Biography of Emereth E. Luse

EMERETH E. LUSE. A prominent and old-established real estate man of Anderson, Mr. Luse has been identified with this city in a successful and public spirited manner for many years, and is numbered among the citizens who have been instrumental in helping promote many projects for the upbuilding and progress of this community. The firm of Luse & Hardie is the largest office for real estate and insurance in Anderson, and both members of the firm are well known and able business men.

Emereth E. Luse was born upon a farm near Elwood in Tipton County, January 5, 1872. William H. Luse, his father, was born in Franklin County, Indiana, February 17, 1846, and married Lucinda (Beeler) Luse, who was born in Wayne County this state, August 20, 1845. After their marriage the parents settled in Tipton County, where they remained until 1871, at which time they moved to a farm near the line of Madison County, but still later bought a farm of forty-five acres just outside the corporate limits of the city of Elwood, which has been their home ever since. This is an extremely valuable farm, is excellently well improved and has furnished a delightful and profitable homestead to the family. The older Mr. Luse is a Republican, and was a Union soldier in the Civil war, has always taken a lively interest in local and state politics, though he This never sought or held office.

Mr. E. E. Luse spent his early boyhood on the Tipton County farm, and was a student in the district schools there until moving to the vicinity of Elwood, when he entered the high school of that city and graduated with the class of 1893. After that he taught school in Benton County, this state and was clerk in a clothing store and dry goods store, an occupation which he followed until 1902.

Moving to Anderson in the latter year, Mr. Luse was appointed Deputy County Treasurer under T. L. Dehority and continued in that relation during the two terms, or four years, during which Mr. Dehority was treasurer, and then succeeded and held the same office under Mr. George F. Quick, the succeeding treasurer of the County. In 1910, Mr. Luse formed a partnership with Henry P. Hardie, under the firm name of Luse & Hardie, and opened offices for real estate and insurance business, handling both city and farm property. By their large acquaintance throughout the County, and by enterprising business methods, they have advanced their firm to the leading one of its kind in the city of Anderson. Mr. Hardie, the other partner, is postmaster at Anderson at this writing.

On March 20, 1900, Mr. Luse married Miss Edith M. Jones of Elwood, who was originally from Pennsylvania and subsequently became a resident of Madison County. Mrs. Luse was born in McKeesport, Pennsylvania. Fraternally Mr. Luse is affiliated with the Elks Lodge at Anderson, and with the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 1. In politics he is a Republican, and he and his wife are active members of the Central Christian Church, Mrs. Luse being prominent in church circles, and especially the Ladies Aid Society. Mr. Luse is treasurer and prominent in the work of the associated charities of Anderson. The firm of Luse & Hardie have well equipped offices in the Neely Block, and Mr. Luse and family reside at 102 West Fourth Street.



Madison County IN,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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