Biography of Gardner R. Tucker

Last Updated on March 27, 2012 by

GARDNER R. TUCKER. – The capable and well-known gentleman of whom we now speak, is one of the substantial citizens of Union county, having wrought here for many years, displaying great industry and capabilities in his efforts, and he is now blessed with the rewards of thrift, having one of the well improved farms of the county and being numbered with the prosperous and leading agriculturists of this section, while in his long career wherein he has labored in a becoming manner for the advancement of the county’s interests as well as prosecuting his business enterprises, he has manifested sterling worth and uprightness with affability and geniality to all.

Gardner R. was born on July 5, 1839, in Sullivan county, Tennessee, being the son of Kinchen and Sarah (Brady) Tucker, natives also of Tennessee. The father was a farmer in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Arkansas, being called from the labors of life in the latter state. Our subject passed the years of his minority in these different states, gaining a good common school education and in June, 1861, offered his services for the cause of the Confederacy, enlisting in the Seventh Arkansas under General Shaver. He participated in some of the largest battles of the war, and served until the close of hostilities. After the war he went to farming in Fulton county, Arkansas, remaining there until 1878, then sold out his possessions and made the trip to Union county, taking a preemption about one mile from his present place, which his son owns now. Later he took as a homestead his present place, six miles southeast from Elgin, and to the development and cultivation of this farm he has devoted his energies since. He has a good farm, well improved, and is skillful in handling the affairs of his business.

On February 14, 1864, Mr. Tucker married Miss Susan, daughter of John and Mary (Dunn) Anderson, natives of Tennessee, the nuptials being celebrated in Independence county, Arkansas. Eight children have been born to this happy union: Minerva, Nancy, deceased; John, David, Laura, deceased’ Andrew, Mollie, Franklin. The two deceased are buried in Hyland cemetery. Mrs. Tucker’s parents were farmers in Georgia and then in Arkansas, remaining in the latter state until death. Mr. Tucker was a member of the Masons in the east, but has never joined in this section. He and his wife are also members of the Christian church and are active in the interests of this body as also in careful dissemination of the principles of their faith.


An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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