Sea Captains Grant, Christopher to Graves, Samuel

Grant, Christopher
Bpt. Aug. 28, 1768.

1795 Brigantine “Union,” 110T.

Grant, Elias
Bpt. Jan. 5, 1755.

1775 Private in Glover’s Twenty-first Regiment, Capt. John Merritt.
1795 Schooner “Betsy,” 66T.
1796 Schooner “Alfred,” 75T.
1796 Schooner “Hope,” 45T.
1798 Schooner “Abigail.”

Grant, John
Bpt. Feb. 23, 1777.

1831 Schooner “Brilliant,” 73T.
1832 Schooner “Teazer,” 97T.
Schooner “Columbia.” (Lost G. C.)

Glover, Edmund
Bpt. Nov. 25, 1757.

1775 Private in Glover’s Twenty -first Regiment, Capt. John Glover, Jr.
1778 Seaman Privateer Schooner “General Lincoln,” Capt. John Blackley.
1779 Seaman Sloop “Bowdoin,” Capt. Thos. Stevens.
His receipt for Prize Money in possession of the Marblehead Historical Society, Paper, No. 3526.
1793 Schooner “Jeremiah.”

Glover, Jonathan

1767 Ship “Ino.” (Road’s History.)

Brig Prudent of Boston, Capt. Benjamin Graves
Original owned by family of his daughter (Mrs. Samuel H. Brown), Marblehead.

Graves, Benjamin
Born Dec. 4, 1785.

1823 Schooner “Four Sisters.”
1823 Brig “Union.”
1825 Schooner “Hannah,” 70T.
____ Brigantine “Prudent.”
1835 Schooner “Leader.”
1836 Died in Hayti.

Graves, Ebenezer
Born Jan. 10, 1770.

Selectman 1797-1799, 1800-1804 to 1810.
1798 Schooner “Saratoga.” (C. P.) (Jr.)
1803 Brigantine “Polly.” (Condemned G. C.) (Jr.)
1804 and 1805 Representative to General Court. 1816 Barque “Increase.”
____ Brigantine “Czarina.” (Mate).
1818 Schooner “Caesar,” 9lT. (S. P.)
1819 Schooner “Caesar,” 109T.
1820 Schooner “President.”
Schooner “Tom.”
Barque “Panama.”

Brigantine Polly
Original painting by I. Peterson, 1838, owned by Mrs. John S. Stone, granddaughter

Brigantine “Polly” was among list of vessels taken in company with the remainder of a fleet under convoy of a British gun Brig and sent into Christiansand by five Danish gun Brigs in July, 1810. (From Boston Weekly Messenger, Dec. 20, 1811.)

Graves, Ebenezer
Born July 20, 1832.

1858 Barque “Panama.”
____ Ship “Siam.”
Capt. Graves died in Galveston, Texas, June 13, 1870.

Graves, John

1794 Schooner “Hawk,” 59T.
____ Schooner “Jeremiah.”

Ship “Siam,” Capt. Eben Graves
From painting in possession of Peabody Academy, Salem

Graves, Eleazer
Bpt. Jan. 5,1781.

1803 Brigantine “Fox.”
1804 Schooner “Raven,” 70T.
1805 Schooner “Joseph,” 78T.
1806 Schooner “Ammy.”
1815 Ship “Herald,” 274T.
1823 Schooner “James,” 74T.
1828 Schooner “Jinny and Nancy,” 76T.

Graves, Samuel
Born Dec. 24, 1774.

1796 Schooner “Hannah.”
1796 Schooner “Success,” 73T. (Jr.)
1799 Brigantine “Harriot.”

Graves, Samuel Jr.

1800 Schooner “Chance,” 56T.

Ship “Liverpool,” Capt. Samuel Graves
Original painting owned by Capt. Graves’ family

Capt. Samuel Graves
Born Mar. 29, 1804

____ Ship “Ophelia.”
____ Ship “Herald.”
____ Ship “Albion.”
____ Ship “Ganges.”
____ Ship “Chatham.”
____ Ship “Lowell.”
____ Ship “Trenton.”
____ Ship “Delphose.”
____ Ship “Charlotte.”
____ Ship “Candace.” (Mate.)
1839 Ship “Liverpool.”
____ Barque “Leo.”
____ Barque “Gypsy.”
1844 Barque “Elvira.”
____ Barque “Due de Orleans.
____ Barque “Aurelia.”
____ Barque “Cavalier.”
____ Barque “Osmali.”
____ Brigantine “Potomac.”
____ Brigantine “Traveler.”
____ Brigantine “Africa.”
____ Brigantine “Effort.’
____ Brigantine “Byron.”
____ Brigantine “Nancy
1841 Schooner “Clinton.”
____ Schooner “Favorite.”
____ Schooner “Fame.”
____ Schooner “President.
____ Schooner “Liberty.”

