Biographical Sketch of Andrew Barclay Meldrum

Meldrum, Andrew Barclay; Presbyterian minister; born, Scotland, Sept. 9, 1857; son of Capt. Robert and Agnes Ness (Grant) Meldrum; educated, professionally, at Knox College and University of Toronto, graduating in Theology at the Theological Seminary of San Francisco; (D. D. Hanover College); married, in 1885, to Laura R. Rison, of Oakland, Cal.; issue, two sons and two daughters; in 1907, married Ella Hoyt Herrick, of Cleveland; pastor in San Francisco, Cal., Evansville, Ind., St. Paul, Minn., and now Old Stone Church, Cleveland; Grand Chaplain, Masonic Grand Lodge of Ohio, 1913; member Robert Burns Society of Cleveland, and Rotary Club; Chaplain … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Chauncey F. Minnick

Minnick, Chauncey F.; building contractor; born, Pierceton, Ind., Dec. 1, 1871; son of F. V. B. and Lucy A. Miller Minnick; educated, public schools, Goshen, Ind.; married, Cleveland, Jan. 14, 1904, Helen Minerva Cleveland; sec’y and treas. The Geo. A. Rutherford Co.; sec’y Land & Building Co.; member Cleveland Builders’ Exchange; pres. Mason Contractor’s Assn, Cleveland; member Athletic Club.

Biography of William B. Sutton

William B. Sutton. Since he came to Kansas in 1887, as a rancher-lawyer, William B. Sutton has found all the opportunities that an ambitious man could crave for an active, earnest, useful and prosperous career. For many years he has lived in Kansas City, Kansas, and is one of the leading lawyers of that city. He was born in Indiana County, Pennsylvania, February 12, 1849, the seventh in a family of ten children born to James and Sarah (Stanborough) Sutton. His father was born in the same county of Pennsylvania in 1812, and died in 1870, while the mother was … Read more

Biography of Winfield Freeman

Winfield Freeman. Lawyer, author, traveler, leader in republican politics and a business man, Winfield Freeman has been a Kansan for more than thirty-five years. He has long enjoyed a reputation as one of the foremost members of the bar in Kansas City, Kansas. He was born at London, Ohio, January 3, 1848, a son of James F. and Eleanor (Dawson) Freeman. His early life was spent in Winchester, Ohio, where he attended the public schools and where he read law in the office of Hon. A. Stiver. Admitted to the bar in 1869, at the age of twenty-one, he practiced … Read more

Biographical Sketch of G. W. Ifer

One of the representative citizens of Delaware is G. W. Ifer, farm manager of the Sanders Oil Company and owner of two of the most modern business blocks in town. He was born in Wells County, Indiana, on the 6th of November, 1868, and came to Oklahoma in the year that this state was admitted to the union. For six months he resided at Keefer and then spent a like period in the oil fields at Jenks. Subsequently he became farm manager of the Sanders Oil Company at Delaware and with the exception of one year he has since been … Read more

Biography of L. P. Carpenter

L. P. Carpenter, who has been a resident of northeastern Oklahoma for a third of a century, was actively identified with agricultural interests here until he put aside the work of the fields in 1919 and has since lived retired in an attractive home at Bartlesville. His birth occurred in Clay County, Indiana, on the 11th of November, 1867, his parents being Adam and Anna (Reamy) Carpenter, who were natives of Pennsylvania and Ohio, respectively. Both are deceased. He acquired his education in his native state and on attaining his majority left the parental roof to come to Oklahoma, settling … Read more

Biography of Arthur A. Hughart

Arthur A. Hughart. The life work of Arthur A. Hughart has been in the educational field. In his native state of Indiana he gained more than a local reputation as an able schoolman, not only as an individual teacher but as a school executive, and it was from that field he was called to the superintendency of the city school of Coffeyville in 1912. Here his influence has been of the greatest value. He has thoroughly reorganized and systematized the work of the city school system, has introduced some new departments and methods, and has made the local schools an … Read more

Biography of Hanmond R. Heal

Hanmond R. Heal is enrolled among the progressive young business men of Coffeyville, where he is secretary and treasurer of the Kansas Oil Refining Company. An Indiana man by birth, be grew up and received his education in that state, and has been a resident of Kansas the past twelve years. In that time he has acquitted himself creditably in every business and civic relation. He comes of an old Pennsylvania family, the Heals having come from England and settled in that state during the colonial days. Mr. Heal was born at Marion, Grant County. Indiana, January 18, 1884. His … Read more

Biography of J. H. McMorrow

Coming to Bartlesville in 1965, J. H. McMorrow has since been actively and prominently identified with the commercial development of the town and as secretary and treasurer of the Rood Oil Company he has contributed substantially to the attainment of the success which has attended the activities of that corporation. He was born in Cohoes, Albany county, New York, December 9, 1859, of the marriage of Francis and Mary (McCusker) McMorrow, both of whom were natives of Ireland, the latter being brought to this country in infancy. The father came to the United States in 1833, settling in Cohoes, Albany … Read more

