This document is a communication from the acting commissioner of Indian Affairs, detailing the rolls of certain Indian Tribes in Oregon and Washington in reference to an agreement from August 1851. It contains statement No. 8a from Alexander Pellard, Jr. of Altoona, a member of the Lower Chinook Indians, provided to Charles E. McChesney, supervisor of Indian schools, in 1906. This statement is part of the McChesney Rolls, identifying and recognizing enrolled Chinook individuals separately from any reservations. Published as House Document No. 133, 59th Congress, 2nd Session, Pellard’s sworn testimony records his age, and confirms that the information provided by his sister Adeline (Pellard) James was true in all respects.
Statement No. 8a
State of Washington, Wahkiakum County, ss:
Alex. Pellard, of Altoona, Wash., being duly sworn, deposes and says he is 37 years of age; that he has read the foregoing statement of his sister, Adeline James, and the same is true in all respects. Statement No. 8 – Adeline (Pellard) James, of Bay Center
Alex. Pellard (his x mark).
Sworn and subscribed before me at Altoona, Wash., this 16th day of January, 1906.
Chas. E. McChesney, Supervisor of Indian Schools.
Note.— I could get no trace of Henry Pierce, and the opinion was general that he is dead, having been drowned several years ago. McC.