson was called to pass the river of death on October 4, 1899, and since that time Mr. Robinson has been making his home with his daughter in Cove. He is respected and esteemed by all and is quietly passing the riper years of his long and worthy career in the proper enjoyment of that which his industry accumulated and in the midst of kind and stanch friends. It is of note that Mr. Robinson was the first settler on the east side of the valley.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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