Yaquina Indians

Yaquina Indians. Significance unknown. Also known as:

  • Să-ákl, Nestucca name.
  • Sǐs’-qûn-me’tûnnĕ, Chetco name.
  • Tcha yákon amim, Luckiamute Kalapuya name.

Yaquina Connections. The Yaquina were one of the tribes of the Yakonan linguistic stock to which they gave their name.

Yaquina Location. About Yaquina River and Bay.

Yaquina Villages

The following list is from J. O. Dorsey (1884): On the north side of Yaquina River:

  • Holukhik
  • Hunkkhwitik
  • Iwai
  • Khaishuk
  • Khilukh
  • Kunnupiyu
  • Kwulaishauik
  • Kyaukuhu
  • Kyuwatkal
  • Mipshuntik
  • Mittsulstik
  • Shash
  • Thlalkhaiuntik
  • Thlekakhaik
  • Tkhakiyu
  • Tshkitshiauk
  • Tthilkitik
  • Ukhwaiksh
  • Yahal
  • Yikkhaich

On the south side of the river:

  • Atshuk
  • Chulithltiyu.
  • Hakkyaiwal.
  • Hathletukhish.
  • Hitshinsuwit.
  • Hiwaitthe.
  • Kaku.
  • Khaiyukkhai.
  • Khitalaitthe.
  • Kholkh.
  • Khulhanshtauk.
  • Kilauutuksh.
  • Kumsukwum.
  • Kutshuwitthe.
  • Kwaitshi.
  • Kwilaishauk.
  • Kwulchichicheshk.
  • Kwullaish.
  • Kwullakhtauik.
  • Kwutichuntthe.
  • Mulshintik.
  • Naaish.
  • Paiinkhwutthu.
  • Pikiiltthe.
  • Pkhulluwaaitthe.
  • Pkuuniukhtauk.
  • Puuntthiwaun.
  • Shilkhotshi.
  • Shupauk.
  • Thlekwiyauik.
  • Thlelkhus.
  • Thlinaitshtik.
  • Thlukwiutshthu.
  • Tkulmashaauk.
  • Tuhaushuwitthe.
  • Tulshk.

Yaquina Population. (See Alsea Indians) The census of 1910 returned 19 Yaquina.

Connections in which the Yaquina Indians have become noted. The name of this tribe Yaquina, was given some scientific prominence by its use, in the form Yakonan, for a small linguistic stock in the Powellian classification. It is preserved in Yaquina River, Yaquina Bay and a town called Yaquina in Lincoln County.

Yakonan, Yaquina,

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