Friends and Brothers
I once Desired you to meet me and my People at Broad River which you Did. And at time you Promised to Build a fort in my nation which you have Performed. According to Your Agreement. But I am much surprised at your not sending men to Garison your fort as you Promised to Do. I muft Put you in mind of the Traid you have so often talked of. I hope you will not Delaye in sending men and all nefsearys fit for a fort. I hope it will Be of advantage to you as well as to us. & all so I Do Expect you will send a good Brother to command hear, and all so send a suficent Quanty of Ammunition and guns, at this time we have nothing to Put in our guns, I must tel you I think it very hard of your Building a fort hear and not sending men to it. I all ways Promised to afsist you With my Young men and I Could have Ben as good as my word had you sent men hear as you Proposed When you agreet to Build this fort and then we should have Ben a Help to one another. I once more Desire you to send and garison your fort. For I Dayle Expect to have Blood Spilt By our Enimies and it seems to me you have no Value for us or you would have sent Before this time. you Desired of me to send out my young men Which I have Done as fare as in my Power Lay. and now we Daly see signe of Enimys hear, I this once send to you that you may not Blame me if anything should happen hear after, I Desire you to make all Dispatch in sending that if the Enimys should come we may Die together. I Begg you may now mind What I say. I now give this Talk as if I was face to face with you, and I once more mind you of the Traid you have so often Promised. I do Expect you will send it with the warriour that comes to this fort, as our Traid is at moft Hoped from Carolina I Expect my Br. that comes to this Place will Bring a Quantity of Guns and Ammunition With him & also a good smith that he may Afsist us in mending our Broken guns. I shall not have so many men to send out again at once as Did come out this summer & I hope you will never Lock any of my People up again But Let them Pafs and Bypafs as Before I only Look on this as a Drinking Froelick But I Desire you may not Let the like happen again for I am sure if they had not Ben Drunk they would not have Behaved amifs and They were sent By me to the _____nation I desire this talk may Be Read to Judge Friend and tell him these Beeds was sent to him By hop, and the Standing Turkey is yet a live, have now almoft Concluded my talk and shall think the time Long Til I hear from you or see Judge friend.
The French is now Building a for Down this River Which I would have cut of as soon as Pofsible I have now sent some of my young men to kill some of them if Pofsible I Desire Watts may Be in terjoirten of the Litter to Judge friend, The French Don’t Build forts and leave them without men. If we should get hurt By the French and your fort settled By them I shall Lay all Blame on you for Ever, for This is the second time I have sent to you about it. The Little Carpenter Defcoverd the French Down this River and Seinee one of his Brothers has taken a secalp. And all so tel Jude friend we Desire he will come home as we are likely to so have Troble some times his own Mr. Johney was kild since he went out The shanews kills us as well as the White men and I would not have you think hard of sending a few men hear as I hope it Will Be for Both our goods I don’t _____only one hundred as we have the Quanty from Carolin I am Sir
Little __________