1758, March 2, Fort Loudoun


Your Dispatch I received the 28th ultimate and immediately ordered Willm. Woodwareth to get himSelf ready. I am very Glad that the Earl of Loudoun has granted us Provisions, and would to God, it had be so before I come to this Place, it would have saved me great deal of trouble & uneaSiness.

You acquaint me, Sir, that Mr. Stead is to Supply the Fort with ProviSions, I wiSh he may Send Send Some Body as soom as possible to Settle with with my store Keeper, and Send Some Meat Kind, for there is none to be got for Money and the Little that I cam git I must give orders on the Traders at very dear Rate, except two that I gave Certificates I have Corn Enough, and flower Such as it is. If there is no ProviSions granted for Indians, I don’t know what to do, they expect to be entairten’d when they go to war, and when they come back, and Every time they come to give a Talk in the Fort, and on other Meeting. For my Part as long as I stay here, I allways entertain themm, because as I am on the spot I know the Consequence of it and I would not disoblige them, for such Tifles. Here has been lately Belts of Wampon, sent the French, to invite them to com and see them, the lame Arm Warrior of Tullivo, to Chotee to acquaint the Head Men, and afterwards came to the Fort and told me of it; and said that he would not mind them anymore, but would allways be in Peace with the English. If the Women have no Provisions I don’t know hotw they can live, and the ExpreSses muSt be SubSisted because they can get nothing from hence to Leowee. Likewise the Linguister that lives herein the Fort, and two Men of Capt. Pastel I have sent to the three officers commanding the company’s in Charlestown, a Return of this Command, that it mabe reitted to your, this Day a Head Man of Natatee has been with me, and told me that intended to go towards the French Fort, I told him that a Party went there the other Day that I was informed that a Party of Tweeknees were in our Neighouryhood and if he would go after them I should be obliged to him, he Answered that he would acquaint the other warriors and would let me know it soon.

I have Spoke to the Men here on Command about planting, I hope to Succeed in it.

Concerning what you require to Send to the Settlements recruiting I don’t belive there are twenty white Men hundred & fifty miles round us, and Such as they are, I am very certain you would not accept them, because they dare not appear anywhere, as they are sure to be hanged.

Your may be aSsured, that mothing Material, shall be transacted in this Part of the Morlet, without you be acquainted with.

I am with great Regard,


Your most obedient
& Most humble Servant

Paul Demere

P.S. all the officers here, choose Provisions for their Rations.

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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