Biography of Cecil K. Reiff

Cecil K. Reiff, principal of the Central high school at Muskogee, was born in Wabash county, Indiana, October 23, 1888, and is a son of Jacob and Catherine (Baer) Reiff, the former a native of Wurtemberg, Germany, while the latter was born in Ohio. The father was but thirteen years of age when he was brought to America by his parents, the family home being established in Ohio, where he completed his education and afterward took up the occupation of tilling the soil. During the period of the Civil war he served on guard duty near Washington, D. C., and … Read more

McCormack, William – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Pioneer Settler in the Valley Dead William McCormack First Permanent resident, Expires Suddenly William McCormack, the first settler in the Wallowa valley, died last Friday morning in his home on Alder Slope. He had not been robust for some time, but retired Thursday night in seemingly normal health. At 2 o’clock Friday morning, other members of the family heard groans coming from his room. He was found apparently suffering great pain although scarcely conscious. When a physician arrived, after being called in haste from Enterprise, the pioneer was dead. He never regained consciousness after the family … Read more

Biography of George J. Pfister

George J. Pfister. The tireless business activities of some men constitute a greater service to a community than a long service in public office, and that is true of George J. Pfister of Coffeyville, one of the old time citizens of Montgomery County, formerly prominent as a cattleman and rancher, and one of the largest property owners in and around Coffeyville. In building up his prosperity it is a well known fact that Mr. Pfister had been guided by a constant desire to benefit the public as well as himself, and at every point his public spirit and devotion to … Read more

Biography of George K. Reid

George K. Reid, who had been a resident of Kansas nearly thirty-five years, had built up and maintained what is unquestionably the largest business at Howard in abstracts, loans and insurance. When it is stated that Mr. Reid is the son of a minister, there is no need to explain that he was not reared in a home of luxury or wealth, and as a matter of fact from an early age he had been dependent upon his own resources and had made good. His Reid ancestors at one time lived in England, moved from there to Scotland, thence to … Read more

Biography of Martin Van Buren Cagney

Martin Van Buren Cagney, whose home had been in Emporia for the past thirty years, is an old time printer, having first taken up the art of typography when a boy before the Civil war, and had followed his trade under many changing conditions and in many localities. For many years he had been proprietor of a commercial printing establishment at Emporia, and had also been frequently honored with positions of trust and responsibility in that city. His own career had the interest of much variety and he belongs to an interesting family. His father Maurice Cagney was born in … Read more

Biography of William Frank Flack, M. D.

William Frank Flack, M. D. While the medical profession for centuries had enlisted some of the most profound minds of all times, modern discoveries and developments have opened up new fields for the brilliant physician and surgeon, and many of this profession have turned their attention to particular branches, specializing along certain lines. This development had been necessary, for the problems presented in the calling today are so serious and difficult of solution that the average physician had not the expert knowledge to handle all satisfactorily. For some years past William Frank Flack, the pioneer physician of Elk County, had … Read more

Biography of Frank William Boss

Frank William Boss. Among the county officials of Cherokee County, one whose previous record, general qualifications for ability and character, gave, at the time of his election, in 1912, every ground for a successful career, and whose discharge of the duties of his office had since vindicated the faith placed in him, is Frank William Boss, county attorney. Mr. Boss had the reputation of being an indefatigable worker, combining scholarship with an active energy and forceful personality, and these qualities have been much esteemed in an office in which the people of the county have endeavored to place men who … Read more

Biography of Wallace Buell Butz

Wallace Buell Butz, whose activities since coming to Muskogee have brought him in close connection with educational interests and with the abstract, real estate and insurance business, is now at the head of the Butz Agency, handling general insurance, and his clientage is extensive. A native of Illinois, he was born August 1, 1872, his parents being Jeremiah King and Rebecca (Tillotson) Butz. The father devoted many years to the occupation of farming and is now living retired at the advanced age of eighty-six. Wallace B. Butz pursued his early education in the public schools of Illinois and afterward attended … Read more

Biography of Ed Darnell

Ed Darnell, a prominent farmer and stockman, living five miles southwest of Bartlesville, was born in Terre Haute, Indiana, August 19, 1874, but was only three years of age when taken to southern Kansas by his parents, L. J. and Rachel (Clark) Darnell, the family residing in that state for a period of fifteen years. On the 22d of April, 1889, they went to old Oklahoma, settling in Payne County, eleven miles west of Stillwater. The father became the first county recorder of Payne County and was appointed to the office by the first governor of the state. This position … Read more

Biography of James W. Brady

Natural talent, acquired ability, determination and energy have brought James W. Brady to a foremost position in the ranks of the legal fraternity of Haskell, where since 1905 he has followed his profession. He has been called upon to fill various public positions of honor and trust and is now capably discharging the duties of city attorney, in which connection he is making a highly commendable record. A native of Indiana, he was born in Dubois county, May 22, 1871, of the marriage of James and Margaret (Payne) Brady, both of whom were born in Tennessee. In 1863 the father … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. P. Jacobs

Although death claimed W. P. Jacobs in 1906, a year after his arrival in Bartlesville, he had already gained a well established position in business circles here, his enterprise and integrity winning for him the respect and confidence of all with whom he was brought into contact. He was born in Hammond, Indiana, in 1866, and acquired his education in Danville College, after which he became connected with the lumber business at Toledo, Ohio. From there he went to Findlay, Ohio, where he was identified with the same line of activity, and he subsequently removed to Lima, that state, where … Read more