J have recived your Excellency’s Dispatche of the 15 December Sic Days before j recived from Lieut. Outerbriege a Copy of Mr. Duvalt’s Letters, and in the Same time, two of your Letters, one Octr. 27th, the other Novr. 18th immediately j sent to Old Hop to acquaint him that j had Letters to Communicate to him the next Day. Accordingly j went, and found him in the Town House, with many jndians. J thanck’d him in your Name for all the goods Talks that he had given from timt to time and hoped he would percerer in his Friendship, and if in case our Enemy Should Ever attempt to come to attack us, that we should all join together to drive them out of the Nation. He then Said they would. J then read to them the Letter that Lieut. Outerbriege had sent. When Old Hop heard it, e Smiled and Said that he could not belive that the French would attempt Such Thing, but if they do you may be sure of our Assistance, lett you stand fast to your Fort said he, and let us alone for the rest. As Soon j have heard Said he, that you was Coming j have called all the Warriors together, they are come you shall hear further from us; j wish with all my Heart, they may be true. Judge Friend was with me yesterday, and as we were talking of you Excellency’s Letter, j desired him to tell me jngeniously if he taught all the Towns would raise in Arms against the French in case they should come, he told me that he could not Answer for then told him that j wanted ____Some white Men with Parties on the Scout, he told me very well you may be sure that you shall have timely Notice; this judge Friend was to go the 15 jnstant with a Large Gand towards the French Fort, to know what they were doing, and to Endeavour to bring a Prisoner. J hope you Excellency has recived my Letter of the 28 of Novr. Wherin j mentioned the Arrival of the great Warrior and Judge Friend, and the three Twiektwees Scalps and what j gave them, j have but little Strouts left, and out 36 Shirts j gave 41, j have no Vermillion, j had but 3 Pounds, Mr. Mcjntoche wrote me wor, that you had wrote to him to keep this third Part of Every Thing.
Sometime ago he Sent me word that he had Spike Nails, Flints, Rope, & that he would Send them by the first Opportunity. it happened that hte Man whom j gave them to, lost the Horse with the Spike Nails, Flints, and most all the Nails, j have Sent him word to Send by the first Opportunity all the Flints that he can Spare, which j am sure he will. this Day a Trader asked me if Thos. Beamer was gone back again, j told him that j had not Seen him; this Day Eleven Days j was at Keowee, Said he where he come, and Said that he had a Dispatch for you from Mr. Atkins, and that he was going over the 24 Mountains, and would be here in three Days, j am affraid of Som Misfortune.
three weks ago came here Mr. Willm. Richardson a Clargyman he brought me a Letter from the Governour of Virginia, wherein he desires me to recive him kindly as he comes upon a religous and pious Design in the Room of Mr. Martin, and that he would acquaint you with it immediately, this Gentleman is going to live at Chotee as Soon as he can get a House.
this Day the Slave Catcher Cam to see me, he told me that three jndians that were with the little Carpenter did come back yesterday, that they had left Wollilawah little way of and expected him Every moment j asked him what News they brought, none at all Said he, because they went no further than Winchester, to take care of their Sick. that the little Carpenter with Six more were gone with the General to the Army. thesse People Said he; Complain very much of the inhabitars of Winchester, for they took back again their Guns and Provisions. perhaps Said j they have done Some Mischief j have known, said he, two of them this long while, and j have never knew them guilty of Such Thing, besides Wollilawah would not have Suffer it, but Continued he, j shall talck to them in provate, and shall know the Truth of the Matter, and shall let you know it, j am Sorry Such Things hapens at this present time. we them Spoke of what j had told them at the Town House. he promised me to Stand by the English and to keep good look out. j have Send word this Day to the great Warrior to Come & dine with me after to Morrow, j am most Certain he will tell me what they have agreed among themselves at the Townhouse. your Excellency may be well assured that j shall do my best Endeavours to get us many Friends as j can, to send Scouts, and to keep good look out, that j may not be Surprised. j wish Talico People, and Shatougee, had recived presents as well as these Seven Towns, the little Carpenter never Sent them any Thing of what Mr. Turner delivered to him. j intend to Sent a Talk to the head Man of Talico, he comes allways to See me when he Come this way and calls me his Friend, and promises to love the English, now that his Eyes are oppened. j should be very glad if they would be as good as their words, when the Enemy appears. an jndian the other Day told me, well you have been to See Old Hop, he Speaks very fair, but Said he the Old Rogue has got two Tongues. According to your orders, j Send to your Excellency, a Roll of the Men, under my Command, and a Return of the ammunition j have heard there was Quantity of Salt and flour at Keowee for this Command, j ahve wrote to Mr. Mcjntoche to Send it as Soon as possible, j wish the Cattle was Come. as Mr. Mcjntoche is affraid (that if the Men that are to come to reinforce this Garrison,) were to know of it, perhaps the would desert, j have Sent him word to order them to convey the Provisioins.
j am with Respect
your Excellency’s
Most obedient
and most humble Servant
Paul Demere