Coyoteros Indians, Coyoteros Tribe (Span.: wolf-men; so called in consequence, it is said, of their subsisting partly on coyotes or prairie wolves 1 ; but it seems more probable that the name was applied on account of their roving habit, living on the natural products of the desert rather than by agriculture or hunting). A division of the Apache, geographically divided into the Pinal Coyoteros and the White Mountain Coyoteros, whose principal home was the west or southwest part of the present White Mountain Reservation, east Ariz., between San Carlos Creek and Gila River, although they ranged almost throughout the limits of Arizona and west New Mexico. The name has evidently been indiscriminately applied to various Apache bands, especially to the Pinal Coyoteros, who are but a part of the Coyoteros. They were said to have numbered 310 under the San Carlos Agency in 1886, 647 in 1900, and 489 in 1904, but whether these figures include other Apache is not known.
For Further Study
The following articles and manuscripts will shed additional light on the Coyoteros both an ethnological study, and as a people.