Bennet, Nathaniel J. – Obituary

Nathaniel J. Bennet, father of Mrs. A. B. Lee of Redstone township, died Monday night [March 19, 1929] of old age. Mr. Bennet has been in failing health since away along last summer and has steadily been growing weaker. He was 70 years, 2 months and 27 days old at the time of his death. He had always been a very active man and had never been sick a day in his life until last summer.

Mr. Bennet has resided on the farm west of town for a number of years, coming here from Iowa some fifteen years go, and has resided here since, with the exception of a couple of short periods when he lived upon and proved up on a claim at Wolf Point, Montana.

Funeral services were held from the home of A. B. Lee, in Redstone township, yesterday afternoon at two o’clock, conducted by Rev. H. C. Crellin of the Congregational Church. Interment was made in Pleasant View Cemetery.

The sympathy of all goes out to the Lee family in this time of sorrow.

Contributed by: Shelli Steedman


Collection: United States Obituaries.

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