Tonawanda Reservation Map and Occupants, 1890

Tonawanda Reservation Map, 1890
Tonawanda Reservation Map, 1890

The Tonawanda Reservation, in the counties of Erie, Genesee, and Niagara, New York, as originally surveyed in 1799, and as reserved by the treaty at Big Tree, covered 71 square miles. Coincident with a treaty between the United States and this band of Seneca Indians, March 31, 1859, promulgated November 5, 1859, the claim of the Ogden Land Company was extinguished, and the present reservation limits embrace 7,549.73 acres, lying partly in each of the counties of Erie, Genesee, and Niagara.

One heavy dirt road, almost impassable in the spring or an ordinarily wet season, runs out from the center of Akron, sending a fork into the reservation at a distance of more than 3 miles. A second road, running northeasterly from Akron, enters the reservation at a distance of about 25 miles, at the point where the West Shore railroad enters the reservation, as indicated on the map. Up to this point the road is very well maintained. Half a mile from this point lies a triangular piece of land, which is occupied by the Indian Baptist Church, the Indian Methodist Church, an old council house, schoolhouse No. 2, and the new house of Eliza, with of David Moses, a chief of the Wolf tribe, and a prominent member of the christian party.

From this central triangle 3 roads take their departure. The first runs northwest, leaving the reservation by a bridge across Tonawanda creek, near the canal feeder. The last farm on the left, one of the best on the reservation, belongs to an elder in the Indian Presbyterian Church, and a man in high repute. The road running, southwardly from the central triangle passes off by the southeastern corner of the reservation into the town of Pembroke by “Indian Village”. The third road from the triangle runs almost parallel with the railroad through the reservation to Alabama Center. Reference is made to the map for the crossroads, all of which are poor, and some of which are mere trails through woods and brush.

About half this reservation is under fence, but as a rule the fences, except on the main roads diverging from the center, are not well maintained. New houses and new roofs indicate improvements in many quarters. The same maybe said of the Onondaga, but not as emphatically as of other reservations. The number of acres cultivated by the Tonawanda, Indians during the census year was 2,200, but nearly as large an acreage, or about 1,700 acres, has been cultivated by the white lessees, or on shares.

The northeastern portion of the reservation, marked as public domain, is covered with brush and small timber. Nearly all the land of the reservation, except about 500 acres, can be farmed, and the supply of water is abundant. Some portions are swampy, but not low, and when drained will be most profitable and fertile. Improvidence in the early years of settlement wasted valuable timber, but the supply for fencing and fuel is adequate.

Tonawanda Reservation Occupants in 1890

We have carefully copied the names listed on the map in hopes it will provide a better record but also help you in your search for ancestors.

Section A – Red
Niagara and Erie Counties

Cultivated Tract Called the Green Farm
Erie County
James Hatch
Mary Wilson
Bill Fish
Moses Ground
Charles Ground
Betsey Jonnyjohn
Hattie Scroggs
Mary Scrogg
Barber Abram
Lewis Hotbread
Charles Hotbread
J Kirby
Maria Jones
Schoolhouse #3
Thomas Jones (Genesee County)
Warren Sky (Genesee County)
Peter Snyder
Willie Snyder
Charley Stone
Wm Cooper
Thomas Sky
Eli Moses
Wm. Poodry
Geo. Hotbread
D. Laughlin

Section B – Blue
Erie and Genesee Counties

Eliza Parker
Emma Stone
Nancy Stone
Wm A. Nick
Lyman Billy
Charles Johnson
Council House
George Hatch
Jacob Hatch
Lafayette Snyder
Harvey Carpenter
Hiram Jones
James Sky
Presbyterian Church
Charles Bigfire
Louisa Snyder
George Moses
Samuel Bluesky
Charles Johnson
Olive Taylor
Amos Infant
Baseball Grounds
Sarah Scrogg
Mary Sky
Emeline Ground
Chauncey Lone
John Billy
Chauncey Abram
Charles Blackchief
Wm. Mason
Eliza George
John Peter
Isaac Doctor
Jacob Billy
Herman Blackchief
Clinton Moses
Asa Sky
Oliver Parker
Widow Jones
David Billy
Elam Sky
Otto Parker
Newton Sundown
Fred Doctor
Methodist Church
Stephen Sky
Jimmy Sky
John Doxstarot
Sally Smith’s Heirs
Old Council House
Baptist Church
Schoolhouse #2
David Moses
E. Moses
Old Fair Ground
Frank Doctor
C. Doctor (vacant)
F. Doctor (vacant)
Jimmy George
Nancy Moses
Ely Johnson
Isaac Sundown
Caroline Parker
Henry Spring
Chas Kennedy
Peter S. Smith & Louisa Sundown
Sarah Hill
Willie Peters
Wm. Hill
Jimmy Johnson
John Black
James Shanks
Mary Doxstator & Samuel Poodry
Lucy Doxstator
Addison Charles
Mary Shongo
Isaac Hill
Lucinda Silver
Sarah Doxerty
Moaca Carpenter
Charles Silver
Jessie Hill
Newton Smith

Section C – Orange
Genesee County

Milton Abram
Site of Ancient Council House
William R. Moses
Alex Snyder
Howard Hatch
Julia Smith Abram
Amos Snyder
Lucy Parker
Billy Snyder
Mary Blackchief
Erastus Printup
Harriet Bennett
Levi Parker
Mary Marlin
School House #1
Robert Moses
Wm. Strong
Thomas Poodry
Andrew Ground
Sol Spring
James White
Charles Shanks
Proposed Farm School
Edward M. Poodry’s Farm
John Griffins Farm
Ulysses Griffin

Section D – Green
Genesee County

Frank Doctor
Jacob Reuben
Henry Infant
Lucy Johnson
Wm. Hill
Jessie Hill
Jennie Moses
Hannah Hill
Charles Clute
Old Site of Council House
Mary Jimerson
Daniel Fish
Parker Estate
Maria Parker & Freddie Parker
Herbert Johnson
John Printup
Electa Thompson
Widow & Jno. Kennedy
Nancy Reuben
Jas Miller
J. Brooks
Peter Snow
Wallace Jimerson
Jane Hill
Jonathan Jimerson
Marshall Printup
Phoebe Moses
Philip Moses


Department of the Interior. Report on Indians Taxed and Indians not Taxed in the United States, Except Alaska at the Eleventh Census: 1890. Washington DC: Government Printing Office. 1894.

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