Biography of Homer G. Patterson

Homer G. Patterson is a leading member of the Idaho legislature, representing Blaine County, and is a prominent practitioner of dentistry in Hailey. Dentistry may be said to be almost unique among other occupations, as it is at once a profession, a trade and a business. Such being the case, it follows that in order to attain the highest success in it one must be thoroughly conversant with the theory of the art, must be expert with the many tools and appliances incidental to the practice of modern dentistry, and must possess business qualifications adequate to dealing with the financial side of the profession. In all of these particulars Dr. Homer George Patterson is well qualified, and therefore has attained prestige among the able representatives of dentistry in southern Idaho.

He was born in Ontario, St. Joseph County, Indiana, October 4, 1862. The family is of Scotch origin and the original American ancestors were colonial settlers of New York and participants in the events which formed the early history of that state. Among those of the name were also members of the American army who fought for the independence of the nation. James H. Patterson, the father of our subject, was born in the Empire state and married Miss Wealthy J. Foster, a native of Michigan. When a young man he removed to Indiana and there followed the trade of carriage and wagon maker. Later he went with his family to Iowa, and subsequent-ly removed to Montgomery County, the same state.

The Doctor is the eldest in a family of five children, four sons and a daughter. The family circle yet remains unbroken by the hand of death, and the parents are now residents of Portland, Oregon. Our subject was a child of seven years when they went to Iowa, and a youth of nine when they located in Montgomery County, Iowa. He was educated in the public schools and read medicine in the office and under the direction of Dr. J. B. Hatton. He afterward went to Oregon, where he studied dentistry in the office of Dr. Wise, of Portland, and in 1882 he went to California, where he continued his preparation for the profession. In i88g he opened a dental office in Bellevue, where he remained until 1896, when he came to Hailey, where he has since made his home. He has a well appointed office and from the beginning has met with gratifying success, his patronage constantly increasing.

In 1882 occurred the marriage of Dr. Patterson and Miss Nettie J. Orr, a native of Illinois, and their union has been blessed with four daughters and a son, namely: Bessie, Lena, Roy, Lora and Irma. The parents are members of the Christian church, but as there is no congregation of that denomination in Hailey they attend the services of the Methodist church. Their pleasant home is characterized by a charming hospitality and is the center of a cultured society circle.

The Doctor belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America and the Ancient Order of United Workmen. In addition to his professional interests he has several placer-mining claims, and in partnership with F. M. McDowell leased the Niagara silver mine on Boyle Mountain. They have uncovered a vein of excellent ore a foot thick, which will undoubtedly make the mine a paying one. In his political views Dr. Patterson is a “silver” Republican, and on the fusion ticket he received a flattering majority for the office of state representative. He served in the fifth session of the Idaho legislature and his course indicated his loyalty to the best interests of the County and the commonwealth. He was appointed by the governor a member of the state dental board, and by said board was elected its president. Through the work and influence of Dr. Patterson the state dental law was adopted.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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