Biographical Sketch of Harry H. Putnam

After months of travel in the United States looking for a business opening, Harry H. Putnam, contractor and builder of Redwood City, chose California as the state offering the most to the newcomer. He then spent two years deciding beyond a doubt that the peninsula offered him more opportunities than any other place in the state and that for one in his line, Redwood City was the logical place to locate.

Since coming to Redwood City, Mr. Putnam has developed a large contracting and building business. He has erected 10 homes in the Redwood Highlands district alone and his contracts for houses and other structures are strung along from Redwood City to San Jose. A number of the attractive places in Stanford Park are being built by Mr. Putnam.

Mr. Putnam came west after considerable experience in building and contracting lines. He was in business in Omaha for several years, where he built a number of homes.

Harry H. Putnam is a native of Nebraska and was born on May 28, 1885. After graduating from the Omaha High School, he took a course at the University of Nebraska. He was married at Omaha on September 10, 1904. Mr. Putnam is a member of the Masons and the Woodmen of the World, and also a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Frat. He resides with his family at 712 Brewster Ave., Redwood City.



Alexander, Philip W.; Hamm, Charles P. History of San Mateo County from the Earliest Times: With a Description of Its Resources and Advantages: and the Biographies of Its Representative Men. San Mateo County, California: Press of Burlingame Publishing Company. 1916.

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