Fort Ellsworth, near Alexandria, May, 1863

Frontier Forts – E Forts

Last Updated on July 9, 2013 by Dennis

Eagle Pass, Fort at, Texas- Fort Duncan.
Early, Fort, Georgia – Flint River, Lee County.
Easely’s Fort Alabama – Near junction of Alabama and Tombigbee Rivers.
East Fort, New York – Near Oswego.
East Bank, Fort at, New York – New York Harbor.
Eastern Branch National Home, Maine – At Togus.
Eastern Point, Fort at, Massachusetts – In Gloucester Harbor.
East Haven Reservation at Connecticut.
East Hoosic, Fort at Massachusetts.
Eastman Camp, Utah – On Chicken Creek.
Eastons Point, Fort at, Rhode Island.
East Point Battery, Maine – At Castine.
Eastport Fortifications at, Maine.
Eaton Camp Georgia – Cherokee Nation.
Eaton Camp, Michigan – On Island Lake.
Echore Margot Fort Tennessee – At Memphis.
Econfinee Fort. Florida- Five miles above mouth of Econfinee River.
Edgartown. Fortifications at. Massachusetts.
Edgecomb Fort Maine – At Wiscasset.
Edisto Fort. South Carolina – Point of Pines. Edisto Island.
Edward Fort, New York – On Hudson River, at mouth of Edward Creek, Washington County; now town of that name.
Edwards Fort, Illinois – At Warsaw.
Edwards Camp Minnesota – Near Lake Preston.
Edwards Fort, West Virginia – On Capon River, Hampshire County.
Egbert Fort, Alaska – At Eagle City.
Egden Fort, Pennsylvania – On branch of Susquehanna River.
Egmont Key Fort at, Florida – Fort Dade.
Eldorado Camp. Arizona – On Colorado River, near the mouth of Eldorado Canyon.
Eldridge Point. Fortifications Massachusetts – At New Bedford.
Elfsboro Fort, Delaware – On Delaware River, near mouth of Salem Creek.
Eliot General Hospital, Missouri – At St. Louis.
Elizabeth Camp, Virginia – At Alexandria.
Elizabeth Fort, Virginia – At Henrico.
Elizabeth Island, Fortifications on, Massachusetts – On Buzzards Bay.
Elizabethtown Cantonment at, New Jersey.
Elk River Fort at Alabama- Fort Hawkins.
Elk River Fort, Maryland – Mouth of Elk River.
Ellicotts Mills, Camp, Kentucky – Ten miles below Cairo, Illinois.
Elliott Fort, Texas – Near head of Sweetwater Creek.
Ellis Fort, Montana – Near town of Bozeman.
Ellis Fort North Carolina – Near Newbern on Roanoke Island.
Ellisburg Fortifications at New York.
Ellis Island Forn on New York – Fort Gibson.
Ellsworth Fort Kansas – On Smoky Hill River: name changed to Fort Harker.

Fort Ellsworth, near Alexandria, May, 1863
Fort Ellsworth, near Alexandria, May, 1863

Ellsworth Fort, Virginia – Near Alexandria.
El Paso Fort at, Texas – Fort Bliss.
El Pico Camp Texas – Fifteen miles northwest of Laredo.
Elsinburg Fort, New Jersey – On Delaware River
Elstner Fort, Kentucky – at Louisville
Emory General Hospital, D.C. – At Washington
Emory Camp, Maryland – At Cumberland
Emory Battery, Maryland – At Fort Washington
Emory Fort, Virginia – At Petersburg
Engle Fort, Kentucky – At Louisville
English Fort, Pennsylvania – (See Fort Machault)
English Turn Battery at Louisianna – Near New Orleans
Enyart Camp, West Virginia – At Kanawha
Ephriam Fort, Utah – Near Salt Lake City
Erickson Fort, Virginia – At Newport News.
Erie Fort, Pennsylvania _ At Erie
Erwin Battery, Tennessee – At Chattanooga
Esopus Fort at New York
Esperanza Fort, Texas – On Matagorda Island
Espiritu Santo Bay Reservation in Florida
Estill’s Station, Kentucky – On Kentucky River 5 miles form Richmond
Etches Fort, Alaska – On Henchenbrook Island
Ethan Allen Fort Vermont – Five miles from Burlington
Ethan Allen Fort, Virginia – Opposite Georgetown, D.C.
Evans Fort, Virginia – Near Leesburg
Evansport Battery at Virginia – At Quantico Creek
Ewell Fort, Texas – On Nueces River
Exchange Fort, South Carolina – At Charleston
Exeter Fort, Pennsylvania

Forts, History,

War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Returns Division. List of Military Posts Etc. Established in the United States from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1902.

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