Leonard Enos Todd of Oakville CT

Leonard Enos Todd9, (Dwight E.8, Leonard7, Ely6, Jonah5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born May 10, 1880, in Woodbridge, New Haven County, Conn., baptised Nov. 24, 1881, in Christ Church Parish, Bethany, Conn., married May 24, 1917, Grace Lavinia Ingraham, in Christ Church, Bethany, the same Parish Church where he had been baptised, confirmed and ordained. He received his early education in the district schools of Woodbridge. Prepared for college at Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn., from which he graduated in 1900. Graduated from Yale in 1906. Entered Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn., in the Fall of 1906 and graduated in 1909. Was ordained Deacon in the Episcopal Church by Bishop Brewster, June 2, 1909, in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Middletown, Conn. Was ordained Priest in Christ Church, Bethany, Conn., by Bishop Brewster, of Conn., Sept. 19, 1910. From Aug. 1, 1909 to Aug. 1, 1911 he was Curate in church of the ascension, Fall River, Mass. On Sept. 15, 1911 he took up the work in Oakville, Conn., at that time being a mission under St. Johns Church, Waterbury, Conn. After having been there for a few years, the mission became an independent parish and he became its first Rector, it being named All Saints Church. Since 1911 he has resided in Oakville, Conn., and helped build up the Parish.

2559. Catherine Emma, b. Oct. 29, 1918.
2560. Leonard Frederick, b. May 27, 1920.



Todd, George Iru. Todd Family in America. Gazette Printing Company. 1920.

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