Barque Gipsy
Original owned by Capt. Graves’ family

Capt. Graves crossed the Atlantic Ocean seventy-eight times, the Pacific six times. Went to the four-quarters of the globe and was never short of provisions at sea and never lost but one man. Collided three times.

On a voyage from Russia to New York, during a thick fog at night, ran into an English Ship which sunk with all on board, except two men saved on a plank. His ship was almost dismantled.

In St. George’s Channel, bound to Liverpool during a thick fog at night, ran into a vessel from Cork bound to Liverpool with one hundred and twenty-five Irish passengers to take passage for the United States, a great number were lost. Fault of the pilot. His ship received serious damage.

Port of Philadelphia, April 26, 1844.
Arrived. Barque “Elvira,” Graves, from Messina, Feb. 20, and Gibraltar, March 16, with fruit, etc., to Isaac Jeanes. Left at Gibraltar, United States Ship “Fairfield,” for Mahon in 5 days; ship “Shaw,” Lovett, for Cadiz in 3 days. Spoke, Lat. 37, Long. 70 30,’ Schooner “Charlotte,” from New York for Porto Rico, passed a ship showing a white serge with a cross, steering East 19 inst. at midnight, was run into by ship “Newark,” during a thick fog and rain, which carried away fore and main rigging, topmast, back stays, main stay, dead eyes, chain plates, bulwarks and stauncheons, on starboard side, injured the foremast, sprung the foreyard, lost the foresail, swinging boom, sprung main topmast, stove galley, boat house and water casks. Capt. Graves, while in the act of clearing the “Newark’s” anchor, which had caught the “Elvira’s” rigging, was thrown between the vessels, but fortunately got on board the “Newark,” with his leg fractured. The mate and part of the crew, thinking the barque was sinking got on board the “Newark.” Capt. Merwin remained by the barque until daylight, when Capt. Graves and his crew returned on board. The “Newark” left one of her anchors on board the “Elvira.” The “Elvira” has been off the Delaware 12 days, with thick weather.

Barque “Leo,” Capt. Samuel Graves
Original painting Owned by Capt. Graves’ family

Disasters, etc.

Ship “Newark,” at New York from Savannah, reports: On the night of the 19th inst. off Cape May, and blowing a strong breeze from N.E., and a thick fog, ship under double reefed topsails, jib and mainsail furled, at 1’2 o’clock, at midnight, the ship “Newark” came in contact with Barque “Elvira,” of Boston, Capt. Graves, 65 days from Messina and 3’2 from Gibraltar, bound to Philadelphia. The “Newark” struck the barque between the foremast and mainmast head, on which cut bulwarks down to the deck, the ship riding heavy upon the barque exciting suspicion with the officers and crew that the barque was sinking. The first officer and part of the crew jumped on board the “Newark’ ‘ for safety. As soon as possible the sails of the “Newark” were laid aback, and the vessels soon parted. The “Newark” lay by the barque till morning, when Capt. Merwin put the crew of the barque on board. The barque was tight, not having leaked any. The “Newark” escaped with loss of fore topgallant mast, larboard anchor, larboard bow, and considerably bruised by the collision – also with loss of bowsprit cap and some rigging. The barque wore .ship and stood N.E.; and was soon out of sight.

Extract from Memorandum of Capt. Graves

Hard time. Set my broken leg myself, got up spars and sails to keep off shore, and was three days in a gale before getting into Philadelphia. Was in six or eight fathoms of water. The other ship rendered me no assistance. S. Graves. One of the hard times during 35 years at sea collided three times, sunk one ship and a schooner, broke my leg and collar bone, taken and stabbed by pirates bound to Sumatra, relieved of twenty-two thousand Spanish dollars, returned home, other casualty’s too numerous to mention.

Image Brigantine “Mary Helen,” Capt. John Hooper Gregory From original painting in possession of Arthur W. West. Cut loaned by Essex Institute


Source: Old Marblehead Sea Captains and the Ships in Which They Sailed, Compiled and Published for the Benefit of the Marblehead Historical Society, By Benjamin J. Lindsey, Treasurer, 1915


Lindsey, Benjamin J. Old Marblehead Sea Captains and the Ships in Which They Sailed Published for the Benefit of the Marblehead Historical Society, By Benjamin J. Lindsey, Treasurer, 1915.

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