1759, November 22, Fort Loudoun


On the 19th Currant at night Macknamar Arrived here by him I was honoured with your Excellency’s Letter of 12th Currant next Day Captain Demere delivered the Talk to the Carpenter who Exprefs great pleasure at your Excellencys promise to take off the Black beads, as he has upon all occasions Since his Return Showen great desire of Being invited to meet your Excelly Capt Demere added to the talk that you would be pleased to Meet him with the Warriors of the middle Settlements at Keewee. Those have sent the Carprean Invitation to be of there party when they go to Meet You _____ when he first heard your talk by Elliot Read he was So much affected that he Shed tears. He could not Stomach Delivering up their Countrymen and proposed their falling on the French as the properest Satisfaction, but he has been reasoned with Since, and shewen the absurdity of Expecting traders to venture amongst them. If every Angry boy may with impunity take a whiteman’s Life he has been told that if he will heartily fall in with you excelly news, that he will Afterwards be Look’t upon as the head here but, if on the Contrary he takes part with or Endeavours to fereen the Villains who have brought So much Difstr_______ his Country he will Loose the Good character he has acquired and Your Excellys Regard; all this Seems to have made a deep imprefsion on him and I Expect he will heartily fall in to Any measures your Excellency will propose. All the Indians are Still out hunting altho Mefsengers are dispatched to Call them So that they may bee Soon Expected In

McGunnightl Returned to Sellaco last week where he Lives at Easw there is nothing new worth Communicating to your Excellency I have the honour of being with the Greatest Respect


Your Excellency’s
Most obedient and
most humble Servant
John Stuart

Fort Loudoun 22 November 175
To His Excellency Governour Lyttelton

History, Letters,

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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