1832 Creek Census – Ufaula Town

By a treaty of March 24, 1832, the Creek Indians ceded to the United States all of their land east of the Mississippi River. Heads of families were entitled to tracts of land, which, if possible, were to include their improvements. In 1833 Benjamin S. Parsons and Thomas J. Abbott prepared a census of Creek Indian heads of families, which gave their names and the number of males, females, and slaves in each family. The entries were arranged by town and numbered; these numbers were used for identification in later records. This is the census for the town of Ufaula.

1832 Creek Census - Ufaula Town

Town Number Head Males Females Slaves Total Remarks
Ufaula1Lot te Yo ho lo2204
Ufaula2Tus ta mey Har go3205
Ufaula3Tus sic kie Har go2103
Ufaula4Skin is so go1203
Ufaula6Ar bic ca1304
Ufaula7Sally Townsend2204
Ufaula8Dannel Townsend2204
Ufaula9Chis Sa Har go1708
Ufaula10Hin ne har1304
Ufaula11Spoak oak Micco3407
Ufaula12Micco chopco3104
Ufaula13Ne haw loc co Har go3104
Ufaula14Fix i co Har go2103
Ufaula15Con char ta Emarthla1102
Ufaula16In ne har Fix i co3104
Ufaula17Ar loc Yo ho lo2103
Ufaula18Ath lon Har go1102
Ufaula19Lit ki ti ga1102
Ufaula21Un dul Har go2103
Ufaula22Micco cho ho co noce3104
Ufaula23Yar both ta2204
Ufaula24Il le ga by2103
Ufaula25Ni oak Kie44210
Ufaula26Al but tu che3104
Ufaula27Daniel G. Watson1102
Ufaula28Coosar Micco2103
Ufaula30Ose nub bar Har go1203
Ufaula31John Smith55010
Ufaula32Mista Hoga1203
Ufaula33Tal lipYo ho lo1102
Ufawla33Yo ho lo Micco1124principal chief
Ufaula34No ko cil le1405
Ufawla34Oc ti ar che Micco2507principal chief
Ufaula35Chu Yo ho lo2204
Ufaula36Al bud dar Har go3104
Ufaula37Tuck a batch a Hago1203
Ufaula38Is tal loch er1102
Ufaula39Choc ca ligar2204
Ufaula40Oche Har go2103
Ufaula41Sar war noak Har go1203
Ufaula43Par Fos li ga2103
Ufaula45Cho e gar Har go2103
Ufaula46To me leachar1203
Ufaula48Ho dis sa1102
Ufaula49Ubi Heacher0202
Ufaula50Tal lea char1102
Ufaula51O Gil lis sinn ehaw1203
Ufaula53Tustanugger E marth lar1102
Ufaula54Mo ho liy tar2204
Ufaula55George Scott2204
Ufaula56Cane Yo ho lo2103
Ufaula57O Sooch Har go1102
Ufaula58U fawla Har go2103
Ufaula59So de dunna Har jo1405
Ufaula60Ar arti Har go1203
Ufaula61Los tar Fix i co4206
Ufaula62E fur Tustanlugga2204
Ufaula63So go ie??1102
Ufaula64Al go nie0202
Ufaula65Con charta Fix i co1304
Ufaula66Coegus Har go1203
Ufaula67Lo go Har jo1203
Ufaula68Woc sa Micco2305
Ufaula69Yar back hee fee1102
Ufaula70Micco Har jo1304
Ufaula71Te nalth Har jo4206
Ufaula72Tommy Yo ho lo2103
Ufaula73Che bar ney1203
Ufaula74Kuffee Har jo3104
Ufaula75Ne haw locco2103
Ufaula77Ottis Yo ho lo2103
Ufaula78O gil lis sa Har jo2103
Ufaula79Tal la dig Har jo2204
Ufaula81Tar sar ji ga1203
Ufaula82Ottis Har jo2204
Ufaula83O har hy1405
Ufaula84Yo ho lo Chopco2103
Ufaula85Pars coaf Har jo1203
Ufaula86Tom Carr2103
Ufaula87Tic Tun ni che1203
Ufaula88Charles Merril2103
Ufaula89Cho was ti Fix i co1203
Ufaula90Sar wac co che1203
Ufaula91Woc se Har jo1304
Ufaula92U fawla Chopco3104
Ufaula93Joseph P. Cook1203
Ufaula94Choc char Micco2103
Ufaula95Ufawla Micco2002
Ufaula96Lif Tif Har jo2204
Ufaula97O we loc ca1203
Ufaula98Ma ho ga2103
Ufaula99Ar lich char2103
Ufaula100Tus coner Har jo1203
Ufaula102Mi hea char2002
Ufaula103Chu was ti Har jo2226
Ufaula104Mar Tup Har jo2103
Ufaula105Fus Har jo2103
Ufaula106Fus hatch cha Har jo2103
Ufaula107So fa lo fkar1304
Ufaula108Sar hoie?2103
Ufaula109Ho Tulga Har jo2103
Ufaula111No ko se E marth lar2103
Ufaula113Co war Sarda1203
Ufaula114O wot ta liga1203
Ufaula115In Git Tal ar1102
Ufaula116Chis sa Yo ho lo1203
Ufaula117Mack ar sam I ga0303
Ufaula118Tock kar sa Har jo1203
Ufaula120Sim mot hoie??0202
Ufaula121Coch char Har jo1102
Ufaula122Is wi gar2204
Ufaula123So puck Ka la1102
Ufaula125Che ar lie1203
Ufaula126Ottis Micco1203
Ufaula127It carcha Yo ho lo4206
Ufaula128Otta Sa1102
Ufaula129Lot to me0202
Ufaula130Car bieachar Fix i co1203
Ufaula131Par hos Yo ho lo2406
Ufaula132Sim mar gar kie1102
Ufaula133In hal hagar1102
Ufaula134Stow ar hie1102
Ufaula135Pos som Bubbie1203



Hall, Lance L. Parsons and Abbott Roll.

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