Biography of Harlan W. Six

Harlan W. Six. To those who have never had an opportunity to visit a modern Illinois farm and watch its industries being carefully and methodically carried on, it would be an interesting and enlightening experience to take a vacation trip through the rich farming districts of Champaign County. They would find no better proof of intelligent, scientific cultivation of the soil and its marvelous effects in any section better demonstrated than in Ayers Township, where is located the finely improved farm of Harlan W. Six, who is one of the township’s representative citizens and trustworthy public officials.

Harlan W. Six was born in Bourbon County, Kentucky, October 21, 1861, and is a son of Presley H. and Mary E. (Palmer) Six. The father was born in Kentucky and the mother in Pennsylvania. They were married and resided in Kentucky until 1870, when they came to Illinois. The father was a farmer and before purchasing a permanent home decided to look over different sections. From 1870 until 1872 the family lived near Lincoln in Logan County, and then came to Champaign County, and here in 1877 Presley H. Six purchased eighty acres of land situated in section 33, Ayers Township. Subsequently 160 acres were added to the original purchase, and all of the land has been put under a fine state of cultivation. The modern two-story brick residence was built in 1910, and it is equipped with conveniences that make it an ideal rural home. Presley H. Six died on this farm on February 7, 1900, having been the father of two children, Harlan W. and Emma B., the latter of whom is deceased. She was the wife of Joseph Alexander. The mother resides with her son on the homestead.

After completing his public school education Harlan W. Six very naturally gave his father assistance on the farm, and as his tastes lie in this direction has made agricultural industries his main interest although he is additionally concerned with other enterprises and is vice president of the State Bank at Allerton, Illinois.

Mr. Six was married in August, 1897, to Miss Nellie Telling, who was born in Morgan County, and they have three children: Olga Helen, Harvey Presley and Palmer Telling.

In politics Mr. Six has always been a Democrat and long has been an influential factor in township politics. Aside from politics, however, he has been one of the earnest, hardworking men of this section through whose efforts better conditions along many paths have been brought about. During his two terms as supervisor the township greatly profited and as township school treasurer, an office he has filled for the past fifteen years, the school funds have been wisely handled. He is a leading spirit in a number of local organizations and his fraternal memberships include the Modern Woodmen of America and the Masons, being a Knight Templar in the latter. He is a man of genial personality and even temperament, and his friends may be found everywhere.



Stewart, J. R. A Standard History of Champaign County Illinois. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago and New York. 1918.

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