Letter from Col. Robert Love to William Love – Family

Letter from Col Robert Love

to his brother,

William Love, of Virginia.

Near———–on Harpeth, 25th, of Nov. 1814

Dear Brother:

I embrace this opportunity of writing a few lines by cousin Stephenson Bell, who will hand you this. It is with heartfelt emotion that I have heard of you still being in the land of the living, and enjoying reasonable share of health-having had it reported to me that you had gone to Orleans and died.

My family, I left three weeks ago in a good state of health-thanks be to the Giver of all Good for His protection!

Four of my children are married – (towit) Thomas, Anna, Samuel & Dorcas. Thomas to the oldest daughter of Governor Taylor (Note: It should be General Taylor-F.D. Love) of East Tennessee; Anna, you are acquainted with her husband; Samuel, to the oldest daughter of Joseph Young Esqr., near Jonesboro, and Dorcas, was married June last to Robert Henry, who you are acquainted with at Asheville.

Thomas is at the bar in East Tennessee, and Samuel is settled near his father-in-law’s, and Anna and Dorcas are both living in Buncombe County.

Jonny is living with his brother-in-law, Robert Henry, reading law, and he is the clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County. I flatter myself that they are all doing well. Great changes have taken place since I had the pleasure the seeing you last.

Should your situation not be as comfortable as you would wish, if you can possibly make your way back to Bro. James, I will send a horse for you, as, perhaps, you are not provided with one.

Mary Ann speaks very frequently about you, and it will be a pleasing thing to her to hear of your being still alive. Dr. William, (Note: the abr. Dr. is meant for “Dear”) one injunction, she will be desirous of bringing you under, and that will be your real good. You know what I mean. I believed I mentioned to you that they had placed the Court House of my land, and that I was clerk of Haywood County Court.

I still remain without drinking any kind of ardent spirits, and which I find is beneficial to health, altho’ I never drank to excess. Our children were all alive when I left home, and for which mercies I thank God. You know their number, (towit) six sons and seven daughters.

Write to me by mail what you are determined on.

Farewell, and may God bless you.

R. Love,


William Love (Copy)


Genealogy, Letter,

Partridge, Dennis N. Love Family Genealogy. Web. © 2001.

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