Biography of Peter Peterson

Peter Peterson. For many years the late Peter Peterson was a resident of Champaign, was a quiet and industrious business man, acquired considerable property and made his name influential and honored in this community.

A native of Sweden, Mr. Peterson was born in 1848. He was twenty-one years of age when he left his native land and came to America in 1869, soon afterward locating in the city of Champaign. He had received his education in Sweden and was well fitted for a life of activity. He engaged in the dray and transfer business at Champaign, and conducted that actively for nearly forty years. He was in the full vigor of his powers almost until the last, and his death occurred in Champaign in August, 1909.

He was married in 1871, at Champaign, to Marian Christina Olson. She was born in Sweden and came to Champaign in 1870. Mrs. Peterson is still living, but an invalid and has lost the power of speech. She has one of the comfortable homes of Champaign, owns considerable property, and her constant attendant in her declining years is her daughter, Mrs. Sophie J. Parr. The only son of Mrs. Peterson, Charles J. Peterson, lives in Chicago, Illinois.

Mrs. Sophie J. Parr was born in Champaign. She is a highly educated woman and has long been identified with public school work in Champaign. She graduated from the University of Illinois in 1893, and for sixteen years has been a successful teacher. For the last three years she has been principal of the Colonel Wolfe School at Champaign. Mrs. Parr is the widow of the late Louis J. Parr, who was a successful architect and practiced during his active life in Peoria, Illinois. He was graduated valedictorian of his class from the University of Illinois in 1897. Mr. Parr died in December, 1907. Mrs. Parr has two children: Harold Leslie and Marie Christine, both at home with their mother. The late Mr. Parr was an active member of the Congregational Church.


Stewart, J. R. A Standard History of Champaign County Illinois. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago and New York. 1918.

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