Biographical Sketch of John F. Dooley

That the people appreciate enterprise and perseverance is shown by the success of the subject of our sketch, who is rapidly forging to the front, although but yet a young man. Born in Idaho City, May 29, 1867, he received his education in Chicago, and on his return to Oregon was employed by his uncle, Jerry Dooley, the Bridgeport merchant. In 1879 he went to Biker City, and for a period of time acted as deputy county treasurer. He later was in the employ of M. Well & Co., for two years, and was a partner in the E. H. Thompson Mercantile Co. for the next two years. He is now established at Cracker, or Bourne, where he carries a general line of merchandise, including drugs and sundries. He has by courteous treatment and low prices built up a very satisfactory trade, and well deserves the success he has achieved. In October, 1897, he was appointed postmaster. He is a member of a number of the leading fraternities, taking an active interest in their affairs. Mr. Dooley married Miss Maggie Griffin in October, 1887, and has three children, all girls.


Biography, Mining,

Baker County OR,

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

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