A partial transcription of the genealogies from the History of Cornish, New Hampshire. This is a work in progress, so check back monthly.
The image attached to this file is a copy of a postcard depicting the Blow-me-down Bridge, Cornish, New Hampshire. Designed by Joseph Wells of the architectural firm McKim, the bridge was completed in 1888. It was built for Charles Cotesworth Beaman, owner of nearby Blow-Me-Down Farm. He was first of the “summer people” in what became the Cornish Art Colony. Beaman’s adjacent grist mill was finished in 1891. Both the bridge and mill are now part of Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site.
History of Cornish New Hampshire Genealogies
- Abbott, Ezekiel
- Alden, Daniel
- Alden, Isaac
- Alden, Jesse
- Allen, John
- Allen, Thomas Arnold
- Allen, William
- Atwood, Daniel
- Atwood, David
- Atwood, Joshua
- Atwood, Joshua
- Atwood, Joshua
- Atwood, Orrel F.
- Atwood, William
- Atwood, William
- Austin, Elijah D.
- Ayers Genealogy
- Ayers, Benjamin
- Ayers, Edward T.
- Ayers, Edwin T.
- Ayers, George H.
- Ayers, Henry
- Ayers, L. Foster
- Ayers, Levi
- Ayers, Samuel
- Ayers, Stephen M.
- Ayers, Thomas
- Babcock, Lemuel
- Bachelor, Azor
- Bachelor, Silas
- Badger, Rufus G.
- Bailey, Andrew
- Bailey, Andrew
- Baker, Asa
- Balloch, George Williamson
- Balloch, James
- Balloch, William
- Barker, Alexander
- Barnard, Levi Nichols
- Barrows, Ansel
- Barrows, Moses Jr.
- Bartlett, Daniel D.
- Bartlett, Edwin P.
- Bartlett, Gilman Miotimer
- Bartlett, Henry Franklin
- Bartlett, Hiram
- Bartlett, Horace L.
- Bartlett, Jesse Johnson
- Bartlett, John
- Bartlett, Lyman
- Bartlett, Lyman
- Bartlett, Nathaniel
- Bartlett, Nathaniel
- Bartlett, Peletiah Fitch
- Bartlett, Plorival
- Bartlett, Samuel
- Bartlett, Sylvester Nathaniel
- Barton, Cyrus H.
- Beal, Jacob
- Beaman, Charles Cotesworth
- Bean, Martin Henry
- Bemis, Benjamin Boman
- Benway, Buzzell
- Benway, Harvey
- Bingham, Elias
- Bingham, Jebidiah
- Bingham, Jonathan
- Bingham, Lemuel
- Bingham, Samuel
- Blake, Curtis H.
- Blake, Fred G.
- Blake, J.M. Rev.
- Blanchard, John Sabine Dr.
- Carpenter, Nathaniel
- Carroll, Daniel Elliott
- Carroll, Follansbe
- Carroll, Nathaniel
- Carter, Joseph
- Cate, James
- Chadbourne, Alfred Chase
- Chadbourne, Benjamin
- Chadbourne, Frank J.
- Chadbourne, James Blaine
- Chadbourne, William Elias
- Chadbourne, William Lucius
- Chaffin, Levi
- Chapman, Benjamin
- Chapman, Harry
- Chapman, Joseph Dr.
- Chapman, Levi
- Chapman, Levi Lincoln
- Chase, Abel
- Chase, Aquilla
- Chase, Bela
- Chase, Benjamin Chapman
- Chase, Benjamin Kimball
- Chase, Benjamin Kimball
- Chase, Caleb
- Chase, Caleb
- Chase, Caleb M.
- Chase, Charles
- Chase, Clement
- Chase, Cotton
- Chase, Daniel
- Chase, Daniel
- Chase, Dudley
- Chase, Dudley Tappan
- Chase, Francis Xavier
- Chase, George
- Chase, George Murray
- Chase, Harvey
- Chase, Henry Stevens
- Chase, Israel
- Chase, Ithamar
- Chase, Jacob
- Chase, John
- Chase, John Franklin
- Chase, Jonathan
- Chase, Jonathan
- Chase, Joseph
- Chase, Joseph
- Chase, Joseph S.
- Chase, Lebbeus H.
- Chase, Louis T.
- Chase, Moody
- Chase, Moses
- Chase, Moses
- Chase, Moses
- Chase, Nahum C.
- Chase, Oran Corbett
- Chase, Peter
- Chase, Samuel
- Chase, Samuel
- Chase, Samuel
- Chase, Solomon
- Chase, Stephen
- Chase, Theodore
- Chase, Thomas
- Chellis, Enoch F.
- Child, Edwin Leighton
- Child, Stephen
- Child, Stephen Jr.
- Child, William Henry
- Choate, William
- Churchill, Barker Brewster
- Churchill, Lewis
- Churchill, Nathaniel
- Churchill, Winston
- Clark, Benjamin Chesman
- Clark, Benjamin Franklin
- Clark, Theoda
- Clement, Benjamin Franklin
- Cobb, Charles Vinal
- Cobb, Ebenezer
- Cobb, Edmund Hooker
- Cobb, Francis
- Cobb, Francis
- Cobb, Levi
- Cobb, Levi Henry
- Coburn, Asa
- Coburn, Asa
- Coburn, Daniel
- Coburn, Dudley
- Coburn, Merrill
- Coburn, Merrill
- Coburn, Phinehas
- Coburn, Richard
- Coburn, Simon
- Coburn, Stillman
- Coburn, Thomas
- Cole, Benjamin
- Cole, Dan Wheeler
- Cole, Daniel
- Cole, Daniel
- Cole, Ebenezer
- Cole, Ephraim
- Cole, Erastus O.
- Cole, Frank Holbrook
- Cole, George L.
- Cole, John
- Cole, John Murray
- Cole, Justus O.
- Cole, Seth Raynsford
- Cole, Seth, Capt.
- Cole, Stephen
- Cole, Stephen
- Cole, Wilbur Wyman
- Cole, Willis G.
- Collins, Edward W.
- Comings, Andrew
- Comings, Benjamin
- Comings, Leonard
- Comings, Samuel
- Comings, Samuel
- Comings, Warren
- Cumings, Isaac
- Dean, George C.
- Farnsworth, Daniel Jr.
- Farnsworth, Stephen
- Fifield, Frank Addison
- Fifield, Fred Loren
- Haskell, Daniel
- Haskell, John
- Hastings, Jonas
- Kenyon, Charles N.
- Kenyon, Edwin G.
- Kenyon, Elijah P.
- Kenyon, George Dana
- Kenyon, George R.
- Kenyon, Isaac C.
- Kenyon, John Nelson
- Kenyon, Joseph
- Kenyon, Joseph
- Kenyon, Martin E.
- Kenyon, Mumford
- Rice, Dimon (Royce, Dimond)
- Weld, Albert
- Weld, Chester
- Weld, Daniel
- Weld, Daniel
- Weld, Daniel H.
- Weld, Frank E.
- Weld, Frank H.
- Weld, George
- Weld, George W.
- Weld, Henry A.
- Weld, Hiram M.
- Weld, Horace
- Weld, Israel Foster
- Weld, John
- Weld, John
- Weld, John Dea.
- Weld, Joseph
- Weld, Moses
- Weld, Peleg
- Weld, Walter
- Weld, Willard