Alabama Revolutionary War Soldiers – N Surnames

Last Updated on April 21, 2013 by

NAIL, MATTHEW, aged 77, and a resident of Madison County; private Georgia Militia; enrolled on November 4, 1833, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment to date from March 4, 1831; annual allowance, $80; sums received to date of publication of list, $240.-Revolutionary Pension Roll, in Vol. xiv, Sen. Doc. 514, 23rd Cong., 1st sess., 1833-34.

NEELY, JOHN, a resident of Shelby County; private, particular service not shown; enrolled on April 2, 1836, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment to date from March 4, 1831; annual allowance, $20.-Pension Book, State Branch Bank, Mobile.

NEIL, ROBERT, age not given, a resident of Greene County; corporal in Mencon’s. Regiment; enrolled on June 10, 1817, payment to date from March 5, 1814; annual allowance, $60; sums received, $128.30; on April 24, 1816, rate increased to annual allowance of $96, under which the sum of $850.89 received; under act of March 3, 1819, to date from March 4, 1825, rate reduced to annual allowance of $64, under which $576 received to date of publication of list.-Revolutionary Pension Roll, in Vol. xiv, Sen. Doc. 514, 23rd Cong., 1st sess., 1833-34.

NELSON, ANDREW, aged 72, and a resident of Morgan County; private Virginia Continental Line; enrolled on July 2, 1833, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment to date from March 4, 1831; annual allowance, $35.44; sums received to date of publication of list, $106.32.-Revolutionary Pension Roll, in Vol. xiv, Sen. Doc. 514, 23rd Cong., 1st sess., 1833-34. He resided in Walker County, June 1, 1840, with Robert Howard, aged 76.-Census of Pensioners, 1841, p. 150.

NELSON, JOSEPH, aged 77, and a resident of Madison County; private Virginia Continental Line; enrolled on January 22, 1843, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment to date from March 4, 1831; annual allowance, $30; sums received to date of publication of list, $90.-Revolutionary Pension Roll, in Vol. xiv, Sen. Doc. 514, 23rd Cong., 1st sess., 1833-34. He resided in Morgan County, June ‘ 1, 1840, aged 87.-Census of Pensioners, 1841, p. 148.

NEWSOM, RANDOLPH, aged 76, and a resident of Tuscaloosa County; musician N. C. Militia; enrolled on October 29, 1833, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment to date from March 4, 1831; annual allowance, $88; sums received to date of publication of list, $220.-Revolutionary Pension Roll, in Vol. xiv, Sen. Doc. 514, 23rd Cong., 1st sess., 1833-34.

NICHOLSON, HARRISON. The grave of this soldier is in the cemetery in Tuskegee.’ This is the inscription upon his monument :

In memory of
A Revolutionary Soldier,
Who was born on the 12th
day of March, A. D. 1760,
and departed this life
on the 28th day of June, 1841,
Aged 81 years, 3 months,
and 16 days.

“The descendants of Harrison Nicholson do not know where he was born or what State claimed him as a soldier during the Revolution. He came from Georgia, near Milledgeville, to Macon County, Ala. He married Lucinda Long Dec. 30, 1783. He died in Macon County at the home of his grandson, James Monroe Nicholson. According to the recollection of his granddaughter, Mrs. E. A. Wilkinson, he had only three sons: (1) Britton Nicholson lived to mature years, but never married; (2) Nathaniel Nicholson married and raised a family; he lived in Georgia in the vicinity of Milledgeville on his plantation; (3) James Nicholson, born March 18, 1785, married Mary M. Stone, October 7th, 1813; children: 1, Mathew H. Nicholson, born Jan. 7th, 1815, married Miss H. E. Savory, December 9th, 1839, in Mexico, lived there for several years, then moved to Texas, California and to Central America, where he died. His children are now living around Chapel Hill, Texas; 2. Washington B. Nicholson, born June 28, 1818, married in Macon County, Alabama, to Miss Wafer, later moved to Claiborne Parish, Louisiana, died there in 1901. His family now live around Baton Rouge; he was the father of Col. James Nicholson, former president of the University of Louisiana at Baton Rouge; 3. Elizabeth Ann Nicholson, born October 25, 1829, married B. R. Taylor, December, 1836; he died leaving one child, Mrs. E. A. Hall, of Autaugaville. She married a second time J. B. Wilkinson, January 12, 1843, by this marriage were born nine children; 4. Lucinda Long Nicholson, born January 23, 1823, married Leonidas Howard and lived at Mulberry, Autauga County, Alabama; there were two living sons and one daughter by this marriage; 5. James Monroe Nicholson, born December 12, 1825, married Rebecca Slaton, children died, second marriage no children, third marriage in Texas, where he is still living near Chapel Hill; 6. Absalom H. Nicholson, born August 30, 1837, never married, was physician, moved to Louisiana, but died in Macon county, Alabama, 1855; and 7. John Wesley Nicholson, born October 2, 1829, died unmarried in 1851, near Autaugaville, had just graduated from Emory College, Georgia.”-Mrs. P. H. Mell, in Transactions of the Alabama Historical Society, Vol. iv, pp. 557-558.

NICKOL, WILLIAM, aged 69, and a resident of Lawrence County; private of dragoons N. C. Militia; enrolled on April 23, 1833, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment to. date from March 4, 1831; annual allowance, $43.33; sums received to date of publication of. list, $108.32.-Revolutionary Pension Roll, in Vol. xiv, 23rd Cong., 1st sess., 1833-34.

NORRIS, PATRICK, aged 72, and a resident of Greene County; private S. C. Militia; enrolled on September 28, 1833, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment to date from March 4, 1831; annual allowance, $80; sums received to date of publication of list, $200.-Revolutionary Pension Roll, Vol. xiv, Sen. Doc. 514, 23rd Cong., 1st sess., 1833-34.

Collection: Revolutionary Soldiers in Alabama.

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