Biographical Sketch of Harshbarger, C. M.

Harshbarger, C. M. County Clerk, first came to Russell in the fall of 1870. He engaged in farming which occupation he still follows. He owns one-half section of land, raises stock and cultivates about 110 acres of his farm, was elected County Clerk in 1873, and by re-election has held that office ever since, excepting from 1878 to 1880, (one term.)

During the interval he was out of above office he was Township Trustee. He is the first settler in Russell County, and located on the first land by a squatter’s right. He has seen many of the variations in pioneer life on the Great Plains.

He was born in Spencer County, Ind., in 1841, moved to Keokuk County, Iowa with parents in 1850, where he lived until he came to Kansas. He was raised on a farm, consequently continues an interest in that substantial occupation.

He enlisted in 1861, in Company K, Second Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and participated in all the battles of his command; mustered out in July 1865, was married in 1876, to Miss E. J. Haling, a native of Fayette County, Iowa. They have four children; Charles B., Selma C., Clara E. and Grace A. He is a member of Russell Lodge No. 119, I. O. O. F. Deputy Clerk of the District Court for the past two years.



Andreas, A. T. History of the State of Kansas. Chicago, Illinois: William G. Cutler. 1883.

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