Biography of Green W. Fountain

Green W. Fountain came to Pulaski County from Jefferson County, Georgia, at the age of eighteen and settled five miles south of Hawkinsville and a mile east of Fountain’s Mill, which was built by him. He married Sarah Campbell, daughter of Asa Campbell, of Pulaski County, formerly of Floyd County. The children by this marriage were: William Jenks, Louisa, Esaias, John, and Elizabeth.

William Jenks Fountain (1828-1876), son of Green W. and Sarah Campbell Fountain, married Matilda Jane Waters (1830-1891), daughter of Allen and Angeline Rountree Waters. The children by this marriage were : Allen Turner, Caroline Elizabeth, Emma Ella, Minnie Jackson, Naomi Jane, Rosa Lee, Allie McCall, Augustus Way, and William Anthony. William Jenks Fountain was a merchant and large planter. He rebuilt the mill inherited from his father, enlarged it, and installed a machine for carding wool, also a ginnery. He operated a large sawmill, furnishing the lumber of which Antioch Baptist Church was constructed. He was one of the founders of this church, of which he and his wife were life-long members. For the education of his daughters he maintained a school near his home on Pine Level, a suburb of Hawkinsville. Although a man of quiet and reserved manners, William Jenks Fountain had wide influence in this section.

Allen Turner Fountain, son of William Jenks and Matilda J. Fountain, was born near Hawkinsville, Ga., on September 5, 1855. He received his education in local schools and was a graduate of the Bryant, Stratton & Sadler Business School of Baltimore, Md. He was twice married. On November 21, 1878, he was married to Edna A. Hendley, daughter of Lieutenant John A. Hendley, Confederate Army, and Edna Harrell Hendley, of Pulaski County. The children of this marriage are: Edna Jane, born September 26, 1879; William Jenks, born March 18, 1881, died December 25, 1896; Daisy (Mrs. John B. Harvard), born July 2, 1883, died December 23, 1917; John Hendley, born April 10, 1885, died December 14, 1894; Emmie (Mrs. L. M. Mashburn), born April 20, 1887; Henry Schneider, born October 30, 1889; Allen Turner, born March 13, 1892; Sarah (Mrs. J. S. Jackson).

Edna Hendley Fountain was born June 24, 1861, was married November 21, 1878, and died February 6, 1897. She was a member of the First Methodist Church of Hawkinsville, and was a devout Christian, a loving mother, a devoted wife, and a true friend. She was the embodiment of all the qualities of noble womanhood. After her death, Allen Turner Fountain was married on August 15, 1900, to Josephine Anthony, of Jonesboro, Ga., daughter of Jesse and Elizabeth Ward Anthony. The children of this marriage are: George Franklin, Mary (Mrs. R. E. Slade), Josephine, Caroline Bell, and Ruth (Mrs. P. B. Heard). He was superintendent of the Pulaski County Schools from 1892 to 1900, and during his administration cooperated with Prof. N. E. Ware, superintendent of Hawkinsville Schools, in founding the Ocmulgee Chautauqua. During this time, consolidation of the county schools was begun; better equipment in the form of patent desks, maps, etc., was furnished, and new buildings were erected in some communities, giving Pulaski County a high rating in the county school systems of the State. For years he was a member of the Board of Education of the Hawkinsville Schools. He was a member of the Board of County Commissioners for several years.

For twenty-five years Allen Fountain was prominent in the cotton business in Hawkinsville. He was a Mason, being a member of Friendship Lodge, F. & A. M., and Pulaski Chapter, No. 20, R. A. M. He was a member of the First Methodist Church of Hawkinsville, of which church he was a steward and trustee for many years. He died November 1, 1914.

H. S. and A. T., sons of Allen Turner and Edna Hendley Fountain, are associated in the lumber business in Hawkinsville at the present time. Each has extensive farming and other business interests in Pulaski County. H. S. is a member of the Board of Education of Hawkinsville Schools, a member of the American Legion, and has served as steward of the First M. E. Church. He married Aurelia Jennings, Dec. 3, 1920. A. T. has served as president of the Chamber of Commerce, president of the Pulaski Fair Association, a member of the Bond Commission, and a member of the City Commission. He is a trustee and steward of the First Methodist Church of Hawkinsville, of which church all of this family are members. He married Lucy Tucker of Gainesville, Ga., Aug. 17, 1934. G. Franklin, the youngest son, is a successful businessman of Gainesville, Ga. He married Carrie Davis of Summertown, Ga., Sept. 20, 1928. The daughters have inherited from both sides of the family a love for learning, and have held responsible positions as teachers in Georgia and Alabama. Loyal to the church, they stand for and are representative of the highest Christian ideals.

The grandchildren of Allen T. and Edna Hendley Fountain are John B. and Fountain Harvard, sons of John B. and Daisy Fountain Harvard; William Allen, Schneider Fountain, Lewis Mobley, and Emmett Mashburn, children of Lewis M. and Emmie Fountain Mashburn; Henry Schneider, Jr., Edna Anne, deceased, Allen Turner III, William Abner, and Martha Aurelia Fountain, children of H. S. and Aurelia Jennings Fountain; James Shelley and Edna Jane Jackson, children of J. S. and Sarah Fountain Jackson.



Pulaski County GA,

Baggott, Rev. J. L. Biographies of Pulaski County Georgia. Daughters of American Revolution. 1935.

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