Biographical Sketch of Judge M. L. Olmsted

There is probably no member of the legal profession better or more favorably known throughout Eastern Oregon than is the subject of this sketch. by reason of his long and imitate acquaintanceship with its leading mien and active participation in all matters of public import that have tended to advance the interests of this section of the state. His enterprise and integrity have made for him friends in all classes of society, and his name is a synonym for honesty and industry. Judge Olmsted served with distinction during the civil war, in the third division of the 12th Army Corps. After being discharged he located in Iowa for several year’s, coming to Oregon in 1874, where he has since practiced law. From 1884 to 1586 he was Judge of the Sixth Judicial District of the State.


Biography, Mining,

Baker County OR,

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

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