Bankalachi (Yokuts name). A small Shoshonean tribe on upper Deer Creek, which drains into Tulare lake, southern California With the Tübatulabal they form one of the four major linguistic divisions of the family. Their own name is unknown.
Bankalachi (Yokuts name). A small Shoshonean tribe on upper Deer Creek, which drains into Tulare lake, southern California With the Tübatulabal they form one of the four major linguistic divisions of the family. Their own name is unknown.
Trying to find the history of Andrew Checo, Birth date unknown.
It is said that he is of Tabulalabal or Bankalachi tribes,
He died and his ashes scattered at the base of the mountain in Onxy, CA.
He told me he was born in Cartego, CA to a Anna Checo. A Jim Checo is noted as the father, but this is not confirmed.