Georgia Indian Tribes

The following tribes at one time are recorded in history as having resided within the present state of Georgia. If the tribe name is in bold, then Georgia is the primary location known for this tribe, otherwise we provide the tribes specifics as it pertains to Georgia and then provide a link to the main tribal page.

  • Apalachee Indians
    After the English and Creeks destroyed the Apalachee towns in Florida in 1704, they established a part of the tribe in a village not far below the present Augusta. In 1715, when the Yamasee war broke out, these Apalachee joined the hostile Indians and went to the Chattahoochee to live near that faction of the Lower Creeks which was favorable to Spain. Soon afterward, however, the English faction gained the ascendency among the Creeks, and the Apalachee returned to Florida.
  • Apalachicola Indians
  • Chatot Indians
    Some of these Indians lived at times in the southwest corner of this State.
  • Cherokee Indians
    From early times the Cherokee occupied the northern and northeastern parts of Georgia, though from certain place names it seems probable that they had been preceded in that territory by Creeks.
  • Chiaha Indians
  • Chickasaw Indians
    A band of Chickasaw lived near Augusta from about 1723 to the opening of the American Revolution, and later they were for some time among the Lower Creeks.
  • Creek Indians
    A part, and perhaps a large part, of the Indians who afterward constituted the Creek Confederacy were living in the sixteenth century in what the Spaniards called the province of Guale on the’ present Georgia coast. Some of them moved inland in consequence of difficulties with the Whites, and in the latter half of the seventeenth century most of those afterward known as Lower Creeks were upon Chattahoochee and Ocmulgee Rivers, the latter river being then called Ocheese Creek, from the Hitchiti name given to the Indians living on it. After the Yamasee War (1715) all assembled upon Chattahoochee River and continued there, part on the Georgia side of the river, part on the Alabama side, until they removed to the present Oklahoma early in the nineteenth century. (See Creek Confederacy and Muskogee)
  • Guale Indians
  • Hitchiti Indians
  • Kasihta Indians
    One of the most important divisions of the Muskogee, possibly identical with the Cofitachequi of the De Soto narratives.
  • Muskogee Indians
  • Oconee Indians
  • Okmulgee Indians
  • Osochi Indians
    A division of the Lower Creeks which lived for a time in southwestern Georgia.
  • Sawokli Indians
    A division of the Creeks belonging to the group of towns that spoke the Hitchiti language.
  • Shawnee Indians
    The Shawnee band which settled near Augusta concerns South Carolina and Georgia almost equally. Their history has already been given in treating the tribes of the former State. (See also Tennessee.)
  • Tamathli Indians
  • Timucua Indians
    One contact between the Timucua Indians and Georgia is mentioned later in connection with the Osochi. When the Spaniards first came in contact with them, the Timucua occupied not merely northern and central Florida but Cumberland Island and a part of the adjacent mainland. The Timucua evidently withdrew from this territory as a result of pressure exerted by northern Indians in the latter part of the seventeenth century or the very beginning of the eighteenth. (See Utina)
  • Yamasee Indians
  • Yuchi Indians
  • Yufera Indians


Swanton, John R. The Indian Tribes of North America. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 145. Washington DC: US Government Printing Office. 1953.

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