1759, May 5, Fort Loudoun


As j am incertain when j shall be relived, j have sent the Woman, that was the Care of the Store, to buy Some Necessares of Lift, by her j sent to your Excellency a test of jndian’s Baskets, and a Beaver’s Skin which j beg you will accept, and if any thing Else Cover these Mountains & is agreeable to you, j shall be obliged to you to send me your Orders, and j shall do my best Endeavour to get it.

as Every Thing is quiet now in these Parts j have wrote to Lieut. Coytmore to not send men here for fear to disoblidge the jndians, till he should hear further from your Excellency, and in case j should hear of the approach of the Enemy j would sent for them, besides as Carriage for Provisions is very heavy on the Publick, and Some time very difficult, j a afraid that Some time or other, we should be in want having great Number of Men here. J shall allways thought that the Certificates of the People whom your Excellency approved of had been Constantly accepted, til the other Duy when four of them were Sent back again to me and a imagined they were as good as the Bank j did take them to make Payments in Town. J refer to Dr. Matin, and Dr. Richadrdson whether they could get any Linguster, except at 25 pds. Or month, and Even had ones, they get from the Traders 15 pds. Pr. Month and leave to load a Horse, and that j employ is the best Linguistor in the Nation, therefore j must be of your Excellency to take my case in Consideration or else j must be intirely ruined.

j was complaining Some time ago to Docr. Anderson that my Eyes began to fail me, and that j could not read nor write by candle light, and wished that j could get Some Bod to assist me in writing, he told me there was a Soldier at Keowee of my Brother’s Company, that could write very good hand. Accordingly j did write to Liet. Coytmore, that j should be obliged to him if he would send me that Man and j would Send an other in his Room, but he has wrote me word, that he did not like much to write himself, and that he employs him to that porpos. J shall infinitly obliged to you, if you would procure me such Person.
J am with Respect.

Your Excellencys

Most obedient
and most humble Servant

Paul Demere

Letter from Capt. Paul Demere to His Excellency Wm. Henry Lyttelton at War

Fort Loudon 2 May 1759


Rec’d. May 19, 1759

History, Letters,

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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